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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 8-9

  1. #1
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.

    Naruto Shippuuden Episode 8-9

    It's out.

    So Sakura know about the Kyubi being inside Naruto, i hope he kill her so she won't talk.

    and.. i couldn't resist,
    Last edited by BioAlien; Fri, 04-13-2007 at 01:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Very nice episode.. It's been awhile since I finished the manga where this part took place so it refreshed my memory a lot.

    It's just that.... If it was an emergency, why did Baki slowly walk to the old people's place?

    But man... waiting 2 weeks for little progress... AHHH.
    Last edited by Idealistic; Fri, 04-13-2007 at 02:19 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    It's just that.... If it was an emergency, why did Baki slowly walk to the old people's place?
    heh, thats exactly what i was thinking.

    Good ep imo....atleast the first half of it. the second half was more dialogue and build up to the next ep. The animation i thought was fairly good in this ep. guess they pull out all the stops for the hour long episodes. Seems we mite get to see some more akatsuki next episode. im looking forward to it.

  4. #4
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Really good episode.

    I really liked both Naruto and Sakura's speeches in the second half. Reminds me of the other thing I like about Naruto besides the fighting.

    And they're really starting to flesh out Sasori's character. Which is good. We learned more about Sasori in one episode than we did about Deidera so far.

    I'm wondering how badass the old geezers are.

  5. #5
    Missing Nin
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    Excellent episode everything was done perfectly and the geezers made me laugh as well as the post preview bit.

    As far as anyone saying not much happened in this episode I completely disagree this episode moved the plot along miles better then the last 2 part episode and I can't wait for the next one.

  6. #6
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Kankuro looked pretty retarded in half his fight scenes though....guh....

    Also, I found it interested that they neglected to mention that among Sakura's discoveries from Tsunade's library, she had also previously found out about the Kyubi in Naruto. In the anime they made it seem like she's known since way back before they were genin o.O

    I'm glad they showed a lot of great build-up of Sasori's character though.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #7
    Was a good episode. If they keep up the level of animation and follow the storyline a bit more fastpaced, Naruto will be back on my 1-10 list again.
    Personally think some great progress was made here.

    One thing I see coming back alot, which can't be seen as realistic, is how people behave in situations. They walk when in a rush, they chitchat 5 minutes everytime they have to get somewhere and time is essential. It's just not fitting to me.

    And they slow down combat to make an apparent difference in skill/strength. I miss brilliance. Instead of making the opponent a superb fighter, they downgrade the skills of character we already know into something that doesnt range far from moves a robot could perform.

    Im anticipating some really great fights from now on, so Im keeping my hopes up in that field. Storywise I think the tension and emotion is being expressed properly, which is something the series lacked during 2 years of fillers ( or was it one ?)

  8. #8
    Man did that look dumb. When Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura are travelling through the forest, there's a couple periods where they look like they're just flying. They don't stop at any trees, and its just them flying for like 15 seconds.

  9. #9
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    In the anime they made it seem like she's known since way back before they were genin o.O
    Eh... The impression I got was that Sakura finally realized why everyone use to hate him.... Now she knows it's because of the Kyuubi.

  10. #10
    Sakura finnaly started to take drugs to keep up with everyone, just like athlets.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  11. #11
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death13a
    Sakura finnaly started to take drugs to keep up with everyone, just like athlets.
    Well either DB's translations were really bad or telling someone that eating too much of something is sexual harrassment in Japan...

  12. #12
    the fight between sasori and kankuro was pretty good. i thought kankuro did everything he could and executed his moves to the best of his abilities. the move when he had the puppet go underground to hit sasori and then catch him for his usual finishing move was pretty creative. i wish we could have seen more of sasori's abilities and techniques but i guess it wasn't necessary for him to use them against kankuro.

    when they were leaving the village to go to the sand village i thought for sure that jiraiya was going to join them. kind of odd that he didn't knowing that akatsuki members are going to be their opponents.

    on a final note, maybe i was misinterpreting the animation, but at 15:43 did that frog pee on jiraiya's face? i know the frog sprayed him with some kind of liquid and it didn't look like it came from his mouth so...

  13. #13
    Not a bad ep. Could have been better. Could have been worse.

    Dig Chiyo playing dead. So hot.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  14. #14
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    Well either DB's translations were really bad or telling someone that eating too much of something is sexual harrassment in Japan...
    Temari thought sexual harrassment becase Kakashi began with "girls should not..."
    Mostly she saw it as discrimination against the 'fair sex'

    Roboto: Yes. It peed him.

    Excellent episode btw.

  15. #15
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    You guys continue to boggle my mind. The same people who bashed the awesome Bleach 121 are giving praise for this episode of Naruto??

    The animation was decent, the story moved along nicely, but the fights and meetings were dull and had a poor pace. It was like they tried to draw out everything, including the messenger bird scene. I understand the need, but they could at least make it interesting and have the characters use some varied dialogue and act like trained ninjas.
    Like ?igma said, the timing of everything is frustrating. Let's hurry to organize everything, then stand around and chat for a while.

    The Sasori vs Kankurou fight was so blah, no background music, no interesting action. It was sort of cool to see Kankurou's different attacks, but he was obnoxiously over-confident that he would win, then be totally amazed that his opponent didn't die. Then he wonders when he was poisoned?? Umm, maybe it was when that big ass tail blade stabbed you in the gut, you idiot.

