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Thread: In the news today

  1. #2561
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Factions would form among the armed civilians and then you'd have all-out war. The largest of the gangs would take control and they'd be no better than the drug gangs who run the country now. I think cyborg assassins are a better option, because you can always hit the kill switch to deactivate them. Of course, some nerds will create viruses to take control of the cyborgs and then they will rule the country and possibly the world.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  2. #2562
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The Mexican citizens should vote into power people who would establish death squads to fight the drug gangs. That would be more efficient than random civilians of no training, lacking equipment, and no sources of information (other than torturing random targets) going out on a witch hunt. It would also produce far less collateral victims and keep the civil war far more limited, though naturally it would also generate some of both. The real problem, as always, would happen after the war was finished (if it did), because such politicians with such a tool might not want to leave their seats of power anymore.

  3. #2563
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Protests on the Brooklyn Bridge.

    I would attend one of these protests. Reason for my decision, after putting the country into a economic crisis, having to be bailed by the government for over 700 Billion dollars and this is just the banking institutions, the only person that was sent to jail for all this was Bernie Maydolf and he only went to prison because he stole from the rich.

    Essentially America you're paying for their mistakes. You're paying for all the homes that foreclosed; are foreclosing, will be foreclosed soon, you're paying for all the bonuses those business executives got and are getting, you're paying for the bailouts. You're children will be paying for it because the National Debt is constantly on the rise. And your children's, children will be paying for their mistakes if the current policies aren't changed. All the policies that protected us from this that were put in place by President Roosevelt were reversed by DICKHEAD Bush and his band of greedy men. There is nothing now in place to protect you from this happening again. And it will, because while you sit on your ass worry about making ends meet or just sitting on your couch watching reality TV, these same men and women are hard at work fueling their greed. No one is held accountable.


    And for the rest of you out there if you think this doesn't affect you, you're wrong. Because this world is a global community; it has been for many years now. And America is the big Company that your country, your lives and the lives of your children and love ones are linked to in some way or the other. If it fails it will surely affect you in a lot worse way than you can ever imagine. There will be no market for China to make a profit off of. There will be no-one to come to your aid. As much as you hate the US you will know exactly how much you actually depend on the US.

    If you have half a brain I suggest you all begin using it and stop being the sheep that you have been programed to be. Believe me you have, from what you buy, wear and even think. There has been a lot of research and censorship dedicated to it.

    If you want a future you will have to fight for it. Because if you think things are bad right now you're in for a surprise.
    Last edited by dragonrage; Sun, 10-02-2011 at 03:06 AM.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  4. #2564
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrage View Post
    And for the rest of you out there if you think this doesn't affect you, you're wrong.
    You're talking to me? I live in a country far too much in debt already and running a deficit budget yet our bright politicians have committed us to paying the debts of other countries that never worried about money at all and are in so much debt that 300 years of economic growth wouldn't allow them to get out of it. And we pay their debts by taking more debt ourselves. Of course in reality this all is nothing but transferring taxpayer's money to the big banks, because the owners of the big banks are the politicians' best friends. As much as your situation must suck, at least you don't need to watch your money flow visibly and unscrupulously out of your country to benefit others. So, yeah, at least you can comfort yourself with the thought that much of Europe is in an even deeper shit than you are.

  5. #2565
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    There is no comfort in that thought my friend. And you're right I'm not going through what other people are. But I wasn't talking about an individual level. Like you have said it's affecting the country that you live in. What is being done about it, why are you just sitting back and watching?
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  6. #2566
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I voted a party that opposed aiding countries that had purposefully practiced disastrous financial politics as if there was no tomorrow to worry about. My own home country isn't yet in a hopeless position, but we are fast sliding in that direction, because the old parties still believe in neoliberalism even though that very system created this whole mess we are living in. The bloody thing became the new socialism that looks good on paper but in reality only creates more problems than it solves.

    Edit: Naturally the party I voted is in the opposition and not in power. Goes without saying...

  7. #2567
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrage View Post
    Protests on the Brooklyn Bridge.

    I would attend one of these protests. Reason for my decision, after putting the country into a economic crisis, having to be bailed by the government for over 700 Billion dollars and this is just the banking institutions, the only person that was sent to jail for all this was Bernie Maydolf and he only went to prison because he stole from the rich.

    Essentially America you're paying for their mistakes. You're paying for all the homes that foreclosed; are foreclosing, will be foreclosed soon, you're paying for all the bonuses those business executives got and are getting, you're paying for the bailouts. You're children will be paying for it because the National Debt is constantly on the rise. And your children's, children will be paying for their mistakes if the current policies aren't changed. All the policies that protected us from this that were put in place by President Roosevelt were reversed by DICKHEAD Bush and his band of greedy men. There is nothing now in place to protect you from this happening again. And it will, because while you sit on your ass worry about making ends meet or just sitting on your couch watching reality TV, these same men and women are hard at work fueling their greed. No one is held accountable.


