View Poll Results: Will BoC have a lower rep than Animeniax one month from now?

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Thread: Reputation System: Dramatics and Whining

  1. #221
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    If we are "seeking neg reps", it's for no other reason besides to ridicule the system and the fanboys that populate it. I personally am not seeking neg reps, but have a tendency to receive them anyway, so why not celebrate it. It's kind of like why gays becoming flaming, though I don't like the comparison, neither do I dislike gays.

    Some of my statements and conclusions go against the grain, which is easy when dealing with a homogeneous throng of nerds. Does that make my viewpoint less appropriate on a public forum? Don't the moderators already patrol these waters? Do you really need another system in place to keep the masses in line?

    I think the -200 rule is ridiculous. Look at our main argument here: fanboys suck and make the system useless. You're going to let a bunch of fanboys decide what's appropriate for this forum? You revel in being the "immoderate moderator", so your judgment is questionable as well, but let's see what others think.

    Some other justification for why a -200 rule wouldn't work.
    I received neg rep for saying Orochimaru was my favorite badguy from Naruto.
    I received neg rep for saying Lord of the Rings wasn't the be-all-end-all fantasy series everyone claims it is.
    I received neg rep for asking if anyone has tasted Bomba energy drink.

    People aren't encouraged to speak their minds or have differences of opinion on this forum as it is, so an automatic ban would be like the Salem witch trials.
    Last edited by Animeniax; Wed, 06-06-2007 at 09:08 AM.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  2. #222
    I assume you're referring to BoC and Animeniax and not me. I don't actively pursue any rep.

    Your rules are useless with the current rep system. Everyone would have to be reset to 0 and the anonymity gone. There are far too many idiots on this board and gaining rep power is pretty easy. Just be a fanboy and post useless crap a few times that will spark no response and you get repping power. Then they go on their rampage continually posting useless nonsense and neg repping the slightest different view.

    I don't know if you can, but if you can, look at my account and the posts for which I get neg repped. They are most definitely not trolls. They're either:
    A.) Critical (FANBOYS CHARGE!!!) This and this were bad about an episode/chapter.
    B.) Speculative (Fanboy says "That would never happen!" and it happens)
    C.) Corrective (Fanboy said something stupid and I corrected him so he retaliates.)
    D.) Suggestive: It would be cool if... (Fanboy: FUCK NO IT WOULDN'T!!!)

    XanBcoo, the Simpsons do suck ass. The movie coming out looks like crap. After about season 4 it was downhill. They should've cancelled it long ago. (awaits neg rep)

    Anyways, I guess it is OUR FAULTS. We make an attempt at showing different views and invoking thought. This place is obviously created by, run by, and for mostly stupid fanboys. So maybe Mas is right. Maybe we should be banned? Time to find another board to talk about manga/anime where the demographic isn't 13-21 year old retarded fanboys. Not to mention douchebag mods who give out stupid warnings and bans for DBZ references and "baiting other users" out of personal vendetta because they can't find a good legitimate reason. Let's not forget the mod who posts a bunch of drivel and lame attempts at sarcasm, stupidly censors posts, threatens everyone in a thread, and "prophesizes" in anime threads for which he reads the manga.
    Last edited by JaySee; Wed, 06-06-2007 at 09:54 AM.

  3. #223
    JaySee, I'm no longer seeking neg reps anymore because I realized I will never catch up to you guys. I've simply come to far in the positive direction to go down to the red.

    However, you can still neg reg me all you want.

  4. #224
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I never thought I'd see the day I'd agree with animeniax...

    Look, the rep system is a toy. It's a popularity contest. It's stupid. It's trivial. It's easily subverted. It's easily exploited. Yadda yadda yadda.

    It's not meant to be a user banning system. If people are breaking rules, ban them. If people are doing things that aren't necessarily against the rules but are ban-worthy, warn and/or ban them. If people are just being stupid ... well ... people are stupid, deal with it.

    I would purge the entire rep table, reset the scores and then disable the system entirely before I let it be used as a referendum on banning.

    I think it was Jefferson who said something about democracy being two wolves and a sheep discussing what to have for lunch... just some food for thought.

    I've said before, if you don't like the rep system -- if you think it's pointless, if you think it's exploitable, if you think it colors people's opinion of you in ways you'd rather not have their opinions colored, or if you just don't like the idea, just disable showing it. People will still rep you, but not as much, and you can totally ignore it.

    I'm getting really sick of the petty bickering and stupidity that this thread has degenerated into though. So I'm putting a stop to it. Locked. If you have issues with persistent harassment or other problems with the system, send me a PM, don't air your dirty laundry in public.

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