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Thread: Bleach Chapter 272

  1. #21
    Bleach 272 by blood scans: Solution to above, don't direct link. Copy this into a new address bar without the underscores and press enter: _

  2. #22
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Grimmjow is this arc's Renji, or something...Uqui is Bakuya, or whatever..
    yes, I can totally see them both switching sides, or at least giving Ichigo tips on beating the 3 super captains or the hollow castle.
    Blood-scnas is really LQ this time, at least until they bring in a better version, Renji's fight is still boring as hell to watch... I've never liked him anyway. bring me more of Chad and Ishida...

  3. #23
    I kind of wish Ulqiora would have tried to kill Ichigo so his hollow half would take over and we could really see who is more powerful.

  4. #24
    What was that black stuff coming down upon the battered body of Ichigo? Is that his hollow side "knocking over the king and trampling on him?"

    I hope Ishida kinda destroys the room or whatever is preventing Renji from bankai-ing... I like it when the good guys have a little payback.

  5. #25
    @Kensee: That black stuff looks a lot like the effect that transitioned into Ichigo's inner realm when he was put in that same position by Kenpachi. He'll most likely talk to Zangetsu no jii-san, maybe confront the inner hollow again, and most likely gain the ability to sustain his hollow transformation longer.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by big_ac
    @Kensee: That black stuff looks a lot like the effect that transitioned into Ichigo's inner realm when he was put in that same position by Kenpachi. He'll most likely talk to Zangetsu no jii-san, maybe confront the inner hollow again, and most likely gain the ability to sustain his hollow transformation longer.
    Ah yeah, I can agree with that. Then again I'm thinking Ichigo gonna have to achieve a level higher than just sustaining his hollow mask for a longer time. He's going to have to either discover a new released form, go almost full hollow transformation (I'm talking full body), and or gain some new abilities with that sword of his.

    Or Kenpachi with shikai to kill off the espada and a bankai (and hollow mask) to kill of Aizen ^_^.

  7. #27
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Yeah like I stated before. It would be most likely that Ichigo learns a new move but this time tought by Hollow Ichigo because " He would be in trouble if Ichigo dies " Or so he stated. But i think that regardless of Ichigo learning a new move he still wouldn't be able to kill Ulquiorria. Unless it's not a shikai move but a new Bankai move. Because Ichigo's Bankai is an Speed Augment. Maybe his speed will increase even more or he will learn to distribute some of the power that goes to his speed into defence or offense.

    But I don't think he will be waking up anytimes soon though. I mean Zangetsu changed back into his Shikai form after Ichigo got beaten down. That either means that Ichigo is near death or just unconsciuos.

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