do these base girls look? Are you given any prior notice, or do they just tell you to show up at a certain time and place? And Abdula had another avatar? I dont remember it.. do these base girls look? Are you given any prior notice, or do they just tell you to show up at a certain time and place? And Abdula had another avatar? I dont remember it..
Ignoring the Abdula arguement that has nothing to do with the point of this thread.Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
Well, if its upsetting you that much, I'd say tell them that your not interested in anything like that right now. If they insist on continuing, then you bach their heads in and leave them for the vultures in Gaza lol.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Man I haven't been on this thread in a while. I have a lot to talk about. But for the sake of taking up everyones time on one post, I'm going to spread it out in a couple of posts. I recently got into the whole Facebook thing. It's not bad after you meet people you actually know and get a decent network going. I hated it for while though. Anyway. My best buddy (who is awesome with the ladies and recently became single) told me to give it a shot and see if I could find any girls on there in my area I could get to know. So I did. Well long story short he found me a really hot girl who would totally be my type (like I said he's a good friend) well the girl sent me a friend request and started talking to me on the chat. That was Thursday night. Now I don't know what to do about it. Everyone I ask says I shouldn't talk to her that much and just let time go by for a few days then get back to her and ask her to something. The way she looks is kind of messing with my head. I'm thinking I'll just play it cool and not come on too strong.
Geez...this is a bit annoying. So about a week and a half ago I hook up with this chick ( a friend of a girl 2 of my friends went on 1 date with each, and they both hate her, pretty much)...anyway, I didn't bolt out after, and we actually talked for hours afterward and then went to breakfast, and she kept emphasizing that she really wanted to keep in contact, and liked me, blah, blah...Cut to Friday, after talking and texting all week, and she had convinced me to come see her (which I really shouldn't have, because I had to work Saturday morning). And, as the bus arrives to the area where she lives, she sends a text saying that she has a next time, blah blah (WTF??!!) , and then refuses to answer her phone or any subsequent messages.
And my plan B later that night fucked up too....i'm pretty sure whats going on, but its so stupid...chicks here love to lie instead of tell you what's really happening. Therefore, my friend (also having troubles) and I have decided to play fire with fire, and start treating these women without dignity they way the do us. I mean, its only fair, right?
I went with my cousin and his friend yesterday night, for a car trip. He neglected to tell me that the driver was 16 and didn't have a drivers license(didn't know this until later, yes, he seemed older than he was). Anyway, he seemed to know what he was doing so I thought it'd be fine. Up until we were 2 cm from the railing on one side of the road in 150 km/h that is. At one point I asked him: "You know where those photobox(not sure what they're called in English) things are, right?" and he's like "lolol yes ofc".
140 km/h in a 60 zone. Not that it's a problem for me though, but that was kind of stupid. This is where the post goes into relationship instead. I mainly went with them because I knew we'd be visiting this really hot 15-16 year old girl. She's home for several weeks at a time alone, so she often lets them in at night. Oh and she made us food, is cute, has braces, is very cute. Anyway, she seemed really nice and everything, I talked a little with her, not much though, but just as much as everyone else.
And then she implies "Ok, I was slightly annoyed when you came, but now that you're here, you might as well stay"(to everyone that is). But my cousins friend is driving the car, so I don't really have a say in this. Then he says:
"Oh well, PES 08 is waiting for us, lets bounce lol" So we head home, I hardly know her name, and I'm leaving for three weeks to a place on a small halfisland(or whatever it's called) to build a house with my family. No internet connectivity, almost no phone either, living in a caravan(sp?)(it's called camping wagon in Norwegian, you probably get what I mean) And in order to meet her again I'll have to join them again I guess, and I'm not sure I want to. Or I could just stop by anyway, or get her phonenumber. Her house is like a 10 minutes to walk from here. I kind of regret not just staying there in the first place, but that wouldn't work well, considering my cousin was staying at my house that night. I really don't know.
go to her place, right now.
Prepare what you are going to say to her though, don't come across as some creepy guy.
edit: fucking retarded and didn't see that the above post was weeks ago. fucking subscribed threads FTL.
can't believe i'm going to say this, but,
i agree with darkshadow. go back out there and talk to her a bit. it's going to be awkward, because if you're going back out there just to talk, she'll know right away that you're into her. so be ready to get slammed. but, better to try and lose than never try and always be a loser. just tell her that you think she's cool, that you'd like to hang out sometime maybe, and that you wanted to get in touch with her somehow. don't look to hang around too long. just go, say what you have to say, get the digits, and say, 'alright, see ya'
masa was an idiot and got involved with someone (a guy? a girl? can you guess?) during work orientation. now, getting involved with someone from your company is a bad idea anyway, but we're the same age, the same position, just different postings. so all we had was one week of training together. i could tell i had a bit of a head-case on my hands, but i felt almost responsible after feelings started coming out, like i wanted to help, ya know?
so, yeah, we talk on the phone a bunch of nights over the past two months, but we're a 4 hour train ride (and $150 train ticket, each way) away. but, of course, i'd said during training that i'd visit. we weren't in a relationship. i made it clear, if i can't see you often, i'm not staying exclusive, especially not for someone i've only known a week. but how we were talking on the phone, and from what i was told, it was almost like we were still in a relationship anyway.
so i coughed up the dough to visit up near Tokyo, and, well, it was fucking garbage. i felt almost no chemistry, and our personalities really clashed. i'm not a party animal, but, on a weekend, with a festival going on in town, and i've traveled, i don't really expect to sit around doing just about nothing the whole time.
so, hundreds of dollars later, i'm back in my town, and i'll be laying low for the next week or so simply because i need to save up money again. still, it was good to get it done, and much better than going for months with a pseudo long distance relationship only to discover at the end that it'd never work out.
so, yeah, once again, if you can't be there with a person, it's not worth being in a relationship.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Yeah, reality is better anyway.
Masa shows a part of the thing: Get Real the quickest you can.
At first you may be shy, unsure, you may have doubts and so on. But the rule of thumb is: do not decide for the other party!
You never know what the other party thinks about you so go ahead and try! Being stuck in fear of the judgment of the other party is the worst case scenario. Moreover, who are to to think you're superior enough to know what will happen and what someone else thinks...?
Really, when you ask, with dry mouth, unsure and so on... these are amongst the best moments you'll ever experience in your life. Do not pass the chance, try for yourself. That moment when everything is possible, when you're on the edge... well that's really incredible.
And no matter what experience you have, each time, when it counts at least, it's the same excitment and fear you have to overcome.
But always: the sooner the better. Following that rule, Masa would have spared something like 300 bucks that could have been used in nice meals with another girlbut at least it was experience, not that bad I'd say.
Really, for the ones filled with fear, you really never know what others think about you and how they see you. So "Just Do it"
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.