For those of you that are married or planning to sometime in your life time, I was wondering if you could help me out with this.
Friday at work an interesting debate took place. Is there any real tangible benefit of getting married? There are emotional and well at a certain point in any relationship it comes to that set at one point in time.
But is there anything you can physically gain from getting married under normal circumstances ( excluding marriage for status and so on....)
Some of the reasons that came up were, taxes, property claim, insurances, health benefits and a few others. But all of them were easily shot down.
In the U.S.
Taxes: If you share bank accounts, interlinking credit lines and so forth you could file anyways.
Claim of property: If you are living together for more that seven years or so you can claim the right to each other's property.
Insurances and Health Benefits can be explained under similar reasoning.
So once again can you tell me are there any tangible reasons for someone to get married?
Edit: this debate was conducted by financial analysts and their peers.... Both married and unmarried. It was just something to kill time and well it was interesting as well.