He's not alone in that respect.
In other news, visible reputation is now optional, on a provisional basis. Maybe that can help cut down the drama. Maybe not.
He's not alone in that respect.
In other news, visible reputation is now optional, on a provisional basis. Maybe that can help cut down the drama. Maybe not.
Last edited by complich8; Mon, 10-02-2006 at 02:15 PM.
So uh, can a mod change my title? I'm serious. I don't want the same title as Mizuchi.
nope, sorry. you both fail at reputation, you both get the title.
I hate to say it, but it seemed like he was getting a little bit better. Despite a lot of criticism he was trying to improve. At least he wasn't annoying the piss out of me anymore. Now he's gone right back to shitposting.
I don't know, maybe the two have nothing to do with eachother, and it's just coincidental. It seems a bit far-fetched that reputation would have such a great effect on someone.
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
Yay. The reputation counter is off.
Now I don't have to suckup to people and I can be an arse!
I kid.. I kid.
How pray tell do we control whether our rep is visible or not? Just curious.
Go to your control panel and click on 'Edit Options' and where it says -
you can check or uncheck that to hide or show your reputation to other people.Show My Reputation Level
Your current reputation level is displayed to other users whenever you post a message. If you would like to hide your reputation, disable this option.
Last edited by KoKo37; Tue, 10-03-2006 at 07:03 PM.
So if it's turned off, can it be turned back on?Originally Posted by complich8
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
The option just seems to be a show / don't show switch in your control panel. I've turned it off and on and the level remains the same. Now, can your reputation still rise and fall if it's switched off (or not show)? My guess is probably yes, but you're less likely to be repped if it's disabled.
Lol, Mizuchi, switch your reputation back on just to see where you are now.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
I'm quite surprised to see that I have a positive rep
Seems I'm still not allowed to give rep, though.
I thought you were forced to disable it...by the way all the weird random yellings in your reputation were probably me...though i think most of them were positiveOriginally Posted by mage
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
I was, but I can enable it myself now.
hmm, what an interesting way of doing things ...
Turns out that the way the rep system is built, there's no way for me (or any admin) to completely shut a user out of it short of banning them or turning off the system.
There's 4 options that can be set: "can see who left comments" "can use" "can hide level" and "can leave negative" ... the "can use" option enables or disables a user's ability to give rep, but doesn't affect the other options (except for the ability to give negative rep).
Interestingly, for the "can hide" option, if it's set "yes" the user can opt in/out of the system, but if it's set to "no" the user is forced in regardless of other settings. That's ... really sort of lame, from an admin perspective... what can ya do though?
I guess ... just not really care.
Looks like I have a fan....hahahahaha. I think you should have to leave a comment before you can add or subtract from someone's reputation. I mean, at least tell me what I've done wrong so I can make the appropriate corrections. Unless these are just attacks, which is a little childish and pretty lame.
EDIT: many thanks to whoever left this comment:
Reputation System:... 10-30-2006 11:13 PM Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand
Last edited by fahoumh; Sat, 11-04-2006 at 06:13 PM.
Is it against the rules to sign your reps?
it is indeed against the rules to sign your reps.
Can I ask why that is?Originally Posted by complich8
it leads to retaliatory/payback reps, encourages cliques to form to artificially inflate rep scores. It's just a bad practice.
When I first set up the rep system, it caused that sort of problem, which is why the rule is there. There's more explanation of the current system and rationale in the first couple posts in this thread.