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Thread: In the news today

  1. #2681
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    It was amusing that China used some very diplomatic words to describe the near-term future.

    In other words, "North Korea: While we're friends, and you're entering turbulence right now, do not mess with the status quo of the region. We wouldn't like a new war right on our doorstep, threatening our trade and growth."
    Not surprising at all. Like others said, it is a matter of societal change. Another factor is that South Korea would be ruined if refugees just started pouring in from the North en masse (I believe I have talked about this before); it would be like what happened in West Germany. I also seriously doubt the US would want to upset our great partners, South Korea and China. With this political and economic climate, that would probably do more harm than good. For now, we should probably just figure it will be business as usual.

  2. #2682
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I don't see how China would be upset by a westernized NK. It'd be another country to buy their products and grow economies through. And a prosperous and peaceful NK would lead to improved relations with SK and Japan too. It'd be win-win-win for the region. It would suck for video games and movies... one less nation to misrepresent as villains.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  3. #2683
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax View Post
    I don't see how China would be upset by a westernized NK. It'd be another country to buy their products and grow economies through. And a prosperous and peaceful NK would lead to improved relations with SK and Japan too. It'd be win-win-win for the region. It would suck for video games and movies... one less nation to misrepresent as villains.
    The problem is that it would cost way too much to bring North Korea to a "westernized" level. To basically prop up a whole nation during this downturn would create an instability that would likely push us over the brink into a deep depression. There would basically need to be a multinational coalition that would have to foot the bill to re-integrate north korea, and that would likely take a really long time.

  4. #2684
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    South Korea is a rich nation. It would surely tax them for years, but at the same time it would bring them lots of work as well. China would probably help a bunch as well, being right next to North Korea and having more money than they can imagine use for (since they can't imagine using it for the benefit of their own people). Above all, North Koreans are still Koreans. It's not like they would be getting millions of foreigners suddenly in, like could be the case if North Korea had been occupied by some third country all these years.

    Still, it would take a miracle for North Korea to open. It's not up to the leader alone; there's a whole power structure including the military brass that is very opposed to losing their privileges.

  5. #2685
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    South Korea is a rich nation. It would surely tax them for years, but at the same time it would bring them lots of work as well. China would probably help a bunch as well, being right next to North Korea and having more money than they can imagine use for (since they can't imagine using it for the benefit of their own people). Above all, North Koreans are still Koreans. It's not like they would be getting millions of foreigners suddenly in, like could be the case if North Korea had been occupied by some third country all these years.

    Still, it would take a miracle for North Korea to open. It's not up to the leader alone; there's a whole power structure including the military brass that is very opposed to losing their privileges.
    Ideally reunification would be a good thing, but there is also the issue that most North Koreans (compared to the rest of the world) are likely unskilled, have no idea of the technological advances of the last 60 years, have a vastly cloistered culture, and likely the mindstate that goes with that, and like I said, would be very taxing on the country it would reunify with; to the tune of a welfare program for 20 million people. I am sure there are ways it could be done, but I don't think it will happen soon.

    I mean, look at Germany. Their PM (who was an East German herself) says that the (cultural) unification is still incomplete even 20 years later. Also, East Germany, while culturally, politically, and economically different, shared a lot of commonalities along with a strong desire from its people to reunify (don't forget Die Wende). I think the government in NK is sadly smart enough to (literally and figuratively) keep people in the dark there so that they don't know the truth of the outside world. If people were ever able (which is a big IF) to access the internet or gain lines of communication, that would be the start of a revolution. Sadly, even that would be a very expensive undertaking and people would likely not believe it. This is, in a nutshell, what the world would have to, well, (re)habilitate.

    South Korea basically would be bringing in a bunch of foreigners. Yes, they are Korean, but those are not the same cultures anymore.

  6. #2686
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    South Korea is actually terrified of the collapse of NK for that very reason. Just as the responsibility was placed on west germany to reunite with east germany and take on their burden after their collapse, it would fall on SK's shoulders when NK inevitably implodes in on itself.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #2687
    Good for the South Koreans and anyone else who decides to help, then.
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  8. #2688
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn View Post
    South Korea is actually terrified of the collapse of NK for that very reason. Just as the responsibility was placed on west germany to reunite with east germany and take on their burden after their collapse, it would fall on SK's shoulders when NK inevitably implodes in on itself.
    I am saying that is why the status quo will likely remain (with Chna and the US offering millions in aid like they have been for al these years); any change in that equilibrium spells disaster.

  9. #2689
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bah. It's nothing by greedy South Korean buggers worrying they can't buy a new car every other year anymore or a new brand name purse every week that think it would be a disaster for South Korea. If it happened, however, they would get over it. Let's not forget South Korea itself was a miserable underdeveloped country no farther than a few decades ago. They clearly have what it takes to rise and rise fast. They seem to have more than enough national pride to realise they are one people and should be united.

    But then again, from my European perspective, I don't really know what I should be thinking following realpolitik. It could be better for Europe if Asia stayed weaker and divided by arguing amongst themselves.

  10. #2690
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Bah. It's nothing by greedy South Korean buggers worrying they can't buy a new car every other year anymore or a new brand name purse every week that think it would be a disaster for South Korea. If it happened, however, they would get over it. Let's not forget South Korea itself was a miserable underdeveloped country no farther than a few decades ago. They clearly have what it takes to rise and rise fast. They seem to have more than enough national pride to realise they are one people and should be united.

