For those of you who may be following international news, Canada had a national election yesterday. It's hardly the big news that the American election is, but this is what annoys me about it. Voter turnout drops to record low
What this news article doesn't mention is that a whole lot of people were turned away at the polls, because they didn't bring proper identification with their address. For a large number of students, we don't have ANY id with our current address because we move around so much. Another option is to get someone who does have sufficient id to vouch for you and swear under oath that you live there, but for for some of those people who had to wait up to two hours in line just to get in to vote only to be told they needed to go find a friend and come back, I'm betting they just left. It was a school day and a work day after all, and students don't have buckets of free time to throw around.
I didn't vote either. Does that make me a bad Canadian? I would have been fine if I'd only had to show up with some ID proving I'm a Canadian citizen, but I just moved into my current house a couple months ago and I have nothing official with my address on it. I also had classes all day, and my university is outside of the city. So voting would have meant finding someone who had proof of residence and dragging them with me on a half hour busride to the nearest polling station, and waiting in line with them for who knows how long, and then bussing home. Most of my friends had already voted by the time I got out of class. I just didn't feel like my vote was going to be worth enough to justify so much effort, and I had a lot of homework to get through (and let's be honest...doing my homework has a much more direct affect on my immediate future right now). Kudos to you Conservatives, for complicating the voting process so much for those most likely to vote against you, the students.