    And for the rest of you out there if you think this doesn't affect you, you're wrong. Because this world is a global community; it has been for many years now. And America is the big Company that your country, your lives and the lives of your children and love ones are linked to in some way or the other. If it fails it will surely affect you in a lot worse way than you can ever imagine. There will be no market for China to make a profit off of. There will be no-one to come to your aid. As much as you hate the US you will know exactly how much you actually depend on the US.

    If you have half a brain I suggest you all begin using it and stop being the sheep that you have been programed to be. Believe me you have, from what you buy, wear and even think. There has been a lot of research and censorship dedicated to it.

    If you want a future you will have to fight for it. Because if you think things are bad right now you're in for a surprise.
    Wut. People woke up all of a sudden? Nice.

    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  8. #2568
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Oh look at that, someone advocating education before action. I fundamentally disagree with this guy when it comes to anarchy, but he has the right idea. Protesting without empowering knowledge of what to protest against and why to protest against it, is like a 3 year old smacking a rhinoceros with a sippy-cup.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  9. #2569
    Well its a movement that has been going troughout countries all over the world for more than 6 months. I think they jumped in too late but maybe this will refuel other movements that expired months ago, wich is always a good thing. I have to agree with lots of what that guy said in the video and our concept of democracy should be changed in its core. Anyway I still think that even if corrupts have to pay, corruptors should be buried in the sea.

    I like how it seems that a bunch of marines is willing to go to protect the protesters thats something new for me.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  10. #2570
    Haha people still think it was only a $700 billion bailout, it was much much more.

  11. #2571
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 10-05-2011 at 07:07 PM.

  12. #2572
    Goodnight Sweet Prince

  13. #2573
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    As much as I disliked the zombie horde feature of the Apple brand and Steve Jobs's holier than Jesus attitude, he was still a bloody successful businessman and thus worthy of respect. 56 is a low age to die in the developed world. He should have had a couple of decades more.

  14. #2574
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    I'm not an Apple fan, but he did a lot for this era, his innovation and execution is something to aspire too. Rest in peace Steve Jobs, thanks for everything.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  15. #2575
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Did he pass away after watching the new guy sink his company to the ground with false promises?

    That voice system is gonna fail, calling it right now.

  16. #2576
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    If you are complaining about the bailouts, you are ignorant. They weren't free money. They were loans, and the government has already recovered most of it, ahead of schedule.

    Bernie Madoff had nothing to do with the crash of 2009. The crash was due to banks giving out loans to people who were fundamentally not worthy of credit, making bad assumptions about their credit worthiness, and taking on debt in foreign markets, under the assumption that the domestic debt they own would pay off their foreign debt.

    If the government had not loaned the banks money, the banks would have defaulted on trillions of dollars of debt, which would have set off a massive economic catastrophe of unparalleled proportions.

    Don't mistake the causes of the crash with the cause of our economic decline. They are completely different things. Most importantly, America is in an economic decline because of demographics: middle aged and old people are about to retire in massive numbers. That would have caused inflation, since they would have all pulled their savings out of the capital markets at roughly the same time. An economic "crisis", like the crash of 2009 merely accelerates the process of demographic withdrawal of funds. Don't believe me? Consider that 60% of Americans were in the labor force in 2008, and that a third of them were due to retire in the next 10 years. That means that 40% of America would have to perform the labor that 60% of America used to -- that means that every American in the labor pool would have to do the work of 1.33 people so that we could all maintain our standard of living. A 33% increase in necessary effort, just to stand still!

    If you want to blame anybody, blame your grandparents for having too many kids, and your parents for not having enough to support them.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  17. #2577
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    If you are complaining about the bailouts, you are ignorant. They weren't free money. They were loans, and the government has already recovered most of it, ahead of schedule.

    If the government had not loaned the banks money, the banks would have defaulted on trillions of dollars of debt, which would have set off a massive economic catastrophe of unparalleled proportions.
    While you are correct in that the bailout was necessary, and we would have had a COMPLETE financial collapse had the loans not been given out, the problem here isnt that the money itself was lent out to the banks. The Fed did the right thing to prevent another Great Depression.

    The problem is that:

    1.) The fact in itself the Banks WERE too big to fail.
    2.) Many bankers responsible were allowed to keep their jobs, and were given the chance to pay back their loans. What frustrates Americans is that the average person is not given this opportunity to pay back debts at near 0% interest rates. The majority of the country has to suffer under crushing debt. The moral/fair course of action would have been to nationalize the banks and fire the heads responsible.

    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post

    Don't mistake the causes of the crash with the cause of our economic decline. They are completely different things. Most importantly, America is in an economic decline because of demographics: middle aged and old people are about to retire in massive numbers. That would have caused inflation, since they would have all pulled their savings out of the capital markets at roughly the same time. An economic "crisis", like the crash of 2009 merely accelerates the process of demographic withdrawal of funds. Don't believe me? Consider that 60% of Americans were in the labor force in 2008, and that a third of them were due to retire in the next 10 years. That means that 40% of America would have to perform the labor that 60% of America used to -- that means that every American in the labor pool would have to do the work of 1.33 people so that we could all maintain our standard of living. A 33% increase in necessary effort, just to stand still!
    The crash IS the cause of our massive unemployment. Demographics isnt a cause for demographic decline in this country (unlike China's current predicament). The matter of fact is that unemployment is worst for young people; if old people begin to retire, then that will be great news for the younger as well as rising work force. The retiring workforce would be replaced by an even larger workforce by your theory. We wont have to do the work of 1.33 people because we already have such stark unemployment, millions of people would love to pick up the slap. Work per person wouldnt decrease.