    But then again, from my European perspective, I don't really know what I should be thinking following realpolitik. It could be better for Europe if Asia stayed weaker and divided by arguing amongst themselves.
    I mean, that would be the ideal, to have one united country, but the North Korean story is quite different. I read an interesting article today about a possible way out of the mess that they are in. Whatever happens though, I am guessing there won't be any real re-unification effort in the short term, and I suppose that is a bit of realpolitk type thinking on my part. I really think it would be a disaster for both S. Korea and China in terms of refugee housing and immediate distribution of resources.

  11. #2691
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Bah. It's nothing by greedy South Korean buggers worrying they can't buy a new car every other year anymore or a new brand name purse every week that think it would be a disaster for South Korea. If it happened, however, they would get over it. Let's not forget South Korea itself was a miserable underdeveloped country no farther than a few decades ago. They clearly have what it takes to rise and rise fast. They seem to have more than enough national pride to realise they are one people and should be united.

    But then again, from my European perspective, I don't really know what I should be thinking following realpolitik. It could be better for Europe if Asia stayed weaker and divided by arguing amongst themselves.
    Their rapid growth is due to a lot of foreign investors (Saudi and other middle eastern countries make up the bulk of it, meaning oil rich fuckers that aren't taxed) and their unique housing system, most people live in apartment buildings whether it's rented or own.

    I'm more concern with my immediate surrounding NYC, it's become almost impossible to own a house with all the increase in taxes and bills. You take a shit you pay for it, and with a lot of the zoning violations and conversions of housing areas into apartment complexes; that's a lot of shit that the sewer systems wasn't designed to handle. To fix it you have to pay for it, when they dig up the roads you pay for it, when they fix the roads you pay for it.

    Also half of Manhattan is is basically owned by Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries; all of which has an American face for aesthetic purposes. But what can I say they have the oil, they have the money, they are willing to invest when Americans are holding on to their money ( I'm talking about the multi-billionaire here), the Government relaxed the laws so that basically they walk away almost tax free. All the while you're paying out the ass to take a shit in a house that is currently under valued because of the economic state. I'm glad I'm not that guy, but a lot of people are.

    I agree with Dennis Miller when he said; fuck it when it comes time to pay up, tell them we don't have it. what are they gonna do?

    But on topic, the world is greedy not just one country. Greed generates progress but what happens when progress has been bloated and falsify? Answer, the world we live in now. No one can stay on top forever Kraco, just ask your European brother Greece.
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  12. #2692
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    2,959 Has this happened to anyone else? And this is more what I was talking about.
    Last edited by rockmanj; Wed, 12-21-2011 at 02:56 PM.

  13. #2693
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj View Post
    And this is more what I was talking about.
    Pretty much exactly. It's a bit ignorant to shrug off the reunification of the country as something as simple as waiting an extra year for your brand new car or buy one less designer purse. (cough)

    Edit: By the way, we're talking about half the country piggy-backing on the other half, here. That's huge.
    Last edited by Assertn; Wed, 12-21-2011 at 04:18 PM.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #2694
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That's what it would be in practical terms, and surely those terms are what common people from the streets would be foremost thinking: How it would affect their own particular household's level of living and comfort. Obviously it would reduce their wellbeing a lot. However, as much misery as it would bring to the south, it would be an equal blessing to the north.

    But then again, I could also say Americans are ignorant of the feelings of nations that lost lots of land in WWII - since you guys only claimed more land for yourself. Since North Korea is so abnormal, it would be justified to say South Korea is the real Korea right now and the northern part is lost land.

  15. #2695
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Since North Korea is so abnormal, it would be justified to say South Korea is the real Korea right now and the northern part is lost land.
    I don't know too many Koreans that agree with that. They still would consider it a part of Korea, since a lot of those people are their family, but I do agree it is like a lost section of Korea.

  16. #2696
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Realistically if North Korea does collapse. While it would be a disaster, a lot of people are going to want to get that country under stable control both to maintain the peace and to take advantage of their rare earth minerals. You know those materials that enable you to have faster, smaller, smarter phones, North Korea has them and has been selling it to China as it's main export ( also currently the mines are not as successful as they should be). Their collapse affects China and from that the World. Which is why they were and still are given aid.
    Last edited by dragonrage; Wed, 12-21-2011 at 05:31 PM.
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  17. #2697
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    For the past couple of days, I've been following a story about emails sent between the PR of Ocean Marketing and a customer regarding the delay of shipment of the new Avenger controller. The emails start out as simple questions from the customer, and ambiguous responses from the PR guy, but quickly develops into full-scale insults and childish behaviour, mostly from the PR guy, who starts name-dropping "big name" companies/websites that will "back him up". Copies of the emails were forwarded to several of these websites, including Penny Arcade, where Mike Krahulik became involved... and from there it's internet history.

    Here are some articles about it: Penny Arcade (You have to scroll down to the post titled "Just Wow", Kotaku, and here's a hilarious Youtube video referencing several of the ridiculous comments from the emails.

    Also, I regard this as news because of how big the situation has grown, but if this post would be better suited for "The Internet", then please move it there and delete this sentence.

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  18. #2698
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Wow, that is crazy. Thanks for the share.

  19. #2699
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Haha.. I love how that guy just doesn't know when to stop.

    "Oh shit, this guy's a big fellow.. umm... let's piss him off even more!"

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  20. #2700
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    This caught my attention, while reading other things. why men need to cheat

    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

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