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Thread: So I joined the Military...

  1. #1
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    So I joined the Military...

    As some of you know, I myself have finished school for ever and launched myself into the job world with a head full of dreams. I applied at a few places and got a little of promise however nothing really came out of it or anything. I went to Montreal for a trip for about 4 days it got me thinking on what I really wanted to do as a job and such.

    It wasn’t till the ride home I was talking to a (cute) girl from New Zealand who was on an exchange program in our Air force that I got in to thinking about it. We chatted about it but I really didn’t think much into it.

    The next day I woke up to me still thinking about it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I thought about the pros and cons about it and when thought them. Looking though the list of positions I found almost the prefect one for me

    Looking at that I came up with a list


    Job Experience
    Pay (Start: $30K/yr After 5 Yrs: $50K/yr)
    Everything I need is taken care of (Housing and food)

    I could be killed in a war my country didn’t start, nor will end. (Canada is a peacekeeping nation)
    I start with basically nothing, and will only be finally posted at my official job in about 2 years. (It appears there is a lot of training involved in the position I wish to get.)
    My Job requires me almost to be in combat (About 80%, so I’m told)

    Looking at these I decided it was worth the shot at doing something with my life. I had been part of Army Cadets for 7 years, so I had a taste of what to expect. So I went down and got myself signed up (However I’m missing a few things which I will have into them tomorrow)

    I want also everyone’s thoughts on this be it good or bad I want to prepare myself to do not do this.

    image fail!

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Good luck! Give 'em bastards some serious deadfire once you get to the hot spots!

    I've known some people who are/were employed by the military here and also in the US (different people), and they all seem pretty happy with their choices. So, you aren't going to get any "bad call" lamentations from me. And I doubt comm personnel are going to get too close to the actual fighting in your army. Of course anything can happen, but the chances are you won't be the one taking AK-47 fire or receiving hand grenades without pins and handles.

    The only drawback here is that this is likely going to take you away from Gotwoot more than a civilian job...

  3. #3
    Wow Deadfire, I didn't think you'd actually do it. But good luck and take care of yourself if you get deployed (which probably won't happen for a while). I'm sure we'll all miss you if you end up stuck somewhere with no internet for a while for training though.

    The only advice I can think of is...follow directions and try not to smile too much.

  4. #4
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Now this is kinda shocking.

    Well, no "don't!" from me. I'm a realist; I don't completely like armed forces but I realize they're needed - very needed! - in this world.

    But it's still very strange for me... this is the first time I've met someone who willingly joins the army. I guess I can understand it, as the pros you listed didn't sound bad, and Canada is a pretty peaceful country so with some luck you won't be in many dangerous situations. (or at least that's the image Canada has, could be wrong?)

    I wouldn't count the two-years training as a con, by the way. It sounds lenghty, yeah, but you'll learn a lot. By the time you're done with just the training, you'll probably be among the best in your area... at least in my country, it's common knowledge that military people are usually the best engineers, surgeons, trainers, planners and advisors.

    So, my final thoughts? Go ahead. Sounds like a great opportunity, evenmore so because you chose it, instead of just being drafted.

    Afterthoughts - post a pic of yourself in uniform as soon as you can! Me loves men in uniforms!

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  5. #5
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    As some of you might realise I have a military career as well. It's not just about weapons and jungle warfare on the tactical level, but actually more on psyops on the operational and strategic levels. It does have a lot of pros and cons to consider about, as I'm constantly asking myself whether this is the best for me as well.

    In the end, I think it's still a pretty much rewarding career. Training as a cadet gave me a lot of insights into how valuable and yet fragile life is, and I've become a better person through opportunities in leadership and management only the military can offer.

    So, for those who only see a career in the military as one who fights in war and goes around holding M16s, it's really not, and there is whole spectrum of different job and learning opportunities within its doors.

    Good luck on your new found career DF, and do post pics!
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  6. #6
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    To be honest, I don't really have the best of impressions of a career in the military. Mainly because I've come across high-ranking officers who treat their men like dogs with no respect, and yet there's nothing anyone can do about it because in the military, having the higher rank simply beats all reasoning.

    But I wish you best of luck in your chosen career. The job description doesn't sound like one that requires you to kick down doors and wave around machine guns, but more intellectual (electronic warfare?) kinda position, so I guess it can't be that bad.

    Would you get to choose which service (Army, Navy, Airforce) to go to? Can't imagine being holed up in one tiny dark room on a ship, getting all sea-sick but still forced to analyse some obscure signal, that'd be terrible heh.

  7. #7
    Deadfire, I would think you would good at the CiC.
    No bullets, screens, coms and headache.

    - Sergent Deadfire why is there a manga like wallpaper on the Tactical Command display ? You tell me know how I can visualize the battelfield like that ....
    - But sir it's ... Saber ... It's ... she can save us all you know she'll come and ...
    - Brig ... now ...

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Well, most of this had been discussed with me and some others over IRC, but basically....

