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Thread: Shooting at Virginia Tech, 32 people killed (gunman included)

  1. #1

    Unhappy Shooting at Virginia Tech, 32 people killed (gunman included)

    news article

    Now thats pretty fucked up. i wonder that caused it.

  2. #2
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    My friend called his friend that goes to Virginia Tech and she said that it was because of relationship problems. No clue how valid this is.

  3. #3
    an account from one of DO's friends on irc:

    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~goat> i'm alive
    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~goat> ;__;
    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~DO> damn
    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~DO> wtf happened?
    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~goat> some shooting in a dorm early morning
    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~goat> then 2 hours later
    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~goat> the nut went to an academic building
    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~goat> and randomly shot out
    [14:04] <DO> [13:04] <~goat> killing 19 there
    [14:04] <DO> [13:05] <~goat> 1 died in the dorm

  4. #4
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    32 confirmed deaths

  5. #5
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    phew that was a close one.
    The probability of goat being among the casualties was 0.12%

    I like how any time there's some sort of incident, everyone goes to see what the president thinks, which of course is always of grievance for the loved ones of the victims.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #6
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Q-BeRt
    My friend called his friend that goes to Virginia Tech and she said that it was because of relationship problems. No clue how valid this is.
    Most likely valid.

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    No surprise, Jack Thompson didn't waste one minute:

    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    I like how any time there's some sort of incident, everyone goes to see what the president thinks, which of course is always of grievance for the loved ones of the victims.
    Also "Terrorism"

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #8
    One of the main tabloids in the UK has picked up on the jilted boyfriend theme.

  9. #9
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure

    I like how any time there's some sort of incident, everyone goes to see what the president thinks, which of course is always of grievance for the loved ones of the victims.

    Yeah I heard his speech its pretty much bs, he doesn't care, he just reads whats in front of him other than that I don't see why people just have a shootout.
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  10. #10
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    I heard on the radio this morning a snippet of a conference with one of the school officials, something along the lines of, "we've taken the survivors to hospital where they can receive medical attention and we'll inform the next of kin when we can identify everyone".

    I was like, "um, duh?"

    But yeah. Horrible business, this.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  11. #11
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I just hope this doesent cause trouble for Korean nationals...i could easily see it going that way; since scared people jump to irrational conclusions. Hopefully, it doesent come to that.

  12. #12
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Don't get me wrong. This event was horrible and everything but... I think many are making it somewhat bigger that it was.

    I mean... when they mentioned on the radio yesterday (here in Mexico, before anyone asks) they made the whole business sound worst than September 11, or even as a new war had erupted.

    When they mentioned it was this massacre I was like.... huh? all that for this?

    Obviously after hearing the news I do think its awful and everything. But whats with the damn news (radio or tv) making it sound as bad as Sep11?

  13. #13
    Second amendment sucks pretty hard when you see stuff like this.
    Now the Us got Army and Law inforcement units all over the country. No one need guns at home, nor a militia ... It's not the Wild West anymore.

  14. #14
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma
    Second amendment sucks pretty hard when you see stuff like this.
    Now the Us got Army and Law inforcement units all over the country. No one need guns at home, nor a militia ... It's not the Wild West anymore.
    here here! Now we're getting to the root of the problem!

    Self defense is a relative thing. People only need guns because those that'd threaten them have guns. I don't think anyone can argue that the intended safeguard of the Second Amendment (that the people at large have weapons in order to counteract any authoritarian power grab or dictator) works in this modern day when the military has stealth bombers and tanks and shit.

    And the "possession of guns for hunting" supporters are simply retarded hicks.

    edit to RZ: That's the sensationalism of the media. They need to hype up their presentation of the news because, let's face it, they're more worried about keeping their ratings/sales high and attracting advertisers. So, while the event is certainly atrocious, they seize on the "record breaking" aspect of it (largest compiled by a single shooter in U.S. history) and that leads to cheapening the tragedy.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Tue, 04-17-2007 at 12:20 PM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #15
    Benevolent Dictator
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    see also: sig.

  16. #16
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Hmm...Not to start a debate on gun control; but I still dont think it would be a good idea for the studednt populace to walk around campus packing. That was a freak occurrence, and arguably if other students were shooting, it could have compunded the injuries.