    I've only watched the first half and I'm already bored with it.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  16. #16
    Then he wonders when he was poisoned?? Umm, maybe it was when that big ass tail blade stabbed you in the gut, you idiot.

    It's already been acknowledged by the char that he was hit. It is not one of those plot-holes.Don't know why you brought it up except to fill up your "i need to have 1000 words per post." It goes without saying that you as an audience knows more than the char. You watched the zoom of the poison tail, you read the manga on Sasori beforehand, or you knew other clues the writer gave. It is dramatic irony and is used often to make the story and sometimes it works and other times it doesnt. Not every plot works.

    And who cares if they enjoy berating Bleach and praise Naruto. That's what the board is for. This is Naruto board. Go to Bleach if you have it with Bleach fans. Besides thats their opinion and you want to stop them from doing that on Bleach but yet here you are on a different board expressing your opinion against their opinion. Where's the logic in doing that except to deflating other's opinion and inflate yours. If you have specifics about Bleach not being poor quality state your case. When you attack the person you're not stating any specifics on why Bleach is high quality. You're just attacking the person(s). It is comparing orange to apples when saying Naruto is low quality. So what? Does that make Bleach high quality? Every anime has some good and some bad episodes and then comes the really bad ones that kills it, Rorouni Kenshin? Once again this is Naruto forum.
    It should have been obvious when you looked on this board.

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Good episode. The pacing in this episode was far better than the others so far. Though it did annoy me that the "Decoder" took what seemed like hours to figure out that Gaara got kidnapped. Even then, she seemed to walk to Tsunade's office.

    The other episodes clearly had a "movie pace". The music had a lot to do with my perception. Lots of build up, but everything seemed like it was just a prelude to something awesome. This was a huge improvement. The episode was exciting for what was going on in the episode instead of what the show promised later.

    On a similar note, the Kankurou/Sasori fight was fun to watch in the same way fights from the first series were. Instead of people doing stuff silently, they narrated what the characters were thinking strategically.

    More on the music. I hope they play some goddamned rock and roll during the fights like they used to.

  18. #18
    The fight was rubbish, I always imagine two sticks in my head, fighting in stick-motion.

    Now we have one bulky stick that swings around a tail and deflects all the little stick poison thingies. Doesnt move, no background music, no apparent emotion. Second stick, waves around his hands in all sorts of motions without any obvious link to his stick puppets. His movements have purposely been made slower to make the difference in power and skill apparent and obvious.

    And the lame sentence "You can't beat me because I made those puppets" only provides more material for the story. The actual fight couldn't have been won to begin with.

    People can't go and glorify a fight that had nothing of the energy and thrill the Gaara and Lee fight had as if it was a good fight. It had nothing. No new ideas, no show of any new talents, strategies. It was a bloody nintendo games pokemon fight.
    Last edited by ?igma; Sat, 04-14-2007 at 05:51 AM.

  19. #19
    I was wondering about that sexual harassment line as well. I was hoping one of the Japanese speaking members would comment about that translation. Is it correct or did DB take a lot of liberty?

    I'm surprised no one has said anything about the horrible animation during the walk to the Hokage's office.

    I agree that Kankuro's line about wondering when he was poisoned was completely idiotic. He got hit once and with no subtlety. No one's going to think "Hmm... when did I get poisoned?" That line would work if he was barraged with hits or he got some tiny little nick somewhere and was otherwised never touched. They should have just made him think back immediately to that hit to remind the stupid people in the audience he got hit, thus he's poisoned and have him say "I must've gotten poisoned then..."

  20. #20
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Hey ze lonewolf, are you French or something? Got your white flag ready?

    Kankurou gets stabbed with a giant spade in the guts, then wonders when he could have possibly been injected with poison. Then it dawns on him, "oh yeah, I just got stabbed with a giant f*cking spade in my guts, I guess the poison entered there, maybe!" That's not a plot hole, that's poorly written characterization and filleristic material. When I saw the purple goo on the spade, I thought Kankurou had purple blood, like the stuff on his face, not that it was poisoned. My bad. But it didn't take me 10 minutes to figure out how he had been poisoned. After all, I saw a giant f*cking spade stab him in his guts.

    The problem I have with them berating Bleach and not Naruto is that they slam Bleach for reason x, y, and z, then praise Naruto for those exact same reasons. Or they nitpick on some minor detail to bash Bleach, then gloss over all of the terrible major problems in Naruto and call it a good episode. And these are people who have enjoyed both series at some point, so it's not like it's some kid who's just into bashing Bleach and praising Naruto. How can you rag on one series for doing something dumb, yet praise another for doing the same dumb thing? It makes no sense. If you didn't realize it, click on the main forum page and then click on Bleach to see what I'm talking about. We discuss all kinds of anime on these boards.

    And in addition to what ?igma said, the whole "I made those puppets so you can't beat me with them" is dumb. Like people can't devise new tactics with the same weapons? Sasori can somehow predict everything the puppets can do under Kankurou's direction? That's like a master sword maker saying he can beat anyone who uses one of his swords. Well, sort of.
    Last edited by Animeniax; Sat, 04-14-2007 at 08:03 AM.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

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