In an official announcement on the website for the anime series Seto no Hanayome, it has been announced that the broadcast of the seventeenth episode of the series on the cable network Anime Theater X (better known as AT-X) has been canceled. The episode was scheduled for broadcast on September 3.
According to the announcement, the broadcast was canceled due to copyright infringement concerns. Specifically, in episode seventeen, some of the characters that appear in the episode closely resemble characters from another show. Negotiations were held with representatives from the other show, but the problem was significant enough to prompt AT-X to cancel the episode altogether.
Although no announcement has been made publicly as to which television show is levying the accusations, one Japanese web blog has mentioned that the show levying the accusations is probably the action series Kamen Rider Stronger.
The end of the Seto no Hanayome announcement mentions that the staff of the show hope to fix the problem and eventually reschedule the AT-X broadcast.