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Thread: Terra defeats your privacy part 302: The Relationship (& luv) Thread

  1. #101
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    So my "girlfriend" is here right now. I honestly don't know if we're together or not.

    All I know is that she's here, will stay here for a week, and that the schedule consists of watching movies, having sex and drinking pepsi max.

    I can cope with that.

  2. #102
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Wouldn't it just be better if you did the second thing the entire week?..........

    R.I.P Captain America.

  3. #103
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    The second thing? Drinking pepsi max? Yeah, that would be great.

    But seriously, no, I get bored quickly with sex. It's best in mild doses.

  4. #104
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Well now. I'm just hatching out of my shell(shyness)

    Got a decked out wardrobe, some kool friends and gonna be starting my sophomore year of High School soon. I didn't talk to girls much before(shy as shyt) but my shell finally cracked in the last quarter of my freshmen year.My self-confidence is off the charts. I'm still a bit immature but wthay, it'll pass.

    Looking over this thread I noticed the number one problem stated is: Missed Opportunities.

    I've been crushing on 3 girls recently, all hot, but i'm only really interested in one of em.

    Anyways, I'll keep you all up to date.

    Who better to get advice from than our very own Terra.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Wed, 07-12-2006 at 12:10 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  5. #105
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Me and "gf" just watched the first Z Gundam movie and then we had a Ebichu (Housekeeping Hamster) marathon.

    She wasn't particularly fond of Z (the movie's pacing is in a class of it's own), but we both adored Ebichu.

    Yes, this is looking great.

    Oh and btw I love the sound females make when you cover their mouths while having sex with them. You know, when they want to moan, but can't because their mouths are covered. So damn hot.

  6. #106
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    hehe wow, go terra! at least your life seems some what adventerous and fun.
    @ lucifus: go for it ! hehe you can do it
    ahh as for my love life.. what love life? i somewhat like someone who's like.. WAY out of reach, but i don't really like him, well i do, but.. don't , if you get me. Thats what i said to my guy friend and he says "I dont get the way girl's think, it's either you like him or you dont" and im like" i dont, but do" and his like " you girls are just odd"
    i guess we are odd, we can't make up our mind! damn girls.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by lisaa
    i guess we are odd, we can't make up our mind! damn girls.
    OMG a girl who might actaully 'get it'. Try not to let the implications of what you've said slip past you, it might help you to not make a fool out of yourself later in life.

    @Terra: I agree with you wholeheartedly! They do make devices to help facilitate such situations, as well as avoid any undesired flesh-to-tooth encounters.

  8. #108
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    @Terra: So how many times do you go at it before you take a break and do something else? Is the girl any good?

    @Lisaa: So what you mean is you would love to fuck the guy but don't want a relationship?

    @Lucifus: sounds great man, growing confidence is the best thing that can happen to ya. It will be prefect if it keeps growing forever.

    I'll give you an update on some shit about my relationship life just for the kicks of it.

    Got myself a girlfriend 6 weeks ago, so yea things are working out fine. She has freaked on me a couple of times but fuck nothing to serious. As for fuck, well yea the sex is pretty great. Going at it at least 3 times when we are at it. Did that for 5 days in a row, i think i peaked at 6 times one day. I was fucking dead tired after those 5 days. But it was 5 good days i tell ya that.

  9. #109
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    @ Yukimura: haha i guess that's just the way girls are. Guy's minds are easy. it's you like her or you dont. but in a girl's mind ; they go through many different stages before saying they "like someone" haha and thanks for the warning, i'll try not to make a fool out of myself.
    @ PSJ: haha no i dont want to have sex with him. I'm a bit young for that, i think, if i did it would be illegal. A lot of things are "illegal" here! But at least you seem to have a fun love life. Keep it up! hehe

  10. #110
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Ah, how old are you?

  11. #111
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Erased for Lucifus is shy....
    Last edited by Lucifus; Sat, 03-31-2007 at 09:19 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  12. #112
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    The is the only one you need "Hey I like you and you're hot, lets go have sex. I'tll be the best b-day present of them all."

    R.I.P Captain America.

  13. #113
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Knives, quit being such a virgin.

    Lucifus, grow additional balls. Don't be afraid of rollercoasters. If you can't ride them, how will you ever manage to survive being married to a woman?

    Lines, topics - there are no sure-fire tricks. Be yourself. Be talkative, but don't be a stalker. Talk about things you like, talk about things she likes, and if the chemistry is good the topics will come by themselves.

    On a sidenote, my "girlfriend" is now officially my girlfriend. Weeee.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus

    Experts of Gotwoot...I need your help....

    Well....I just on my first official -obviously a date/but lets not call it that-

    My bros got a new Gf, and they planned to go to Busch Gardens. He invited me, and his new gfs younger niece. (15) Well we went, got some food before we went in. Talked for like 30 seconds to her about why she has no pets, what school she goes to etc...