  17. #17
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    [14:51] <masamuneehs> speaking of Moderating....
    [14:51] <Deadfire> *sigh*
    [14:52] <Deadfire> idiots are so many in number
    [14:52] <Deadfire> yo got or may I
    [14:52] <Deadfire> *you
    [14:52] <masamuneehs> well, it's not quite something we can do...
    [14:52] <masamuneehs> i mean, he's entitled to his opinion, even if he's an ass
    [14:53] <masamuneehs> but if i find he's a troll or someone off an alternate account, then i'll get him
    [14:53] <Deadfire> no masa that is open flaming
    [14:53] <Deadfire> and he joined just to do that
    [14:53] <Deadfire> thats not what gotwoot is like
    [14:53] <Deadfire> bann him for a couple is what I say
    [14:53] <masamuneehs> ...
    [14:58] <Deadfire> masa
    [14:58] <Deadfire> bann it

    [15:45] * Valeur has joined #gotwoot
    [15:45] <Valeur> Why was i banned?
    [15:46] <Valeur> ?
    [15:46] <Valeur> I can't express my opinion on gotwoot forums?
    [15:47] <Valeur> or are you all just American's you can't fathom a world outside of hawaii
    [15:51] * masamuneehs sighes
    [15:51] <masamuneehs> deadfire, care to handle this one?
    [15:52] <masamuneehs> Val, do you really believe in what you said there?
    [15:52] <Valeur> yes
    [15:53] <masamuneehs> that 33 20-year olds deserve to die for U.s. foreign policy?
    [15:53] <masamuneehs> well then you're a certified piece of shit
    [15:53] <Valeur> If 10 year old children get shot by us soldiers why not the reverse
    [15:53] <masamuneehs> ...
    [15:53] <masamuneehs> so, it's right for U.S. soldiers to kill 10 year old children?
    [15:54] <Valeur> No
    [15:54] <Valeur> but they do
    [15:54] <Valeur> And i am supposed to feel sorry for 20 year olds?
    [15:54] <masamuneehs> so what validates who should die?
    [15:54] <Valeur> Revenge.
    [15:54] <masamuneehs> do you read the news?
    [15:54] <Valeur> the USA stomps all over many places.
    [15:55] <masamuneehs> do you have any idea why that guy killed those people?
    [15:55] <Valeur> yet when something happens on their soil. they shit there pants in despair.
    [15:55] <masamuneehs> it wasn't for anything that you're talking about
    [15:55] <Valeur> masamuneehs, no, but thats not the point.
    [15:55] <Valeur> masamuneehs, true
    [15:55] <Valeur> But they still deserved to die.
    [15:55] <masamuneehs> pray tell why
    [15:55] <Valeur> the support a Country that ruins the world.
    [15:55] <masamuneehs> so do i
    [15:56] <Valeur> Yes.
    [15:56] <masamuneehs> and you live where, by the way?
    [15:56] <Valeur> And if you die, i will not have a shred of sympathy for you.
    [15:56] <Valeur> Korea.
    [15:56] <Valeur> South
    [15:56] <masamuneehs> oh that's precious, we really should let Kim Il fuck you guys over
    [15:57] <Valeur> And yes, your soldiers are still here. And they cause many problems for us.
    [15:57] <Valeur> Rape.
    [15:57] <Valeur> Theft.
    [15:57] <Valeur> Yet we can't touch them since they are US
    [15:57] <masamuneehs> you'd rather go cover the DMZ yourself?
    [15:57] <Valeur> Is that what you think they do here?
    [15:57] <Valeur> most of them sit on old army bases from the war.
    [15:57] <Valeur> and drink too much.
    [15:58] <masamuneehs> well i'm not that naive. it's a nice in-road to launch to China and the southern air routes
    [15:58] <Valeur> the USA hurts the whole world.
    [15:59] <masamuneehs> so some korean gets pissed off because he has no friends and doesn't fit in. so he goes out and ruins the lives of some americans. and that's justice?
    [15:59] <Valeur> Their ability to throw around the WTO
    [15:59] <Valeur> masamuneehs, some.
    [15:59] <masamuneehs> some justice?
    [15:59] <Valeur> yes
    [15:59] <masamuneehs> listen. if something is just, it's either right, or there's something better that would be actual justice
    [15:59] <Valeur> Maybe once the horrible things happen to you.
    [16:00] <masamuneehs> you ever lose a loved one?
    [16:00] <Valeur> Then your country would stop doing them to us.
    [16:00] <Valeur> masamuneehs, yes
    [16:00] <masamuneehs> oh yeah, how'd it happen?
    [16:00] <Valeur> My father
    [16:00] <Valeur> was killed by USA air strike.
    [16:01] <masamuneehs> so for you it's a personal vendetta
    [16:01] <Valeur> I may hold some grudges.
    [16:01] <Valeur> But you sound as if you are excusing the actions of your people as a whole.
    [16:01] <masamuneehs> heh
    [16:02] <masamuneehs> dude, if you'd been around here before, you'd know i don't even agree with almost any U.S. policy
    [16:02] <Kraco> Where on earth was a south korean killed by an us air strike?
    [16:02] <masamuneehs> but i won't excuse a blind, vicious, insensitive verbal attack against 33 dead kids around my age because you have some history and a clearly fucked sense ofjustice
    [16:02] <Valeur> Korean war
    [16:03] <Kraco> How old are you?
    [16:03] <Valeur> 25
    [16:03] <masamuneehs> Val, you seriously want a shot at defending your views?
    [16:03] <Valeur> masamuneehs, yes
    [16:04] <Kraco> Hmm... Your father was killed in a war that lasted from 1950-1953? And you are 25..?
    [16:04] <Valeur> Yes
    [16:04] <masamuneehs> i'm unbanning you and deleting the modified post (i can't recover it, unfortunately). you can post your opinion again, if you'd like
    [16:04] <Kraco> So, your father was killed dedaces before you were born?
    [16:04] <Kraco> *decades
    [16:05] <Valeur> no
    [16:05] <masamuneehs> i'd also be willing to edit your original post into something of your choosing, if you'd like
    [16:05] <Valeur> masamuneehs, delete it
    [16:06] <masamuneehs> done. unbanned. do keep in mind the rules when you post
    [16:07] <Valeur> I did not break any rules.
    [16:07] <Valeur> i stated what i belief in
    [16:07] <Valeur> well good day sir
    [16:07] * Valeur has quit IRC (Quit: winRAR)

