Protests on the Brooklyn Bridge.
I would attend one of these protests. Reason for my decision, after putting the country into a economic crisis, having to be bailed by the government for over
700 Billion dollars and this is just the banking institutions, the only person that was sent to jail for all this was Bernie Maydolf and he only went to prison because he stole from the rich.
Essentially America you're paying for their mistakes. You're paying for all the homes that foreclosed; are foreclosing, will be foreclosed soon, you're paying for all the bonuses those business executives got and are getting, you're paying for the bailouts. You're children will be paying for it because the National Debt is constantly on the rise. And your children's, children will be paying for their mistakes if the current policies aren't changed. All the policies that protected us from this that were put in place by President Roosevelt were reversed by DICKHEAD Bush and his band of greedy men. There is nothing now in place to protect you from this happening again. And it will, because while you sit on your ass worry about making ends meet or just sitting on your couch watching reality TV, these same men and women are hard at work fueling their greed. No one is held accountable.
And for the rest of you out there if you think this doesn't affect you, you're wrong. Because this world is a global community; it has been for many years now. And America is the big Company that your country, your lives and the lives of your children and love ones are linked to in some way or the other. If it fails it will surely affect you in a lot worse way than you can ever imagine. There will be no market for China to make a profit off of. There will be no-one to come to your aid. As much as you hate the US you will know exactly how much you actually depend on the US.
If you have half a brain I suggest you all begin using it and stop being the sheep that you have been programed to be. Believe me you have, from what you buy, wear and even think. There has been a lot of research and censorship dedicated to it.
If you want a future you will have to fight for it. Because if you think things are bad right now you're in for a surprise.