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When I was in fourth grade, I used to like this guy. He was the sport type, funny, talk back to the teachers and real real smart guy. In 7th grade, he started going out with this girl. I was real pissed, but hey thats life. In 10th grade, he broke up with her. A week later, he asks me out. I was really happy since my long time wish came true. After a month going out with him, I finally found out that he was using me to make his ex jealous. I was just being used.
During the summer time, I met this hot guy from a friend at soccer. He was really nice and caring. During the whole summer time, he was inviting me to all the parties and took me out with his friends. At the end of summer time, I found out he was also trying to make his ex jealous at the parties. And again, some one used me as a tool.
Since then, I refused to go out with anyone anymore even though I had offers.