Yeah, I got up to 6500 per bell, but unfortunately the score doesn't go passed 10 digits :(.Originally Posted by el_boss
Yeah, I got up to 6500 per bell, but unfortunately the score doesn't go passed 10 digits :(.Originally Posted by el_boss
This is fun to.
I'm number 2 on the top 10 list![]()
I find that a lot of ferryhalim games are pretty relaxing. Good art style, great music, whats not to love?
The only game that I LOATHE is that fucking apple game. God, it brings me to such unimaginable levels of frustration when I miss one goddamn apple
Found a game im enjoying to kill some time with
Aggresive alpine skiing
cant get the song out of my head >_<
This game is fucking awesome. Very abstract and simple, intuitive and beautiful. It's really pretty hard once you get to the second species.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
The 101 best free games of 2007
I love the music in this game!Originally Posted by masamuneehs
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Cheats for the game(to turn on cheat mode just press the ` key to the left of the 1 key)Originally Posted by masamuneehs
A => water turns orange
B => spawns these nasty lil snapper-thingys you cant kill. but the disappear after some time
C => the great "Cuiside"-Button! =) (you lose one of your segments on each time you press C. also you rise one level if you dont have any life-cells left in your body)
D => pentagonal C-thingys spawn (big mouth food)
E => pentagonal X-thingys spawn (grow food)
F => singlecell-food spawns
G => you grow. everytime you press G you grow like you ate one of the pentagonal x-thingys
H => you rise up to the first level
J => a singe-cell food-thingy spawns with a orange lifecell inside. this fills all your empty lifecells and then it transforms you into one of those circle-like creatures
K => a copy of your current body spawns and attacks you
P => dont know exactly what that does. it draws lines from all the bubbles that appear and disappear on the screen to the center of the screen. maybe some debug stuff.
S => zoom directly into the center of the level. (where the O of "flOw" is)
T => information about the game (time for each frame to render, frames per second and coordnets where you are located in the level)
Y => you descent down to the last level
left arrow => zooms out but keeps focus on your creature
right arrow => the oppersit thing. zooms in, keeping the focus on your creature
up arrow => you step one level deeper into space
down arrow => you rise up one level
R.I.P Captain America.
Thread merged with already existing one, Because it was many pages away as well required me two different searches to find the first thread no warning is given
This is a thread created to try find some good free (full F2P forever not just demos) games i'll post a few of my favorites
Albatross18: Season Two™
Set in the beautiful backdrop of a fantasy world where reality stops and magic abounds, Albatross18: Season Two™ presents a unique experience to the game of golf – mixing elements of classic golf play with the popularity of fantasy role-playing games.
Screen 1
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Screen 3
This is my personal favorite great fun when you have a few cans down ya and a TS2 / Vent channel full of people playing
Rumble Fighter
Rumble Fighter™ is an online Beat'em up allowing up to 8 players to battle it out in simultaneous, multiplayer action. Using the Exocore* and Sacred Scrolls** will allow much more dynamic action through the ability to transform and morph
*ExoCore is an item allowing players to transform their characters (Overdrive Mode) to a stronger fighter. Players can hold a maximum of 2 ExoCores at once. Players can take advantage of 2 special skills each ExoCores possess.
**The Sacred Scroll is an item allowing players to transform the character's action by giving the special martial arts power each Martial Arts Scroll possesses.
The game is just out of beta and still has a few bugs to be worked out and connect times can be quite long but it is quite fun.
It has a sort of Powerstone™ feel.
Tales of Pirates
Typical MMORPG stuff set in the world of Pirates
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Screen 3
I havn't really got that into this yet so i'll let ya know what i think when i get the chance but if someone else has an opinion of this game feel free to share it
(I had intended this for free full none web based flash games I should have been more specific but i shall trust in the infinite wisdom of the mods)
Last edited by GhostKaGe; Tue, 04-24-2007 at 09:52 AM.
How much do i suck with photoshop?
was The Next Hokage
rumble fighter looks pretty cool
ty psj for this sig
The beta of Rumble Fighter has ended and the servers are down, so it's not currently playable. It was pretty fun, but it's a little childish in the way that's it's drawn - much like Albatross, which I used to play as well. I've experienced most aspects of the game, and although there's not a whole lot to the game, I can say it's more than deserving of at least a look. Definitely not for everyone.
Granado Espada is also free, as far as I know.
My brother tried it out during a beta session and said it was pretty terrific, so it's definitely worth a check.
Here's a classic: MOTAS
The original game that inspired other point-n-click games like the Crimson Room, if you've heard of it. MOTAS is good because there're 19 levels (so far) and it consists of all sorts of frustrating puzzles and mysteries you need to solve in order to "leave" each level. Plus, the cookies'll remember which level you were playing in so you can leave and come back whenever you want.
Disclaimer: highly addicting. I am not responsible![]()
KitKat, where did you find this?! This has got to be the best flash game on the net. xD I went through and read the entire thing. Lmao the entire time. Haha xDOriginally Posted by KitKat
Between Big Red Button and MOTAS, I've wasted so much time.....
Edit: Could someone explain to me the neg rep I got stating : "hurrr".........
I'm not really mad, but it annoys me that you could at least leave a decent message........
Last edited by Lucifus; Tue, 04-24-2007 at 10:56 PM.
Yes! Mission accomplished!Originally Posted by Lucifus
hapland is pretty fun and it draws me in looking for a purpose.
played through the first species of the flow game. Is there a way to save it or to start at the 2nd evo 'casue its pretty late and i want sleep, but i also want to play as the 2nd evo later tomorrow.
i saved a unicorn
That Tales of Pirates is actually quite fun once you get into it and you really start exploring (Mind you, 2 maps and further, you get owned in one hit).
Another game you will probably get sucked into: Tontie!
Kinda like wack-a-mole, but with different twists each level. Make sure you interpret each pic before each level correctly!
This is a GREAT FREE GAME, based on the tower system from Warcraft.
Little Fighter 2:
Very fun. Even more fun when you network with your friends.
NANACA CRASH!!!!!! --> A one button game.