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why not go by the Dunken Donuts every now and then? Maybe don't hang out there, as that's pretty desperate, but if you think she might be there and you want to see her, you can casually bump into her. Leaving it up to chance is fine, but if you can increase your chances a bit, why the hell not?
More importantly, what's her friend's deal with not wanting you to get with her? Bad female opinions can kill a man.
Your're probably going to get burned on the lie eventually, if you keep this chick around. She'll hear from someone else or you'll just muck up one day. You'll probably just have to suck it up and tell her, making sure to explain that you were afraid she'd not want to 'hang' with you if you told her your honest age. Some people find that kind of shit 'cute/adorable', others think it's pitiful and sleazy. Hope she's the former.