In case you haven't heard, Trump won the US election.
Dismay aside, I'm going to have fun* watching watching US politics for the next 4 years.
*(conditional requirement that I'm not Mexican nor female)
In case you haven't heard, Trump won the US election.
Dismay aside, I'm going to have fun* watching watching US politics for the next 4 years.
*(conditional requirement that I'm not Mexican nor female)
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Fuck you. Some of us live here.
And I'm an immigrant.
Who has said terrible things about this dude on the internet.
Seriously. How!?
Im so fucking happy![]()
The condescending and arrogant behavior of SJWs the last couple months was absolutely unacceptable (fuck Trumpīs victory is such a welcome "in your face!" that I cant help but feel utmost satisfaction.
He wouldnīt have been my choice for president, but I actually believe that he wonīt be that bad in terms of foreign politics.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I sure hope so. His vague ass plans in his victory speech don't inspire confidence...
Trump hasn't said much about anything, it's all we will see about his plans. Aside from the wall he will mysteriously make Mexico pay. Personally I don't think that much will ultimately change for us not living in the USA. At least not as much as some pitiful self-proclaimed experts over here are predicting in panic.
Unless he declares world war 3.
Lol. Although last night was a truly horrifying experience. I cannot help but feel vindicated because I have been saying this was going to happen all year and the people I talked to dismissed it as a possibility. Just too implausible even after he became the Republican nominee. I have learned to never question American stupidity especially when it concerns reactionary politics.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
Also, I planned to bet 10 Euro on a Trump-victory just for fun. Would have made 500 Euro ;/
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I'm not excited about Trumps' victory. Wouldn't have been to stocked about clintion's victory, but that would have signaled that things are going to continue as they are.
I don't trust Trump, as a person, I can't recall anything decent he has done, and everything I've read that he said makes him seem more and more like a vile person with zero sense of responsibility for his actions.
but he won. partly because many people were fed up with the sensationalist media building up the 'man(white, rich, bigot, rapist, evil) vs woman (not those things)' narrative and decided that both canididates are guilty of the crimes they're being accused with, so might as well go the person whose crimes are regular criminal behavior and not the kind that concerns national security.
anyway, now he's going to start appointing new justices, right? can some one elaborate on the process? how fast can it be done?
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
I had a good laugh with Trumps victory. Seeing all progresists in denial, cursing and swearing. I dont really care about what happens in the USA but all the west and OTAN media were so biased that this outcome came out as quite a funny thing. I truly didnt expect it (I bought all those forged and cooked polls).
I dont know what this will mean for united statians. From outside both seemed pretty similar to me. Colectivist interventionists. One seemd to go more towards progresism and internationalism and the other towards conservatism and nationalism.
By the way is Hillary going to jail for those emails? Is the issue that she created a vulnerability in the defense/security system?
The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom
I do not wish for Trump to be an awful US president. If the USA go down, it will benefit no one. And Europe certainly isn't able to mitigate anything if the USA go down the drain.
So even if he was portrayed as the bad idiotic guy, I wish the fact he is (was) a billionaire will show in how he can negociate openly with people/countries and how he can manage his country that also has such an influence over the world.
I'm never optimistic, so I wish things do not turn bad with that new president...
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
FBI has now twice said there was poor judgement, but no crime. The USA is not Russia, so I don't think the president can send a citizen to jail just because he feels like it. Also, it wouldn't really calm down disappointed voters and unify the country if he somehow had the losing candidate incarcerated. As far as Trump is concerned, Clinton should be meaningless from this point onwards.
I finally decided to read up about this email scandal thing. What a let down. I got the impression she was selling state secret or some crap on there from the way people were carrying on.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Right? And yet she lost to Trump, whose scandals were all spot on.
Is the US in such a state that you'd vote Trump in just to shake shit up? Personally I'd vote for Sanders, but Clinton was the more of the same politician who I would have voted for in his absence.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
It wasn't, but Trump wove a tale making it seem so. And apparently, many people believed him. Not the majority or even the most votes though. Hillary still won the popular vote IIRC. The electoral college thing is broken and needs to be fixed.
Not all Trump scandals were true. Thereīs no evidence of him having raped some girl. I always hate these bs accusations as NOBODY can prove or disprove rape after several years. It always reeks of smear campaign.
People leading a good life will tell you that, no, there was no inherent reason for shaking things up. Matter of fact is, however, that many countries in the world experience this kind of movement. See Brexit, see rise of the right wing parties in France, Netherlands and Germany. I hope, Merkel an Co. rather sooner than later realize that their politics have to change to accommodate for the millions of people currently unhappy. Otherwise, the far right will really take over and the world will be going into the shitter.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Well, there was evidence that Trump gave himself, which is his taped comment. It's not enough to convict him, however, so yes, he should not be treated as guilty. In the first place, the scandal wasn't that he raped anyone. The scandal was how a person who was running for the highest office could be so crass, sexist, and stupid.
In other words, be an average human being.
Tbh that video should have never been released. It was a private talk. If a president talks like that in public, THEN itīd be a problem. But in private? Let him shout "nigger" all day long, as long as it doesnīt show.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
Yes, and presidents aren't supposed to be average human beings.