    setting the record straight and establishing context for those who will surely be confused by the chain of events which i have no doubt will follow.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #18
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    lols....that's almost as good as that one time someone shit-posted in a thanksgiving thread we had once because it celebrates pilgrims killing native americans or something.

    Then there was that other guy who always implied that the fact many of us were born in America, we were simply inferior to him. Oh wait, that was r3n.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #19
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    America as in the continent or the USA?

    I didn't follow closely the news about this case (for the previos reasons I gave... tv and radio making it seem worse that Sep11), so I assume the gunman was Korean? I mean... because from what Rockmanj posted, and because of the irc conversation published above.

    Whatever reasons many would have... innocents should never pay for a goverments mistakes. (For example... there have been about 45 murders on my state (Nuevo León) during this 2007. The governor doesn't want to let the army enter and hunt down the 'narcos' doing this (about 40 of the murdered have been policemen linked to the narco) because it would damage the image of the city for the upcoming event 'Forum de las Culturas' with people from all over the world).

    Again, I totally ignore why this dude did this, but whoever believes that killing innocents is the solution to make someone pay... they deserve to root in hell. And before I get flamed... I am talking about the gunman.

  20. #20
    Guns should be banned. Who gives a shit about the 2nd amendment, the whole point of amendments is to fix our constitution. The American Fore-fathers knew shit would need to change, thats why we went from the Bill of rights all the way to the 27 amendments we have now. Who needs a gun? Its not like you can ever use it when you need to anyway. When the asshole points a gun to your face, your not going to reach into your pocket to pull out the gun, otherwise he'll just pull the trigger on you. And hunters should just go fuck themselves. Find a more challenging sport then picking on ants who can't even defend themselves.

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