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Thread: Bleach Chapter 269

  1. #1

    Bleach Chapter 269

    Warning: spoiler pics

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    Pic 2

    Signature by Lucifus

  2. #2
    Uh-oh, unwinnable fight on the horizon! Time to turn back and train~

    Rinse, and repeat.


  3. #3
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Ulquiorra vs Ichigo so soon? This I need to read/watch...

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    If ichigo is going to fight ulquiora, i'm betting on somebody coming to his rescue... or ulquiora being 'called off'...

  5. #5
    or the hollow inside ichigo pops out saying something like'' come to this dimension and expect to use me more than one time...ichigo you suck''or something like this...i really like that ichigos hollow style...

  6. #6
    My question is will the Hueco Mundo arc be resolved before the anime catches up. There's still a bit ways to go but things are progressing rather quickly.

  7. #7
    Is it me or does Ulquiorra seem to be showing emotion? He's looking more emo / demented then he usually allows himself to look.

    Either Ichigo going to get saved, or he's gonna pull another power level increase out of his hat.

  8. #8
    Last edited by Tsukasa; Fri, 03-30-2007 at 06:25 PM.

  9. #9
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Mostly an introductory chapter for the other Espada.


  10. #10
    A lame conclusion to a lame fight. Who'd think we'd see an Espada kick the bucket so early and so anti climatically. I'll give mad props though if Rukia actually really is dead, but most likely someone will come and revive her.

  11. #11
    The thing I hate the most is main character never dies.

    Anyway, after reading the last few chapters, I give mad props to Kubo for not giving bankai to Rukia. It would have been worse than what he did now. The fight was definitely bad though. This fight also proves Rukia to be extremely low in the power department, which is also a good thing. Although Ishida and Chad gain new powers, not everyone got a power upgrade (though Rukia did gain a third dance) which makes it a bit more interesting. I hope Kubo makes Rukia a spell caster for future fights.

    I hope Kubo starts making things more interesting because Bleach is getting boring. Only the Chad fight got me a bit excited. The Ichigo fight was ok, because it showed how powerful he can be with his mask on. The Ishida fight was just plain boring. HAY GAIS I GOTZ A SOUL CUTTER LEWLEWLEWL >.>.

  12. #12
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    hugh? I loved Ishida's fight... the dude got a chainsaw! what's not to like?
    well, considering that rukia never fought anyone from the highcaliber of anything (did she fight a strong hollow when they fought hollows? no. did she fight a captain when they fought captains? no. did she get into a serious fight before this arc? no.) she could never really win against anyone improtant, though winning against his particular enemy gives her a nice feeling a fixing the past...

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    A lame conclusion to a lame fight. Who'd think we'd see an Espada kick the bucket so early and so anti climatically. I'll give mad props though if Rukia actually really is dead, but most likely someone will come and revive her.
    You do realize that the Espada was a weak ass Gillian? Even with him being number 9, I can't help but think that he got that position based on potential rather than current strength.

    And people, stop complaining about main characters not dying... This is a shounen series, if you don't like it go read something more mature you're simply reading the wrong genre.

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    He was still an Espada nonetheless.. and there wasn't even time to showcase his skills which, given his appearance, was something I'm sure a lot of people were curious to see.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  15. #15
    Yeah, that's true I guess... I still think some of the 11-20 Arrancars, Yami, and some of the Privaron Espadas are stronger than him. You also need to take into account that Gillians are dumb fucks, and ultimately it was his stupidity that killed him.

  16. #16
    You do realize that the Espada was a weak ass Gillian? Even with him being number 9, I can't help but think that he got that position based on potential rather than current strength.

    And people, stop complaining about main characters not dying... This is a shounen series, if you don't like it go read something more mature you're simply reading the wrong genre.
    He may have been a gillian but he also spent like fives pages explaining how because of his super mega hyper awesome ability of eating hollows and gaining their strength he was powerful enough to become an Espada.

    Then he released his zanpacto (could never spell that right) and we see his super powerful blob form. I don't care what kind of argument you make but that was a stupid way to end the fight.

    "BWAHAHAAHAH I'm so incredibly powerful and I've screwed you on this pike because I'm so awesome and I've got over 30,000 hollows which means fighting me is fighting a 30,000 hollow army of AWWWW CRAP you stabbed me in the face when I wasn't looking, ah crap!"

    Seriously, I'd be like in the inevitable super hyper face off Ichigo vs. Aizen, Ichigo wins because Aizen accidentally tripped on a banana.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    He may have been a gillian but he also spent like fives pages explaining how because of his super mega hyper awesome ability of eating hollows and gaining their strength he was powerful enough to become an Espada.
    And there's the kicker. With 30,000 Hollows absorbed into his being, he has the offensive capabilities equal to the task of an Espada.

    Defense? Intelligence? Still on par with a Gillian's. Afterall, his actions showed that he was clearly relying on the Kaien mask to completely obliterate Rukia's will to fight, and thus he could take it easy on all other accounts (including relaxing when he had impaled her).


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