You know what's a lot harder to govern? A country where there is a substantial disparity between the number of men and women in an age group.

Specifically due to the socio-economic problems that result. The back room abortions or outright abandonment of girls, the inherent disgruntlement that happens when a noticeable portion of their population is unable to find a wife and the ensuing problems that result from that.

Not to mention this is nothing new. The rural areas have been allowing more than one child for a long time (especially if the first is a daughter), and Shanghai has been doing it for at least a decade. It's even pretty normal to allow two children if both of the parents were only children.

It would probably help if you didn't get your news from CNN, the shittiest of all news networks. The real question is China's policy change A Good Thing or a Bad Thing?
Most other news sites carrying this story mention the things I posted above.