    Well....the first thing they want to do is...well...go on a roller coaster.......

    They had me go on all 4 Busch Gardens rollercoasters (the Gawzi, the Sheikra, the Kumba, and the Monthy Phyton....) I don't fit well with rollercoasters and only went on one before.

    Anyway, in the conversation...

    All in the entire day we had about 4 minutes of conversation.......... and alot of me shiting myself over the rollercoasters..
    (Which I vow never to ride again no matter how nice a girl is!)

    In the first 2 hours, it was decent enough.....had a bit of small talk every now and then, she put ice down my shirt when I wasn't looking and I nearly pissed myself, (also was about to turn around and punch someone the hell out when I saw it was her....... )
    The last 3 hours was unbearable with a whole lot more of my pissing and shyting myself from the rollercoasters....

    On the ride back...She slept the entire time........woke up at McDonalds, got a soda, when we got to her place, she took the car and left...with just a simply goodbye..........

    I'm invited to her sweet 16 and all but I'm pretty sure I blow my chances a earlier......

    This is her.=P Shes pretty hot, nice eyes, and her hair was still awesome even after 4 rollercoasters. Her obvious love for death defying rides was a turn-off though. At the very least, I grew some balls getting on those rollercoasters....

    Anyway....Please Gotwoot......Pimp me out before my sohpmore year of school starts.

    I need conversation starters, and topics that I can easily remember! I had a bunch but forgot them instantly in her presence......

    Needless to say this was a big blow to my self-confidence....but ftw! I need to take a Pimp 101 class....

    Edit: As soon as I got home I tried to get some sleep, but just layed in my bed for about an hour because everytime I closed my eyes I felt dizzy, everything I looked at looked like rollercoaster tracks. And I just couldn't fall to sleep.....So I decided to come write my report here....

    Now I'm going to try and get some sleep...God..I feel messed up...
    busch gardens in flordia? if so you can just go across the street to the waterpark and chill by the volleyball courts and shit. always fun

    and yea rides are fun, not trying to be mean but you shouldnt be a vagina. I've done TONS of retarted shit I never thought I would do for girls this year so yea I think riding some fun rollercoasters isn't too bad.

  15. #115
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    @Lucifus: You really didn't have much maneuverability in the situation you described. Basically you were your brothers wingman and your main task in such a situation is to not fuck shit up and make him look good (by not fucking shit up).

    As for the party. Go there and have fun with all her friend. Don't just sit in a corner and wait for her to come talk to you. Prepare som stupid games and shit like that, preferably games that make the victim look really stupid for falling for it. If you know any magic tricks, just do that shit. But beware to not become a dancing monkey. Make them do stuff for you if they want to see more. Work the room, be social. Show everyone that you are a fun guy. Don't zero in on her, there will probably be alot of hoes at the party, so don't limit your options.

    If your brother is good with chick, I urge you to study him and actually ask him for help if you need it. You should get to know some guys that are naturally good with chicks and just watch them operate. I'm not talking about jock-type guys, they usually have no skills except their looks and being able to find the drunkest chick at the party.

  16. #116
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Lucifus, the main problem you have is insecurity when it comes to the opposite sex. We'll start with the first thing. You didn't blow any chances, she invited you, a guy she just met to her sweet 16 and that means you didn't fuck up to terribly.

    You are at a time where you need to swallow that god damn insecurity and just go with the flow of things, start conversation, keep it going if she isn't willing to take the command. I was on a date once with a girl that had close to no interests at all she just replied with "exactly" on everything i said, if she is like this, bail as fast as you can. It isn't worth it. However it will always be a bit tense in the begining but that's normal, both are afraid of doing something unexpected or stupid that makes the other person lose interest.

    Don't be afraid of doing a minor slip or something, if you can make her laugh you are on the right track, it doesn't matter if she laughs at you or with you(this is of course only from my own experience and may vary from girl to girl). If she can laugh she will feel good when talking to you and that is the key to it all. I always try to make the girl laugh, gives her sort of a sense of security.

    The main thing you shouldn't forget is that she isn't the only girl in the world, if it doesn't work then go and find yourself a new target. I mean you met her once, it's not like you have a crush on her or something right?

    You have plenty of room to fuck up some while learning. The old trial and error works in this case, just try not to be an asshole. About what el_boss said about doing stuff that makes people interested, you need to keep it subtle. If you look to desperate while pulling something like that it will have the reverse effect. I will also agree with el_boss on the note of being social, try to have fun at the party and don't think of her to much. She invited you and if she notices that you are enjoying yourself and having fun chances are that she will get interested, a happy person is much more attractive than a gloomy looking person.

    Don't think to much.

  17. #117
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    so, totally necroposting this thread because i am so distraught.

    well, this is totally new to you all, but I've been in the horrible position of being "best friend" to the woman I love for about 7+ years now. I've fought with my emotions countless times and always resolved to let her go. I've talked with her and her numerous boyfriends and have assurred them that I have no interest in her any more.