    The reason it will be tough to go back to 3-5% unemployment is a combination decades of our tariff policies, the fact that we've become a service sector economy, and the fact that income is ridiculously unevenly distributed.

    1.) Low tariffs and service economy are tied together: We have become a service sector economy, and with the crash and improving technology, we've suddenly realized that we dont need all so many people providing services when growth is no longer 3% per year. As for increasing manufacturing employment: since labor is so cheap in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, there is no way we will ever secure those manufacturing jobs back from them without either giving immense incentives to our businesses for hiring here or raising our tariffs so that it becomes a complete disadvantage for businesses to hire elsewhere. The problem for giving incentives is as I said, they would likely have to be extremely large. How is a $7 minimum wage going to compete with a $0.50 wage? Im pulling $0.50 out of my ass I'll admit, but do you honestly believe sweatshop kids are pulling dollars per hour? And if we increase tariffs, other countries may raise theirs in response, and import prices will rice. Not only that, but if it costs more to produce when paying workers higher wages, then product prices will rise dramatically, either raising the cost of living or foregoing extreme inflation. All this unless the business owner decides to take a hit for the team and pay the difference in wages out of his own pocket, rather than raising product prices to compensate for higher wages. Which brings me to my next point:

    2.) The disparity in income between the top 1% and bottom 99% have distorted demand and supply, as well as standards of living. When millionaires and billionaires hold the vast majority of wealth, dont pump that money into our economy but others, and rig debts/the system so that they retain most of the economic output, very little money will trickle down to the masses. Since the the majority of the country no longer has enough jobs or pay to spend leisurely on products, this curbs growth and demand. The government cant provide jobs because it doesnt have the revenues: Again, mostly because the wealthy pay lower tax rates while retaining most of the wealth. At the same time, large government spending in more services like medicine and social security dont help our employment situation too much, when that money could be used to be putting people to work or giving them sufficient education to provide more service sector jobs both locally and globally.

    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville View Post
    If you want to blame anybody, blame your grandparents for having too many kids, and your parents for not having enough to support them.
    I will agree with this to the extent that people who could not afford kids should not have had them or many in the first place, and that slowing down the population growth will help employment since we will no longer have manufacturing jobs, and there arent enough service sector jobs to go around.

  18. #2578
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Actually that's only part of the problem.

    We're just now starting to feel the effects of bad legislation created many years ago. There are argument on both side that blamed and defended Jimmy Carter's CRA, but ultimately no one can deny that it created an environment that allows banks to make bad loan. A Corporation is by nature an entity that strive to maximize profit and minimize cost, so you really shouldn't create a bunch of loop holes that allows for them to make a ton of money and get away with it then expects for everyone to not abuse it.

    Ultimately, i don't understand the point of this protest and it seems like a lot of them really don't know what they want. There is simply nothing anyone can do to "fix" the economy. Rallying and asking the government to fix the problems when they created it by interfering in the first place just seems really counterproductive.

    You can put the blame on all the bank executives and send them to jail.

    Then what? another feel good solution? giving the politician another card they can play come next election? They're not realistically at fault, at least not in the way that most of these people thinks. Rising in protests and rallies when you really don't know what to fight for is worst than doing nothing at all. Those civil right activist in the 60's? they were single minded in their fight and know EXACTLY what they wanted to strive for and that's why it was successful. You can't seem to get more than 3 of these protesters together and get them to give the same answer as to what they want. The only thing worst than a fool is a fool with a mission.

  19. #2579
    While I agree its stupid to have a protest without a concise cause and good leadership (i.e. this stupid protest) there is a solution as i mentioned before, although highly unlikely to ever happen because of our fear of "soshulism" and lack of actual leadership. Nationalize the banks, start giving out more loans to U.S. business at lower interest rates (the near 0% interest rate is for banks, not common people). Then get growth going. Adding a large stimulus (thats not bullshit half tax rebates/cuts...and much larger than $700 billion) for jobs in infrastructure, education, and spending would spur our demand and and get things moving again. At the same time, more spending would have to mean more cuts, which would be in areas the American people will be anal about, i.e. military, social security, and medicare.

  20. #2580
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    You can put the blame on all the bank executives and send them to jail.
    If I was a dictator, I would let the banks collapse. Because if they knew they could, they actually wouldn't. Now the banking industry is spared from the basic concept of a venture, and they know it full well. Any other company would simply disappear after a bad choice, but banks won't be allowed to and thus they pump money into senseless targets, knowing they are safe one way or another. If their plans fail, the executives know their best friends the neoliberalistic politicians will save their miserable skins.

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