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Thread: Converting Naruto Fansub Files

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  1. #1

    Burning to DVD

    For the past week i have been trying to burn episodes 26-50 to dvd... but when it gets to 34 or 35 the sound and video become out of sync... also when i try to convert 34 and 35 to 720x480 it is getting cut off or compressed into a 9 minute 20 something secondstream that is completely useless... i have tried mutliple sets of software and they are pretty much come all to the same results... with exception of 1 piece of software.... it converted to the entire length but throught the entire file the sound is fast that the video but 2 or 3 seconds... can any help me with this .... also to note that i can watch ALL of the episodes in thier original 640x480, but in order to get them to display correctly with my dvd player i have to have them in 720x480.

    someone please help me... my butt is getting sore from sitting at my computer for so long watching these.

    to note i have run into episodes through all 220 that i have the same problem with.

    Moved to General Support. Please make the threads in the appropiate forum next time
    - Assassin
    Last edited by Assassin; Sat, 04-07-2007 at 10:36 PM.

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