    Well, that's simply not the case. I love this girl. I love her to death. The term unconditional love was created to describe how I feel about her. There's no way around it. I've known her for years (9 now) and I don't think I've ever not really been totally crazy for her. There's been times when I've convinced myself otherwise, when I've said otherwise, but those were lies and convienent statements made to alleviate my (and sometimes her) state of mind.

    The worst part of all this is that we are best friends now. She's confided in me about everything in her life, things I will keep to the grave. I've told her all of my secrets and shortcomings and everything in between. I could never have asked for a better friend, and we've both reassurred each other that this bond is something special that has benefited the both of us throughout our lives.

    What can make this worse? The fact that she flirts with me constantly. She is quite the "loose woman". All of my friends, save myself, have slept with her. She's slept with lots of men, but this doesn't make me think any less of her. But there are so many times when she will simply embrace me in public, make me dance with her (even if it's just us alone in her living room) and kiss me in public. It's gotten to the point where I can't pick up girls when she's around because they think I and her are an item.

    So, where is this coming from right now? Well, she's been with this guy, a friend of mine no less (I know just about everyone in town from my time as herb provider) for over a year now. About two months ago they had a massive fight and broke up. But they got sorta back together a few weeks ago, seeing each other but never making anything official. Well, tonight was St. Patty's Day and we all went out to the bars. Tonight she was very aggressive with me, to the point where I had to physically push her away from me. I simply refuse to mess around with a taken girl, even if I want her. I have my pride.

    I wind up driving her over to his house. We talk for a minute and hang out. He's a total nerd, and is playing a video game, which she hates. She starts getting mad. He gets upset. They start fighting, right in front of me. I decide to let them have their privacy. I go to leave, but she comes after me and tells me to wait, that she wants me to take her home. It's about two miles home for her, below freezing. I tell her I'll wait. But soon they're fighting so hard that I can't stand it and walk outside to my car.

    Out at my car I can't help but overhear part of their fight. The guy is a very nice guy, but he's a total loser who still lives with his parents at 25 and has no college education, no real job, no real future. And she knows how to push his buttons. I can hear them fighting, screaming no less. This tears me up, but I know my place. I'm just a friend, right? So I stay and wait. But I happen to overhear some things, some very bad things that he says to her. I also hear her mention me, mention that I'd probably treat her better and that if she wasn't so crazy for this guy that she'd try to make something with me. What am I to do? I wait for almost an hour, but she doesn't come out. So I leave.

    and i have no idea what to do about this situation anymore, so i am appealing to you, fairly complete strangers, to give me some advice, some indication of what I should do.

    edit - oh, this thread takes me back, way back to when Terracosmo was semi-straight even...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #118
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Perhaps, you're taking this situation the wrong way.

    I know you've loved her for seven years and all, but how long do you think those bonds will last? You can't revolve your love life around a bond that has the possibility of going no where. I'm not saying kick her out of your life or anything, but rather "keep your distance, but keep her close at the same time.". You do your thing, she does her thing, everyone has to move on. If this continues, I don't see how the situation can be in your favor, nor even be the least bit fair to you.


    You can be patient and eventually she'll come around, but either way it's a gamble. It's the matter of how patient you can be, and how far it'll go?

    Your situation seems intense, and I'm not even completely sure what should be done, but for now that's the best I can do.

    Off Topic: Looking back at this thread made me realize how I've grown with the help of everyone here. I feel old..
    Last edited by RedX1z; Sun, 03-18-2007 at 01:37 PM.
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

    ------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------

  19. #119
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    If she hasn't realized after all these years that you're the man she wants, then clearly it's a lost cause. I'm familiar with the concept of close friends turning into love interests (who isn't?) but it is my experience that sometimes it's better to kill off those desires and instead take it for what it is. Also I think the human heart/mind/whatever by default increases one's lust after friends just because there's always this certain "air of ease" around. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's really easy to love somebody that's close to you. I think that's because you feel so comfortable in a good friendly relationship, or something.

    BUT THEN AGAIN, who am I to say. The loving warrior inside me would probably attempt some kind of move anyway, despite all odds. Also I am sure that I wouldn't be able to take the mental challenge that constitutes the fact that she has been with almost all your friends. Here people work differently, some are better at ignoring the past of one's partner, but I'd never be able to do that. Of course in this day and age it is almost a must that the person you start dating has "been with" at least someone you know (or know of), but still.

    Drama, drama.

  20. #120
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Have you told her how you feel?

    If you have, then she's just using you. If you haven't, well then it's really hard to assess the situation, because your telling everything from your view.

    You have to ask yourself if your ready to do what it takes to resolve this situation, if you really want to resolve. If the answer is yes I can give some advice.

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