This should be interesting. Good luck!
This should be interesting. Good luck!
Day 1 results:
1 positive
9 negative
Net change: -61 points
Keep it up guys!
Done and done. Become the baddest on gotwoot.![]()
Decent progress so far today. Keep it up. Don't just neg rep this post...whenever I post anything, neg rep it immediately.
Day 2 results:
1 positive
8 negative
Net change: -62 points
Last edited by Board of Command; Sun, 04-08-2007 at 10:28 AM.
Not every one reads this thread. You should put a message in your signature to inform every one about your challenge.
Good thinking. I sure will.
Doesn't stand out enough...make it bold
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I think it's good to go now.
Animeniax has the lowest ever.
I doubt you'll even catch up to me. I've already gotten 2 idiotic neg reps from this thread.
I don't understand it. :/
I had the lowest rep some time ago.
How many points do you have BoC?
and with 2 day results having ~ -60 each day.
Should be possible.
Day 3 results:
3 negs
1 neutral (no rep power)
Net change: -17 points
Really really slow day there... Kai, I'm currently at 572.
How much did you start with?
Starting point was 712.
Putting aside the fact that this idea basically ridicules the reason that the system was first put in place for. It do make fun of those that constantly whine about every single rep that they thought was unfair and stupid blah blah blah....... Here is a person with a pretty respectable rep trying to make his way to the very bottom, it ridicules both the system and the people whole make the system unbearable at times. But since all the drama has basically went away I am kinda torn, "is this a good idea or just another mistake...."
Well whatever if the forces to be can let it go why the hell can't I....
Anyways if you want to achieve your goal. Go and piss assertnfailure and BUD as well as jad and XDM; if you can find them. Since they basically have the highest repping power those are they guys that are key to your goal.Assertnfailure and Bud are pretty easy to piss off, and I am guessing that he is already helping out. For Bud well make a mistake or two in the threads that his is intensely involved in and you should get your result. All of this is only possible of course, if the mods repping power haven't been limited. I know that the admins has been capped at +/- 25 but i don't recall if the mods were.
Anyways good luck I guess.
p.s. I am interested to know complich8's thoughts on this matter.....
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
I'm pretty sure all the top brass are okay with it. No complaints so far.
And I'm not going to go out of my way to get neg reps (other than my sig). This is purely a voluntary "support the movement" thing. I'm not going to go out and shit on threads to speed it up.
the other part that makes it hard to help him achieve his goal is the rule about spreading the reps around. it's more difficult than i thought to find other people to rep that i wouldn't have repped in the first place. i guess that is going to throw the system off too. although, i don't think that i have much power when it comes to repping members. however, i did go back to some older threads and found members that i should have repped before i figured out how the system worked.
On principle, I disapprove of the whole affair. I don't like this thread having been hijacked as it has been, but I should have locked it about 6 pages ago when it started going south to begin with.
On the other hand, making fun of that also diminishes the drama, and as Roboto points out, for people to participate they've got to go around repping people, which drives overall rep participation and theoretically actual forum participation, all of which is positive.
I think the positives of the exercise outweigh the negatives, so I'm mildly in support of this, inasmuch as I'll allow it to go on. So long as BoC doesn't adopt the asinine posting style of the people he's trying to compete with, that is.