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Thread: Terra defeats your privacy part 302: The Relationship (& luv) Thread

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  1. #1
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Terra defeats your privacy part 302: The Relationship (& luv) Thread


    Tell us of your relationships (not online ones) with the opposite gender (or same if you swing that way), are you in one right now, got any funny stories, are you perhaps in looooove? Let us turn this into a deep discussion between the mature posters that frequent this looooovable place okay!! *is a bit hyper*

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    In love with my best friend.. don't do that shit. I've known her for probably 4 years, we broke up and she moved across the country to be with someone else so our friendship took a hit. So after quite a little chunk of time spent there she came back here with a friend of hers... so I got to thinking about life and said fuck it, nothing's working out, I'll ask her to marry me! So I did...and now she needs time to think. I dunno if she loves that other piece of shit or not, but I'll kill him if I have to.

    Anyway I'm being stood up by her now. We were supposed to go out but she fuckin fell asleep. Life sucks.

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Theres this girl from high school that I really liked but...I think I'm just gonna give up on her. =/ I only met her and got to know her senior year of high school and then after that, I just never talked to her. I have her screenname, plus her phone number that she wrote in my yearbook and she's my friend on Facebook yet I haven't said anything to her (I'm one of those extremely shy people). We were really good friends in high school too even though I only knew her my last year, she was one of the nicest girls ever. Actually, last semester she IM'd me alot back then and most of the time she would ask if I came home for the weekend and me, being the idiot that I am, didn't realize that maybe she wanted to hang out or something. And now this semester, she hardly IM's me at all. My college friends have been telling me that I should be the one to try and talk to her and I started by writing on her Facebook and then talked to her on AIM twice but...I don't think I came even close. Like, for some reason, I was sort of getting the feeling that maybe she didn't like me as much as I liked her. I never asked how she felt (again, extremely shy here) but...I dunno, its hard to explain. I keep telling myself that I should move on but theres always some point in the day where I think about her. Blah, these relationship things are always gonna be complicated to me. -.-

  4. #4
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    @Azazel: that it does, hopefully she will come to her senses and realize that metal is the way to go!

    @NM: The way I see it you have to take chances occasionally even if you are shy.. a casual "would you like to grab a coffee sometime?" takes you far and is fairly easy to say, 95% will say "sure" unless you are creepy or you don't know them and if they say no, big deal, YOU'RE THE MAN SO IT'S THE WHORE'S LOSS RIIIGHT! ^_^

  5. #5
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    @NM: The way I see it you have to take chances occasionally even if you are shy.. a casual "would you like to grab a coffee sometime?" takes you far and is fairly easy to say, 95% will say "sure" unless you are creepy or you don't know them and if they say no, big deal, YOU'RE THE MAN SO IT'S THE WHORE'S LOSS RIIIGHT! ^_^
    I wish I had just said that before =/. On her Facebook, I wrote on her wall saying how long its been and we should try and hang out sometime over spring break and she responded on my wall. She said something like "thanks for the reply, glad to hear your semester is going well. Spring break will be here before we know it!" but she never said "yeah, we should definetly hang out" or something like that. Unless of course, her response about how spring break will be here meant she did want to hang out...>_< Your last part of your post does make me feel a bit better though, thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    Does the term "friend zone" mean anything to you? She was trying to promote you out of it ... which is unusual. But you blew it -- you didn't pick up on the hints, and more likely than not she wrote that off as a rejection. Now she's probably over it, and I'd give it better than 50/50 odds that she's got a boyfriend. Maybe you shouldn't completely close the book, but I wouldn't count on it going anywhere either.

