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Thread: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS

  1. #161
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura Ginga going to make it...she looked like she got pretty WTF PWND!?! by that blast. How many cartridges was it?
    Subaru used twice as many cartridges on Ginga as she used in the first episode to annihilate the drone and the whole floor of a building. Four instead of two. We've only seen one person use four at once before, Nanoha in A's shooting the Book of Darkness with an Excellion mode super-attack.

  2. #162
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Let's hope Ginga will get a nice funeral at the end of the series. She could be buried next to her mother.

    It would be kind of funny though if noone else killed their enemies, but Subaru killed her own sister! So, maybe she will live. She's a cyborg, after all, so she might be more resistant to major system malfunctions than a regular human.

  3. #163
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think thats pretty much a sure bet.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #164
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hard fights, harder victories, hardest magic:

    Episode 24 - Yesy

  5. #165
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well the Caro-Erio-Voltaire vs Lutecia-Garyuu-giant monster was a very underwhelming fight. The two monsters fighting was also probably one of the worst animation sequences of the series, it looks like they were drawn by middle schoolers.

    Fate's Sonic form was nice though, I was missing her old costume since she replaced it with the uniform at the beginning of the series.

    Score one for the nun too.

    The Doctor is really, really creepy. He impregnates all of his cyborgs with a memory clone? WTF. At least we can be assured that either he never had time to impregnate Ginga, or on the off chance that Otto really is a boy, that Subaru irradiated the hell out of Ginga and whatever may or may not have been inside her.

    This image probably sums up how creepy the Doctor and the more zealous of his cyborgs are:

    Quattro always gave me the chills. At least her hair looks better.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 09-25-2007 at 06:30 AM.

  6. #166
    Quattro is proof of the age old cliché that all woman can increase their power by removing glasses and letting their hair flow freely. But I thought she was cute even with the hair and glasses, but she is ridiculously creepy and I really hope no children watch this show b/c she'll probably haunt their dreams.

    While it was fun to watch a lot of the Combat Cyborgs went down fairly easily. Zest demolished #2 almost instantly, 9 took a total of 2 hits to the head, 1 got trapped with no fight at all. The only one who really had to take a big hit to go down was Ginga, and I guess #5 as well.

    Also, Fate's Sonic Mode...very nice!
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 09-25-2007 at 09:45 AM.

  7. #167
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    So, Scaglietti's ultimate purpose for building the cyborgs was to have his very own obedient harem of pretty girls to carry his offspring (or clones in this twisted case of his)... I think I like the man a lot more suddenly!

    Erio and Caro's fight was too funny: So much talk and so little fighting. In fact it would be more prudent to just call it a negotiation than a fight. An aggressive negotiation if I was exceptionally merciful. And it's not like that was the only fight with so much talk. I think they should have arranged more diplomacy and speechcraft lessons for the Section Six crew instead of all those fighting practices. Who knows, with that they might have solved this whole crisis without a single shot.

    Well, Fate fortunately looked cool in the new outfit and saved much of the episode, at least.

  8. #168
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They mention somewhere that Uno has zero combat capability. She's the coordinator of the other cyborgs, and acts as the Doctor's secretary.

    As for some of the others going down too easily, Teana and Vice's Devices pack a lot of energy into a small shot, and are designed to penetrate. Storm Raider is a sniper rifle after all, and Teana's been taught from almost the beginning to wrap her shots into a penetrating shell. As for Zest, he's supposed to be this incredibly awesome knight, and though he got taken out in the past by just Cinque, she did lose her eye from it, and Due is more of a stealth assassin anyway.

    I almost feel bad for Regius in the end. He was only doing what he felt was right to protect everyone. He was manipulated by those asshole floating brains and considering how much more evil they are shown in this episode, betraying their own soldiers and not telling Regius he was funding experimentation on his own friend, Due should be pardoned for her service.

  9. #169
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    They strike when you least expect it; Strikers:

    Episode 25 - Yesy

  10. #170
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kraco, you should have said, "Nanoha shows us exactly why her name is still in the title."

