If you remember the past seasons of Nanoha, any time the TSAB sent 'regular' forces out, they were pathetically weak. We're used to the strength of Fate, Hayate's knights, and particularly Nanoha. From Fate and Vita's past dialogue this season, she's become so powerful on a single beam scale (Hayate being massive scale) that Nanoha hurts herself badly when she enters her typical Blaster Mode she's had since season 1. They have always been exceptions to the rule. Chrono was supposedly a genius withing the TSAB, and Nanoha completely outclassed him by the end of season 1.

The Strikers are clearly becoming the same way. Teana lacks the total output of Subaru and the Knights, but her specialized shots hit very hard for their size. Subaru not only has an instant kill, she tears off barriers and outputs huge bursts of energy close range. Erio...is fast, but he's catching up to Signum's fighting prowess and style. Caro has been able to annihilate a large area for a long time, only now finally being able to control it.

The regular mages of the TSAB are more like Vice and Chrono. We've been spoiled since season 1.


Episode 24 should be airing tomorrow.