    So, you're saying you were friends in high school, you talked a bit a couple months ago, and you're hung up on her. Yeah ... that's probably not healthy, and I'd recommend taking this opportunity to meet other people, and try to avoid getting LJBF'ed.
    I know I lost my chance already, I keep beating myself up for it. >_< But the thing is, according to her Facebook, she doesn't have a boyfriend just yet, she's still single. But I still think that even if I try, I don't think I'd get anywhere with her as you said since she may have thought that I didn't like her. When she would ask me if I came home in our conversations last semester, I think one time I said I did go home and then the other two times she asked I said no. I should've followed up and said that I COULD have gone home that weekend and maybe we could've catch up. But of course, I was a baka back then. A BIG one. >_< I suppose I should just try and meet other girls...I've been going to college parties and all but I usually have just gone with friends to drink and thats about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    @NM: One thing I've learned is this: If a girl was at one time interested in you, it's almost always possible to rekindle that spark, even if the signs of it are gone. Talking online/over Facebook sucks serious balls and is not easy to pull off right. Just occassionally drop her an IM being like 'Long time no see, how are you?' and casual shit like that. Then if you're ever back home at the same time (but not right when you both first get back home) and have a reason to, invite her out. The first face-to-face encounter will reveal alot.
    I would try and do that masa, but nowadays, everytime she signs on AIM, she ALWAYS signs off immediately after coming on. Either that, or she'll leave an away message up really quick saying she's doing some homework or something. Now, I don't think she's doing it since I'm online (since I leave my AIM on 24/7) because there was one time where I went invisible on AIM for awhile and I saw her sign on. I was tempted to come back so she could see me but she signed off immediately. But then again, even if your invisible, your profile will still be visible to everyone if they were to just search your screenname for the hell of it. So..I dunno. Our schools are both in NJ, so our vacations are almost identical.

    EDIT: And also, I'd like to say thanks alot to Terra for making this thread, and to everyone for reading/listening. I may have screwed up but its really good to know that I've got awesome friends like everyone here to listen to me and give advice and feedback. GotWoot FTW!
    Last edited by NM; Fri, 03-17-2006 at 10:17 PM.

  6. #6
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by NarutoMaster
    We were really good friends in high school too even though I only knew her my last year, she was one of the nicest girls ever. Actually, last semester she IM'd me alot back then and most of the time she would ask if I came home for the weekend and me, being the idiot that I am, didn't realize that maybe she wanted to hang out or something.
    Does the term "friend zone" mean anything to you? She was trying to promote you out of it ... which is unusual. But you blew it -- you didn't pick up on the hints, and more likely than not she wrote that off as a rejection. Now she's probably over it, and I'd give it better than 50/50 odds that she's got a boyfriend. Maybe you shouldn't completely close the book, but I wouldn't count on it going anywhere either.

    I never asked how she felt (again, extremely shy here) but...I dunno, its hard to explain. I keep telling myself that I should move on but theres always some point in the day where I think about her. Blah, these relationship things are always gonna be complicated to me. -.-
    So, you're saying you were friends in high school, you talked a bit a couple months ago, and you're hung up on her. Yeah ... that's probably not healthy, and I'd recommend taking this opportunity to meet other people, and try to avoid getting LJBF'ed.

  7. #7
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    This thread is 'COLD BLOOODED!' and I absolutely love it.

    It occurred to me awhile back that this is one of the KrbFucked threads that was deleted with Mut's account, but by the time I got back home I had forgotten again... lol.

    @NM: One thing I've learned is this: If a girl was at one time interested in you, it's almost always possible to rekindle that spark, even if the signs of it are gone. Talking online/over Facebook sucks serious balls and is not easy to pull off right. Just occassionally drop her an IM being like 'Long time no see, how are you?' and casual shit like that. Then if you're ever back home at the same time (but not right when you both first get back home) and have a reason to, invite her out. The first face-to-face encounter will reveal alot.

    But, like comp said, don't get too invested in just a dream. Try to go out and meet others. If she does have a BF you have to be ready to let it go.

    @Azazel: You're in too deep for anyone to give you advise. You know what you're in better than anyone else. Good luck.

    @Terra: You don't post anything about your own relationship? Come on man!

    Masa's love situation: Right now I'm studying abroad in Italy for just a semester. I have about 3-5 months left here, so I'm not looking for anything long term. The one girl I really like obviously isn't interested in me and is whoring herself to an Italian sceezeball who already has an Italian girlfriend and just calls the American one when he wants some random play. Fuck. Talk about 'You Can't Win Them All'...

    Then there's 'Delicate Situation'. She's this American girl I am semi-dating right now. She has a banging body but I think could use some makeup lessosn from Terra (ouch. I'm bein a harsh bastard ain't i? I do not pull my punches in this shit. Duck if you don't want to get knocked the fuck out), but here's the 'delicate' part, she's a virgin. She also has really been pretty forward with me, and I think she's got my name all over her V-card.

    I care alot (probb too much) about other peoples' feelings, so I don't want to hurt this girl. I still regret my first time, as it was to a girl I am less than satisfied with having been with at all, and I firmly believe someone's first should be special. I don't like her the way she likes me, but I don't want to say it that bluntly.

