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Thread: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS

  1. #121
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    There were some good individual fights but the story carried this in a strange way in my opinion: Section Six (not to mention the ground forces who did absolutely nothing) didn't win a single fight nor managed to protect anything. Considering we had there players like Nanoha and Fate, you would think something had happened. But they seemingly didn't make a dent in the skins of the cyborgs. The Vita-Rein vs gruffy old man-pixie (whatever were their names) was probably one of the best fights in these episodes. It was balanced and the story didn't favor either one in a clear way.

    And I hope the helicopter pilot died. Bloody loser shouldn't have even touched a gun if he wasn't ready to shoot. If he didn't die I hope he'll become a drunkard blaming himself for what happened for the rest of his life... Grrr...

  2. #122
    Wow those eps gave us pretty much everything one could ask for except victory for the good guys. I haven't seen a rape party that bad in ages. And how many bombshell revelations about the charachters can you cram in one episode....apparently quite a few. I thought the pilot's past was pretty good, Erio's past came totaly out of left field though, and it's too bad his didn't come with awesome ass kicking like Subaru's.

    And then there was Subaru...just amazing. That crazy punch she gave in 16 was fantastic, surpassed only by the barrier breaching energy shot to the face she gave poor 5 in 17. But it seems like she ruined Mach Caliber in the process of flipping out, I hope they can bring him back from that, he was funny. Though if they just give her a better replacement that would be okay too.

  3. #123
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    This two episodes portray why I love the Nanoha series...
    Full of action and several twists.
    Subaru is awesome... but... is she a clone like Erio was revealed to be? The real Subaru died?
    It was somewhat predictable that Caro would summon her great dragon, but heck... woah... I was waiting for it... too bad all the 'numbers' had left already.
    Bloody Gin... haven't seen blood on this StrikerS up to now (not counting Nanoha's flashback when she went paralitic)

    Can't wait for more eps...

  4. #124
    I think Subaru and Ginga are 'Type-0' prototypes of the magical cyborgs. If you look in 17 as Nanoha is going berserk she gits hit by shrapnel or something and her left arm is revealed to have mechanical parts in it, also after her Power Up her eyes turned Yellow like the cyborgs'

  5. #125

  6. #126
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Lots of interesting things revealed in this episode.

    Pretty much everyone but Erio and Caro within Section 6 knew Ginga and Subaru were cyborgs. Regius was funding Scaglietti in order to gain the fruits of his research by either arresting him, or getting the results directly. It's also implied by Hayate that he may have at least led to the death of Ginga and Subaru's mother, who was investigating combat cyborg cases (like the one Regius has been funding).

    Quattro tells us that Subaru's IS, Vibration Shatter, is obscenely powerful, specialized to kill other combat cyborgs. Even defending against it does little to prevent severe damage. Given that she is a cyborg, and her IS is especially configured to destroy other cyborgs, I think it's fairly certain that Subaru is well trained in Panzer Kunst. Vibration Shatter is the exact description of what Hertza Haeon (a signature Alita attack) does.

    Sadly, they'll probably reprogram (if thats how they work) Ginga. We'll probably see a one on one faceoff.

    Lutecia has announced that she doesn't have a "heart." Hmm, sounds like some other characters we know in the past. That asshole Scaglietti probably already has the 11th core. Someone will have to zap her with a friendship beam like they always do.

    On a side note, Lutecia appears to be a direct descendant of Rider from Fate/Stay Night. Same hair style, predilection towards goth-loli fashion, she even has a forehead tattoo.

  7. #127
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm happy Regius is finally starting to feel a rope around his neck. The scumbag was ruling his own little empire far too long yet far too incompetently. Still, it's kind of strange how the Section Six seems to be so relaxed now. Considering Ginga and Vivio are in enemy hands, they should be in frenzy to organize themselves for a counterstrike. Instead they are loitering here and there, cataloguing damages, eating snacks, discussing legal matters... It's just too strange.