  11. #171
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Finally the good old Starlight Breaker. And of course used against a friend at point-blank. She wouldn't otherwise be the White Devil Nanoha, would she? "This may hurt a little"... Right.

    Too bad Erio got no chance to do anything in the whole battle. That's the thing that bothers me most. While girls are the main fare in Nanoha world, I still give it a lot of extra points for having male mages as well. But goddam it's of no use if those males don't do anything. Well, at least Zest kicked ass till the end - and chose a good way to pass.

  12. #172
    Zest went out like a true Player, especially considering he really had no reason to go out like that other than to give himself a really cool death scene. I don't think he had any more beef with Signum or anyone else at that point.

    And Nanoha....God Damn. A 5 cartridge rape party on #4 (Who should have been disintegrated you would think) and then she whips out that craziness on Vivio. That was the most brutal looking piece of magical pwnage I've ever seen. I get the impression that Nanoha she can't actually go use her maximum strength unless she likes her intended target.

    And what happened to Vita? Is she dead? You wouldn't think Hayate would just leave her there in the ruined engine room.

  13. #173
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Wow... simply wow... Nanoha totally owned Quattro (Cuatro). Loved seeing her so shocked she couldn't move.

    Then Nanoha uses even more power on Vivio? Lol...

    While the quality of this series doesn't compare to the original series and A's... its good seeing Nanoha still owning.

  14. #174
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nanoha shows us exactly why her name is still in the title (and Fate shows us something else):

    Episode 26 Final - Yesy

  15. #175
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Well... a normal ending for a normal series. StrikerS was never at the quality of the first two series, but I guess it was a good series overall. I like several of the new characters like Subaru, Agito and some of the non-crazy Combat Cyborgs. Although the series lacked a bit of character development with so many characters thrown into the ring. If they ever make a 4th season it should be 13 eps and have the quality of the original and A's.

    3 questions...
    Why does Arf look like a little kid?
    Did Zafira lose his 'human' form?
    What happened with all the 'pregnant' Combat Cyborgs?

  16. #176
    To your first question, Arf is in that form to minimize the amount of magic she takes from Fate, being her Familiar.
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  17. #177
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I didn't particularly dislike this season. In fact I didn't mind the main characters were a bit older (except for Erio and Caro, but they were just too cute a couple from the moment they met, anyway). It's always more convincing when grown-ups are obliterating enemies, rather than kids. Surely it was slower than the old series but that was to be expected, and in retrospect I don't anymore feel it was too slow.

    One thing that bothered me from the beginning till the end was the fact most of the fights (other than practices) were against bots. I guess that was inevitable seeing how enemies are actually rarely killed in Nanoha, but still I wish they had used the combat cyborgs more right from the beginning. There's just no thrill in a fight with a bulky low tech robot.

  18. #178
    A nice, happy ending, though it wasn't quite as satisfying as I thought it would be. I'm surprised Tea and Subaru broke up, but I guess they did have career paths planed out so it was inevitable. The Nanoha & Fate: My Two Mommies story had a good resolution and so did Erio and Caro (crazy kids and their environment saving). The whole Signum and Agito thing seemed unnecessary, but the flaming Ivyblade was almost worth it.

    But one thing that this show left me with was a feeling of what I can only describe as wastefulness. It just seems like there could have been more of something to it, maybe it's just that there were too many directions they went at once and so none of them got as much focus as they could have. But all in all it was a fun series with plenty of good times and friendship beams.

  19. #179
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura did Erio and Caro (crazy kids and their environment saving).
    I can't see Erio being so interested in such things, though hanging around Caro's dragon might have changed him. Caro, however, being a summoner and everything, could be a tree hugger, though. So, my guess is Erio just decided to keep following Caro, waiting for her boobs to grow (he was interested in them right from the beginning, after all). There exist less worthy causes, for sure.

  20. #180
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    In case anybody was relying on the subscription to this thread for an update, Nanoha The MOVIE 2nd A's is released, and the movie posts have now been moved to their own thread.

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