    I tell her: "I'm not here for a semester to find a real girlfriend."
    She says: "Ok. We'll just take it as it comes."
    I tell her: "And you deserve someone great for your first time."
    She says: "Well at this rate I'd probb lose it to some asshole. And you're a really great guy."
    I tell her: "But I might want to be with other girls in the future, and I don't want to hurt you."
    She says: "What might happen isn't something you should base your actions off of right now. Let's just see how things go."

    So here I am, she's giving me the green light, but I KNOW she doesn't know what she's getting into yet. Some heavy petting (mostly on my part) and sleeping in the same bed (3 times) is the furthest we've gotten, which is right on the doorstep.

    'Rebound Girl' - But wait, Masa has more! This is another girl, much more my type, that I met here in Italy. Early on her long-distance boyfriend broke up with her and we spent along time talking about it and are pretty close friends now. But I want her! And at first she was totally in that 'bad place' after the breakup, but seems to be improving (albiet slowly, she was really invested in this other guy). Slowly we've been getting a little more flirty than friendly, and one night we danced together at a club and made out for a minute or so. But after I go to the bathroom I get back and she's all up on this random guy, and I'm like 'I don't love these hoes I'm out the door' and bounce. Next day she's talking about how sketchy this guy was and how she really didn't like him, how drunk she was, not about us kissing.

    Ass is ass, but I do not want to be some rebound post. Been there too many times, not my place.

    'The girl(s) back home' You didn't think I just kept my game in one country code did you? The first is my ex. I insisted on breaking up while I was abroad, since I do NOT 'cheat' on people I declare my loyalty to and had already planned on being single in Italy before I even met her. We click very well, have similar tastes in bed, and are both pretty into each other. She's a year younger and it sorta shows, as she's sometimes too immature for my tastes, but other times I really need that in my life. We've slept together for the past 3 months.

    'The other girl back home' - aka (Why didn't you show you were interested a year ago?) - This girl is hot, party animal, smart and witty. I met her when I was a sophmore and she was a freshman, but it was just class together and we never hung out on our own or got that close. We chat when we see each other, but that's about it. Then we have class together Fall of my Junior year. Now we start becoming 'study buddies' and she reacts positively to my flirting, showing some interest. But nothing really gets started til like 2 months before I leave, when we go out on 3 dates, makeout on the last one, and start talking alot after classes and online. She even talks to me fairly frequently while I'm here in Italy. And she's living right next door to me next year...

    There you have it.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #8
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Sure I'll give you my relationship info, was just a bit too lazy to do so before. It goes something like this:

    The infatuated girl: She was HEAVILY in love with me before, but she isn't as much anymore. She isn't attractive at all, but we usually end up in bed together when I'm drunk anyway (I mostly don't even remember it). She has been hating me for a while but things are getting better. Reason for the hatred?...

    The infatuated girl's friend: While the infatuated girl's love for me was at it's peak, I started having a relationship with one of her better friends. Not as a girlfriend, but we met regularly and we kept having sex and whatnot. However, drama ensued since the infatuated girl had actually been telling people that me and her (the infatuated girl, not her friend) were together, leading to universal confusion among all of her friends - they believed that I was being unfaithful to her! This eventually led to a bunch of fucked up stuff, out of which I wrote some in the bitching thread some time ago because her friends are idiots and should burn in hell.

    Me and the friend had a fallout eventually, and it never developed into a real relationship, which I don't mind. She was pretty stupid anyway.

    Girl of current interest: The first girl I've met in ages who I actually feel rather attracted to in more than a physical sense happens to apparently like me too! I asked her out on a date recently and while we didn't decide on a specific day, she answered "sure" with no second thought. With a bit of luck, this might turn out really nice.

    That's it for now I suppose :S
    Last edited by Terracosmo; Fri, 03-17-2006 at 10:04 AM.

  9. #9
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    God fucking damnit I am not Italian! I simply study the language because my college requires everyone take some language classes, and I figured, why not take a semester abroad? And now i'm actually making it into a (albeit easy) 2nd major. But I'm not Italian...

    Thanks for the 'feel good' pats on the back guys. I've been positevely glowing all day today

    Oh, and here's how I originally described the situation way back on page 1

    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    'Rebound Girl' - But wait, Masa has more! This is another girl, much more my type, that I met here in Italy. Early on her long-distance boyfriend broke up with her and we spent along time talking about it and are pretty close friends now. But I want her! And at first she was totally in that 'bad place' after the breakup, but seems to be improving (albiet slowly, she was really invested in this other guy). Slowly we've been getting a little more flirty than friendly, and one night we danced together at a club and made out for a minute or so. But after I go to the bathroom I get back and she's all up on this random guy, and I'm like 'I don't love these hoes I'm out the door' and bounce. Next day she's talking about how sketchy this guy was and how she really didn't like him, how drunk she was, not about us kissing.

