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Thread: Getting screen shots: How do you do it?

  1. #1
    Genin Sasori's Avatar
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    Getting screen shots: How do you do it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    @RyougaZell: If you go into MPC Options, under Playback->Output you'll probably see the Overlay Mixer radio button clicked. If you change that to System Default it should allow you to take screens.

    I've wondered how to do this many a time, is there a keyboard shortcut you use? Or is there an option in media player classic to take screen shots? I have a button on my keyboard called "Fn" with a box around it. On my "Insert" button it says "prt sc" with a box around it, used together I can use this to make a general screen shot, but when I use ctrl+v it appears but doesn't stick... I don't know how else to describe it. Know what I'm talking about?

    Special thanks to Lucifus for this fine sig and avatar!

  2. #2
    @Sasori, the problem you're having is that for some weird reason taking a regular print screen screen of a video stream relies on the player to tell it what to display, so if you close the player then all the information just becomes black.

    Here's how you should be taking screnshots with MPC (Other programs ARE different and I don't know their details offhand). After you've made the change I mentioned to RZ (restart MPC after this), you'll need to use a player specific hotkey to take the screen. I believe the default key is F5 for take in instant screen and Ctrl+F5 to do a Save As... If you do instant it'll be named snapshot[year][month][day][time].bmp in the default image directory...not sure what that is set to by default, but mine is My Documents/My Pictures. If you do Ctrl+F5 it'll prompt you as to where to save the screen and what to call it.

    NOTE: I may be wrong about the default hotkey, but you can set it to whatever you want by going into Options->Player->Keys. Save Image and Save Image as are the 4th or 5th down.

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