    1) Make sure it's something you actually want to do, and not just something that's convenient for you due to the lack of any other opportunities your town is offering you. (Many people seem to join for this reason)

    2) Make sure it's the fastest way to realizing whatever your true career goals are. The military doesn't offer too much lee-way for relevant potential growth unless it's specifically for something like getting into political/government type work.

    3) Make sure it's a good fit for your personality. I myself have little patience with the type of commitment that I can't back out of. I get too antsy staying on one path, and so something like a long-term military career would probably drive me insane.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I checked out the site DF linked to, and it seems more of a technical job, which is also good as it gives you to chance to build up some experience which might be valuable in the private sectors, such as defence science or engineering.

    On a separate note, the Singapore Armed Forces focuses a lot on recuitment drives. Just look at some of the commercials. They always make me feel "patriotic" and want to sign on (if I haven't already)....
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #10
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    On a separate note, the Singapore Armed Forces focuses a lot on recuitment drives. Just look at some of the commercials. They always make me feel "patriotic" and want to sign on (if I haven't already)....
    American military commercials try to make it seem like you get super powers just by joining by showing things like a guy climbing a sheer cliff bare handed with no ropes, etc.

    This begs the question: What super power will DF get by joining the military?

  11. #11
    Wow.... I never expected that coming....

    Well.... If this is want you really want, then I am happy for you and I hope you will be successful and happy in the future! If you join the army because you cant find a job that you enjoy in your town, I recommend changing town. Like moving to Calgary.... It seems all the jobs are there.

    Good luck! And I hope you wont be sent to Afghanistan......

  12. #12
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I've known some people who are/were employed by the military here and also in the US (different people), and they all seem pretty happy with their choices. So, you aren't going to get any "bad call" lamentations from me. And I doubt comm personnel are going to get too close to the actual fighting in your army. Of course anything can happen, but the chances are you won't be the one taking AK-47 fire or receiving hand grenades without pins and handles.

    The only drawback here is that this is likely going to take you away from Gotwoot more than a civilian job...
    The Canadian Military is trained be be basically anything that is needed at a time. Because of the lack of personal soldiers are expected to perform any position that is called for. So it is possible I will be more then just a comm person. Me being taken away from Gotwoot was expected with any major job I would get. This one more so then others, but I will still be in contact with you all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Wow Deadfire, I didn't think you'd actually do it. But good luck and take care of yourself if you get deployed (which probably won't happen for a while). I'm sure we'll all miss you if you end up stuck somewhere with no internet for a while for training though.
    Thats another thing about this as well, I didn't expect to follow this path. I thought about be fore I started school, but I figured I should try to get a real job. It's one of those things I thought had nothing for me and I would find something better somewhere else. The more I think about it the more it seems clear that this path would be the best for myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Winged Dancer
    Now this is kinda shocking.

    Well, no "don't!" from me. I'm a realist; I don't completely like armed forces but I realize they're needed - very needed! - in this world.

    But it's still very strange for me... this is the first time I've met someone who willingly joins the army. I guess I can understand it, as the pros you listed didn't sound bad, and Canada is a pretty peaceful country so with some luck you won't be in many dangerous situations. (or at least that's the image Canada has, could be wrong?)

    I wouldn't count the two-years training as a con, by the way. It sounds lenghty, yeah, but you'll learn a lot. By the time you're done with just the training, you'll probably be among the best in your area... at least in my country, it's common knowledge that military people are usually the best engineers, surgeons, trainers, planners and advisors.

    So, my final thoughts? Go ahead. Sounds like a great opportunity, evenmore so because you chose it, instead of just being drafted.

    Afterthoughts - post a pic of yourself in uniform as soon as you can! Me loves men in uniforms!
    I myself is a realist as well. I like to see things as they are and their effects to me. When I was thinking about it those thoughts came up of what I would do and how. I saw that this was something that was needed by not only myself, but for my community as well my country. Canada's military is known to be UN's Peace keepers, they have been deployed everywhere, which is a mixed blessing. Our forces are in demand and are known to be highly trained, however with our forces being as small as they are most soldiers are deployed for most of their careers. I see that, and made peace with it.

    Another point is yes I'm doing this on my own free will. Not because of really anything forcing me to do it. My family has had not many soldiers at all and those it did have aren't ones I personally know. My family supports me though, and never really tried to tell me to look at other things. They as much as I see that I'm needed in this career for not for only the country, but myself to advance myself.

    The length of training I agree it is needed to be that long. It is also going to make me ready for the real world some more past my current level of education. That will make me very valued in a workplace after my service. (That is if I only serve the manitory 5 years)

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    As some of you might realise I have a military career as well. It's not just about weapons and jungle warfare on the tactical level, but actually more on psyops on the operational and strategic levels. It does have a lot of pros and cons to consider about, as I'm constantly asking myself whether this is the best for me as well.

    In the end, I think it's still a pretty much rewarding career. Training as a cadet gave me a lot of insights into how valuable and yet fragile life is, and I've become a better person through opportunities in leadership and management only the military can offer.