    Ass is ass, but I do not want to be some rebound post. Been there too many times, not my place.
    looking back at it i was a fool not to move on this earlier. Then again, better late than never they say!

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #10
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    Terra defeats your privacy part 302: The Relationship (& luv) Thread

    Ok. Now I'm not here to bitch or complain about many things, I wouldn't do that.Even on forums, but I have to vent. Apologies in advance.

    I'm a 22 year male from Michigan. That said, what is my problem? I'll take a poll if I have to. I've been looking around for nice looking 9's 10's hell, I'll even go for 7's and 8's, but I have a bit of an issue. I got a player buddy(3 actually) who are pretty good around the ladies. I've asked for advice as much as I can about lines, ice breakers and even compliments which I don't need to know because I grew up with an older sister, but lately, one of the my best ladies man friends has just gotten fed up and stopped giving me advice anyway I can ask him, in public around girls or other wise, and I'm getting really frustrated here because the most recent girl I've dated was when I was 19. Any red blooded straight male knows that 3 years is too fucking long(fyi all I've gotten recently was a drunken make out session with a friend with benefits at a 2007 New Years bash)

    I also live in a pretty tail worthy area of MIchigan, the malls are always bumpin with ladies, but I'm just running out of things to do and say here anymore, bowling? Pick up lines? what the fuck should I do. Am I just nervous as all hell? And yes I get togued tied sometimes, but the thing is, not when one of my buddies is a wingman.I recently also tested other waters also.

    I was on a road trip visiting my player buddies sister at a college where the female to make poppulation is ratio is 3:1, and they're all pretty much 9-10's no matter where you turn. Before anyone asks, yes he and I went hunting to test my game out around the student union and stuff. It didn't go so well. We saw alot of grade-A tail, but no luck getting any numbers. My friend was pretty dissapointed in me, and he was hoping to help me get some that night.(we were only staying one night, btw)Anyway, we went back around town, had some laughs and went back home. After I got back I emailed him about the trip and he was wondering why I didn't go after any of the girls at the dorms or anything. I was also kind of confused why I didn't. As things went on, he eventually got fed up, and now doesn't really want to help me anymore. So now I don't know where to look anymore.

    If anyone has any decent game tips, lines or advice please help me out.

    helped ya out by merging this thread with the applicable one sans warning.
    i don't even know who the hell you are.

    did you ever try, like, figuring things out on your own? self-confidence is really important in impressing the opposite sex. you might fuck up for awhile at the outset, but only you can figure out what your game/style is going to be.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Fri, 04-20-2007 at 03:34 AM.

  11. #11
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Go watch the first American Pie movie. That'll help a lot.

    Seriously though, you're thinking about it way too much. You seem to be thinking about it as a conquest or something - girls aren't just pieces of meat, you know.

    Get out there and try something different you haven't done; join a club or a group, hell, join several. Play mixed sports, for instance.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  12. #12
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I'm usually wary of giving advice here....but I think you could benefit from a female point of view. You have to ask yourself, are you looking for sex, or are you looking for a relationship? You have to prioritize which one is more important to you. If you want a relationship, you need to put in a bit more work. Girls can tell when you're looking at them as "9's or 10's" or just some "tail". You're not going to get quality girls with this approach. Personality is more important in attraction for women than for men. A girl needs to find you fun to hang out with, and be interested in your personality. You can't achieve these things by using a set of memorized lines. There are a lot of factors involved. It's about not just what you say, but how you say it, the image you project, your body language, etc. Your player friends are likely very talented conversationalists, and know how to create an image that girls find attractive.

    Raven's suggestions are really good. Get to know some girls that you share common interests with. Because seriously - Random guy talking to you in student centre = creepy, guy from club talking to you about club related stuff = potential friend/boyfriend.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    I'm usually wary of giving advice here....but I think you could benefit from a female point of view. You have to ask yourself, are you looking for sex, or are you looking for a relationship? You have to prioritize which one is more important to you. If you want a relationship, you need to put in a bit more work. Girls can tell when you're looking at them as "9's or 10's" or just some "tail". You're not going to get quality girls with this approach. Personality is more important in attraction for women than for men. A girl needs to find you fun to hang out with, and be interested in your personality. You can't achieve these things by using a set of memorized lines. There are a lot of factors involved. It's about not just what you say, but how you say it, the image you project, your body language, etc. Your player friends are likely very talented conversationalists, and know how to create an image that girls find attractive.

