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Thread: Lucky Star

  1. #101
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Konata's dad keeps rocking. That man never lets you down.

    Also, they seem to give pretty much screen time to Yutaka and her friends. I guess to get more variety. It has been 19 episodes already, after all, and to be honest the settings in this series are quite limited by default.

  2. #102
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I found this mention about Lucky Star in an anime blog.
    it’s completely believable that they are a group of friends that appreciate each other’s company. I believe part of what makes this achievable is the ease and fluidity in which the characters are set up
    When I read that, the reason I like Lucky Star so much suddenly all clicked into place.

    The strange thing about Lucky Star is that the character's relationships with each other seem utterly natural. More so than any other school slice of life series, Azumanga Diaoh included. In Azumanga, you never really had a sense that the girls had individual personalities, they were just always doing things together, and they only had a few sparse things to distinguish from each other. Yomi wanted to diet, Sasaki liked cute things, Osaka was an airhead, etc. You never really seemed to get a sense of anything else about them. There was a exaggerated personality trait for each girl, but that's all they really were. Then they applied random other wacky characters (Kimura) and put them in fairly awkward and occasionally hard to believe situations for "slice-of-life." It certainly makes for a more lasting impression, but over time, its shock factor no longer shown as brightly in my memories.

    In Lucky Star, they are all compressed collections of moe traits, but that's only to drag the viewers in. If you move all the moe aside, we get a very clear picture of each of the girls (except Miyuki) because we see them at home, by themselves, and all they ever do is talk about things that interest them. They're very distinct from each other.

    The Hiiragi twins are very different from each other, and have very different interests. Kagami even tries to press some of her own interests onto Konata, thinking they might have something more in common. Tsukasa is more down to earth, will very likely end up a housewife, and just enjoys life. She's the perfect counterbalance between Kagami and Konata. Konata's personality is very obvious, I'll save space instead of elaborating. Surprisingly, even all the first years have fairly well developed personalities after just a few scenes in episode 18. Hiyori is into doujin circles, and if you've ever known someone like that in an anime club, they share a tendency to be ashamed of their hobby. In 19, she's just like any art student I've ever known, very attached to her favorite tools. Patricia "Bouncy-tan in the OP" is the Embrace-everything-"Japanese" exchange student, including all the character traits you see in any real world anime convention attendee that goes to Japan. They "know all about" all sorts of key spots, but do the cliche things, and ignore other landmarks. Iwasaki has a cold demeanor, but is deeply caring, and worries a lot about how she appears and is viewed. A typical person with lower self-esteem, they tend to care more about others.

    They are written more like people than characters.

    The way they interact comes off more natural too. People with very different interests gradually become tight-knit friends, especially when they've been together in school for so long. They aren't just randomly attached to each other. But neither are they exclusively friends with just each other. Miyuki is always off doing something or gets left out, Kagami has friends in her own class that she doesn't share with her twin. So far, we've never seen Tsukasa even talk with Misao or Ayano. Tsukasa is much closer to just Konata, while Kagami puts in effort to spend time with her own unique subset of friends.

    They come off more realistic in their personalities and interactions than most other series. For a show that's all anime references, it's strange, but very nice.

  3. #103
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Episode 21 by Guerrand.

    Shiraishi Minoru finally snapped.. I wonder what will happen to the Lucky channel from now on.

  4. #104
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryl - not to disagree completely, but I dont think its the way the characters are presented (like the complex web of relations that you illustrated) that makes this show work. Its because it creates a realistic and familiar atmosphere, that is completely the opposite of other shows that tend to delve into fantasy and impossible situations too much. The jokes used in Lucky Star are something that people can relate to, and maybe even used themselves before. That said, I completely agree with your statement in bold, and I would just like to add - The Lucky Star world IS the real world
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  5. #105
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    On a very special Lucky Star...

    Luck Star 22 [Guerrand]

    episodic content below

    The flashbacks with Kanata were surprisingly moving. Kona-papa may be a supreme lolicon, but there's no doubt he very much loved his tiny cute wife. I got a bit misty-eyed in one scene.

    Shiraishi's latest ED was very impressive, I'm quite amazed it turned out as well as it did. He's getting better.

  6. #106
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    I can't stop laughing.. is that wrong?

  7. #107
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    For those of us who don't go with guerrillas but wait for a.f.k.

    Episode 20 - a.f.k.

  8. #108
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Another fun episode. Just your typical day-to-day Lucky Star episode. I was quite surprised that Lucky Channel was so short.

    Best moment = "You're not a crow today" "You're not a dog today"
    If you don't get it, watch Air TV.

  9. #109
    Episode 23 - Guerrand

    You know what I noticed? The Lucky Star intro just doesn't look right without a.f.k.'s karaoke on it. Looks a lot more empty than I'm used to.

  10. #110
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Picking on Minami in top form this week. From her flat chest to embarrassing things witnessed by Miyuki's mom.

    Misao once again matches wits with Kagami. She really doesn't do anything, but somehow, she still stands out as my favorite of the side characters. She's just so carefree.

    The big surprise came of course from Yuuko Gotou as herself on Lucky Channel. Her real life hair length, cut, and appropriate color, her love for motorcycles (according to various websites), etc. She really does have an impressive range. Too bad she always plays cutesy characters.

  11. #111
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    [Guerrand] Lucky Star 24

    It's always sad to see something like this go. Loved the full length dance, and a light-hearted (perhaps even too simple) way to see this series end. Well, that's a slice of life series for you.

    I'll definitely feel like I'm missing something each week from now on.

  12. #112
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    After a month's wait, here is Lucky Star 21 by a.f.k.

  13. #113

  14. #114

  15. #115
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    And the grand finale! Lucky Star 24 by a.f.k.

  16. #116
    Kinda embarrasses to ask this, considering iv been watching anime for some years now, but wth is "moe"?

    @Shinta and Lucifus
    -lol i noticed that you guys are, goin C.C. style again even though CG S2 wont be out for a while, gj ^^.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  17. #117
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
    Kinda embarrasses to ask this, considering iv been watching anime for some years now, but wth is "moe"?
    Enthusiasm for certain character types or traits. Shows like Lucky Star naturally may have characters possessing distilled forms of such traits, but they are readily available in most high school animes as the different character stereotypes that appeal to people liking particular types (silent cool bishoujo, eyeglasses, cute-clumsy, wild, etc).

    I find it a kind of elusive concept but I suppose that's only because I try to overanalyze a simple thing.

  18. #118
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Aww, the series is over =( I would've been happy with another season of Lucky Star.... maybe... there would be a limit to how much moe one can absorb from this show, haha. I'll definitely miss this bunch and the Lucky Channel cast (endings included).

  19. #119
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Lucky Star OP - Full Dance by Zombies

    An awesome dance of the opening. Would've been better if they were girls WITHOUT the masks, haha.

  20. #120
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Quote Originally Posted by kooshi
    Lucky Star OP - Full Dance by Zombies

    An awesome dance of the opening. Would've been better if they were girls WITHOUT the masks, haha.
    Can't see shit.. Youtube has been ass with me lately, I get this:
    "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."

    But I can see the vid if they are embed but not directly on youtube, the hell?

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