    So, for those who only see a career in the military as one who fights in war and goes around holding M16s, it's really not, and there is whole spectrum of different job and learning opportunities within its doors.

    Good luck on your new found career DF, and do post pics!
    I was a cadet for 7 years when I was 12 to 19. During that time it showed me that as well. You become a better person, and you get things about life and social interaction at a young age that some even when they are adults don't get. Part of the reason to join the forces is to gain those things that will not only help you in the forces but in the real world as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by yallo
    To be honest, I don't really have the best of impressions of a career in the military. Mainly because I've come across high-ranking officers who treat their men like dogs with no respect, and yet there's nothing anyone can do about it because in the military, having the higher rank simply beats all reasoning.

    But I wish you best of luck in your chosen career. The job description doesn't sound like one that requires you to kick down doors and wave around machine guns, but more intellectual (electronic warfare?) kinda position, so I guess it can't be that bad.

    Would you get to choose which service (Army, Navy, Airforce) to go to? Can't imagine being holed up in one tiny dark room on a ship, getting all sea-sick but still forced to analyse some obscure signal, that'd be terrible heh.
    Ya I ran into that alot as a cadet as well. Some people though like the real world will be like that. There is in almost every workplace leadership that can't lead. People are always also jealous of those that can do things they can't. It's a part of life that hardships like that will exist.

    My career means I work with any of the 3 elements. I prefer Air and Ground (I hate ships and other navy like things) I will be deployed as the army sees fit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma
    Deadfire, I would think you would good at the CiC.
    No bullets, screens, coms and headache.
    The CiC have to do all those things still if you think about it :P

    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Well, most of this had been discussed with me and some others over IRC, but basically....

    1) Make sure it's something you actually want to do, and not just something that's convenient for you due to the lack of any other opportunities your town is offering you. (Many people seem to join for this reason)

    2) Make sure it's the fastest way to realizing whatever your true career goals are. The military doesn't offer too much lee-way for relevant potential growth unless it's specifically for something like getting into political/government type work.

    3) Make sure it's a good fit for your personality. I myself have little patience with the type of commitment that I can't back out of. I get too antsy staying on one path, and so something like a long-term military career would probably drive me insane.
    1) It is something I've always thought about doing. I just thought that maybe I could avoid doing it as I would get a better position else where.

    2) In 5 years when my manitory term ends I will have more skills then I would if I took university for 4 years and worked for a year. Having 5 years in the forces doing exact what I want a carreer in and have training during all of it looks alot better on a resume. So I'm told anyway. Regardless it gives me everything to be basically set for life

    3) As a cadet I found out quickly I like structure. I like having a day that I knew what was going to happen, when and how. I also found that in different things I could apply my own personal way of doing things. After the first two training stages (13 weeks basic, 48 weeks advanced) I will be able to select to take other courses as well as positions relating to already what I know and like doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by gr3atfull
    Wow.... I never expected that coming....

    Well.... If this is want you really want, then I am happy for you and I hope you will be successful and happy in the future! If you join the army because you cant find a job that you enjoy in your town, I recommend changing town. Like moving to Calgary.... It seems all the jobs are there.

    Good luck! And I hope you wont be sent to Afghanistan......
    That was another thought I had when looking into this. In canada however I've found that the jobs I wish to apply for are already flooded by others that already have connections. I myself have no connections, and on that note then the States would be the best option

    However The states from canada, would require me to get a employment visa and a company that is willing to basically support a greenhorn like myself for a year. Not something alot of companies are willing to do. That and any credit to my name would be reduced to zero.

    and pictures will of course be given :P
    Last edited by Deadfire; Wed, 04-11-2007 at 03:54 PM.
    image fail!

  13. #13
    Good luck and hang in there

  14. #14
    I thought about joining the reserves last summer with a friend but that didn't happen.

  15. #15
    Get your ass into a M109A6 at least you'll far away from moujhadins
    I do know Land Force Command got some and if you'r lucky your boss will ship your ass here in france for some interarmy training and I will offer you a drink anywhere in Paris.

  16. #16
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    Keep up the good work DeadFire. Don't wind up dead.

  17. #17
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Well.... I said most I needed to say in irc, but ill just repeat myself by saying, if you do get deployed.. have fun and stay alive. =D

  18. #18
    try not to kill any of our own guys.....and dont let them find out that you're secretly a communist

  19. #19
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, I've checked a little the job desprication, it seems a bit like my officer's training on strearoids...
    GRC, VRC, PRC, radio link, SSB, air waves, ground waves, DV circle, Ip adress, army network... and lot's more.
    it's intersting, i'll tell you that.
    but still, going to the military is a big desicion, I don't know how things work over there at Canada, but I guess that it's nearly imppossible to quit in the middle, which is both good and bad...

    the most important thing, if you can, is to try and talk to people who have done this before, I'm sure that if you show some serious intrest, they'll send you some officer to speak with you and try to motivate you...

  20. #20
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    so...what youre saying is...Canada has a military? That comes as more of a surprise to me than Deadfire joining said military.

    I'm official.

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