    Raven's suggestions are really good. Get to know some girls that you share common interests with. Because seriously - Random guy talking to you in student centre = creepy, guy from club talking to you about club related stuff = potential friend/boyfriend.

    Well I don't only think of girls as scaled numbers of meat to be with. I mean c'mon that's just wrong. And I know what I want, I want a girlfriend I can just have a good time with, just no real length or any labels, just know that we're with each other. And if we both get dissatisfied or see something else we each like, break up and go for it. I just wanna make sure I have fun while I'm young and don't have regrets looking back on my younger days.

    And actually, college girls seem to be more open to talking to guys than girls at a club or something, at least from what I've seen.

    @Kit Kat: what do you think of as "quality girls" give me an example.

  14. #14
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    @Kit Kat: what do you think of as "quality girls" give me an example.
    Well, I left it rather open-ended on purpose, since everyone has their own ideas of what they're looking for in the opposite sex. In general terms, I guess I'd say a girl who isn't just using or manipulating you, but who cares about you.

  15. #15
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
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    So many relationship problems... so little time.

    Life's short, make the most of it while you can Although personally I've learned 99% of the "knights in shining armor" are just a bunch of idiot jerks in tinfoil. I'm still holding out for a sane guy lol

    @ Masa: So... does this mean I'm cursed by GW too now? :P
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  16. #16
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    well, you're still a girl...

    My one (female) friend once put it as thus: It's not fair that girls are marked as sluts if they decide they want to sleep around, be in an open relationship or whatever! Guys that do that are called 'pimps' 'players' and have a good reputation for doing exactly what girls get slammed for.

    Me: 'Yeah, but at least almost all girls can get sex whenever they want. There's a sort of skill involved with being a pimp that just isn't there when you're a slut'

    Girl: '...Hm... I think I know what you're getting at. For a guy to get laid he has to push and act suave and use all this effort, buying drinks, saying the right things, playing the game right... For girls, whenever we want to get fucked we can just go 'Okay boys, I'm ready!' and they'll be lining up.'

    So, Iridani, no, I don't think the Gotwoot curse applies to you, or to any females. You might be dealing with tinfoil wannabe squires, but the fact of the matter is it's often very different for guys and girls.

    Also, i don't think i apply for the 'getting cockblocked by Gotwoot' rule anymore... I've had two awesome nights out of the past three with the Mexican dramatist, and a final one coming up tonight... Then again, I don't think this 'curse' applies to Terra either... God only knows if it applies to Y...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #17
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    So many it applies to :P

    Anyway... very different but a lot the same. If only people came with signs around their necks with a manual stating sanity levels and such before you even speak with them lol Might make things easier on us. Oh well! It's half the "fun"
    ~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
    ~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
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  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Here's something I could use helping with.

    I'm still trying for the girl I mentioned about 2 months ago. I added her on Facebook, but all I can really do is talk through that (which I have been doing) since I'm in England at the moment. But I'm thinking of asking for her number when I get back. Or maybe asking if she wants to meet up on campus sometime or go eat lunch or something. Basically anything to let her know I'm interested.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #19
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Here's something I could use helping with.

    I'm still trying for the girl I mentioned about 2 months ago. I added her on Facebook, but all I can really do is talk through that (which I have been doing) since I'm in England at the moment. But I'm thinking of asking for her number when I get back. Or maybe asking if she wants to meet up on campus sometime or go eat lunch or something. Basically anything to let her know I'm interested.
    Don't be thinking too long about it, things left unsaid tend to bite you in the butt later on. Take the chance and ask for the number or to go for lunch I mean... if you don't ask. You don't get it. Ask... she could say yes. Or no. Either way there's still A chance in there ^^
    ~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
    ~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
    Find my soul, and I'll be yours forever...~
    ~Signature made by Deadfire~

  20. #20
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Here's something I could use helping with.

    I'm still trying for the girl I mentioned about 2 months ago. I added her on Facebook, but all I can really do is talk through that (which I have been doing) since I'm in England at the moment. But I'm thinking of asking for her number when I get back. Or maybe asking if she wants to meet up on campus sometime or go eat lunch or something. Basically anything to let her know I'm interested.
    Yes, do let her no you're interested.

    Meanwhile, SK's love life feels like shit.

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