So which one should I dl then? (without having to sign up for some shit.)
So which one should I dl then? (without having to sign up for some shit.)
assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense
is it just me or are all of the espadas ridiculously too strong..
nope it isn't just you...and ichigo is gonna get even stronger than them...
I'm think the #1 espada is going to be the guy at the top of the previous chapters colored page who we can barely see. (He's the old one on the top left of the page you were referring to in wikipedia)
His hollow mask looks like a crown.
Last edited by Gravidus; Mon, 04-16-2007 at 10:40 AM.
Either way, I don't see how any of them will leave Hueco Mundo alive without help. There is no feasible way for them to win by themselves. Rukia is dying (dead), and Ichigo can't win with his best powers. Someone has to help.
Agreed. Chad is also out, and Renji is busy. I guess the real question is who is coming to the rescue?
If someone has to come to the rescue then the most possible one would be Ishida..since he's like, not busy. I bet Ulquorria would just leave him there and Ichigo would pull off some miracle and stand back up again stronger than ever
even if ishida comes to the rescue what can he possible do...i mean masked ichigo>>>>ishida so what can he do except buy some time for ichigo to just like zhan said pull off a miracle and get stronger than ever
awesome chapter. ichigo is totall defeated. as stated in the 270 thread, i think that it is time for the vaizard invasion although i dont know if it will happen in the next chapter.
I have a feeling Ichigo may just steal one from the arrancar and transform when he does bankai next. Although releasing the inner hollow, as his training with the vaizerds has proved, does transform him, it may be possible that he will, using Zangetsu, release his sword and, in said release, transform into a merged form of Ichigo and Zangetsu. Either way, that's not a long time coming since, as stated earlier, Zangetsu has yet to teach him all his tricks.![]()
Grape : ichigo is not an espada.. he is a vaizard. he's not going to transform into anything other than having his mask...
what comes next? if the vaizards dont come to the rescue i hope that urahara shows up ^^
Yeah, Ishida isn't coming (he'll probably fight an Espada soon), plus he can't do anything. The only possible people who can save are 1)captains 2)vaizards 3)urahara+father and others.
Honestly, I don't know. Vaizards just seem to be the most plausible group.
And boy, is everyone in trouble. If Ulquiorra is 4, the top 3 are ridiculous.
One more thing. Who in the world could beat Aizen? I don't see that anyone can, let alone the top 3 espada. And Aizen isn't even finished. He'll find more of them, including Vastroodes, and there is going to be a massacre sans a miracle. Yikes.
People, we still have Nell around... there's still hope. She's faking being unconcious.
And what could Nell do? If she's been cast away, she probably isn't anywhere near as strong as Ulquiorra
You clearly missed the sarcasm... still there's a possibility that Nell has some more hidden powers which can help Ichigo, for one she can heal him.