Not my thing to give advice on this sort of thing, given my previous stance on similar issues. However, the following is generic advice which isn't restricted to the gf/bf model.

Masa, two options.

1) Try and pull the girl. IMO, you're gonna fail, for reason outlined earlier that if she aint responded by now, forget it. Why try anyway? Because if you're like me, then even if you know you are gonna lose this one but can't stop thinking about it, get it out of your system. Once you have failed its gonna sting real, real bad. Your might feel a range of emotions, the only thing they will have in common is that they will all be intense. You might hate yourself for going through with it afterwards, but you will have learnt your lesson.

2). Dont do it. If you can live with it, walk away. You save yourself the above from option 1, but since you wouldn't have gotten burnt there is a chance you might do this all again, either with the same person or someone else.

Either way I don't think your "friendship" with this girl is going to survive. The only way it can is if you stay stuck in this no-man's land, and we can all see this is not sustainable. Option 1 will mean you will be hurt, and she will be the source of your hurt. Option 2 will mean you will remain confused, and if you stay around this person the more confused you will get.

There is a slightly deeper, more idelogical point about relationships such as the one you are in to be made, but thats for another time.