    I wonder what kind of a monster Vivio will turn out to be with the artifact inside her...

  8. #128
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Answers are oft closer than you expected:

    Episode 19 - Yesy

  9. #129
    yesy loves releasing in spurts I see.

  10. #130
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Wah, I hope the the subs catch up to the raws. Im dying to discuss some Nanoha, but forum rules prevent me from doing so.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  11. #131
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Numbers Ginga is much sexier than regular Ginga. Skintight clothing will do that.

    Yes, they're way behind the raws, and there's a decent amount of talking in upcoming episodes since they don't have to go right into the fighting because the season is twice as long. Mostly stuff I can't figure out on my own.

    Forums can help, but as I learned in this episode, they barely know more Japanese than I do. They got the relationship between Subaru and Ginga and their mother all messed up. They said outright the three aren't blood related, where the subs just stated she took them in because they looked like her.

  12. #132
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    where the subs just stated she took them in because they looked like her.
    Umm... I think that was just a plus on the side. They took them in because they couldn't have their own children the natural way, and those cyborg kids were suddenly made available (according to Yesy subs, and aren't they the only ones available?).

  13. #133
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's safe to say yesy loves releasing in spurts:

    Episode 20 - Yesy

  14. #134
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I have zero sympathy for groups who think they can "control from the shadows" in anime (and everywhere else), so I'm glad Due killed them. Good riddance. She's apparently been around for a long time as well, grabbing the sample they needed to make Vivio.

    It also seems that some of the Numbers aren't entirely sure on how the Doctor is going about his business, like Wendi, or they just don't even understand, like Sein. Quattro of course is probably worse than even Scaglietti is.

    I was kind of hoping they have renamed Ginga based off her new number, but they just call her Number Thirteen. Lame.

    So, Lutecia and Zest are both "revivied?" Interesting. Lulu is probably a clone of her mother.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 09-07-2007 at 03:33 PM.

  15. #135
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The council of three at least made a very accurate prediction: That they won't last long anymore. And it certainly was their due time to go, seeing how they had left themselves so defenceless. Besides, like you said, no society needs three brains in jars to control anything.

    Otherwise this was a pretty useless episode. Nothing happened expect history lessons and that brain removal. But the next ones should be interesting.

  16. #136
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This is madness! The next ep is here already:

    Episode 21 - Yesy

  17. #137
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Things are looking pretty bad for Section 6. Teana injured and completely cut off, Subaru refusing to use her instant kill of an IS (for good reason), Vita..., Fate separated from the capable Nun of Destruction, well, Erio and Caro are pretty well off for now. Signum suffers the worst fate of all, plagued by a horrible unison color scheme.

    Not too much in this episode, more of a set up episode to get everyone in place for their own climatic battles. I did like the Panzer Dragoon style fighting Caro was doing.

    The cyborgs also see Teana as the largest threat, they're going after her with overwhelming force.

  18. #138
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Skipped last post because it talks about the episode 21 Im currently downloading...
    Nice eps... and I expect Nanoha kicking ass with full limiter release...

    On a side note... Yesy's irc chan says ep 22 is to be released soon...

  19. #139
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This episode already had nice fighting and promises of even better in the future, but it bothers me how the terrorists are against a whole world there yet they seem to have more manpower and more machinery. Why was the whole interdimensional fleet in some totally remote place with nothing anywhere near the capital? Why is there no regular army in the city to fight the drones? Why does the air forces not have any fighters, just a bunch of mediocre mages? That's such a strange unbalance it bothers me.

    Well, naturally I won't let it bother me so much that I couldn't enjoy the main event: the fights left and right.

  20. #140
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I wouldn't mind if Shamal, Signum or Zafila died... but I really don't want Vita dieing :P
    Wow... she's pissed... and a pissed of Vita is trouble... ask Nanoha (A's).

    At this rate ep22 may be released later today (taking into account the yesy chan title)... how many raws are there?

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