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Thread: What Kind of Menos Were the Espada?

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    What Kind of Menos Were the Espada?

    So we know that there was only one gillian (the noveno espada) and that the rest are either adjuchas or vastorode, but the question now is, who are the vastorodes? I have a strong suspicion that Ulquiorra is, mainly becuase he carries himself like a very powerful individual, we have yet to see him exercise really any power, and the piece of his mask that remains:
    In chapter 197, when Hitsugaya describes the three hollow classifications, the picture that it shows for the vastorode appears to have a complete version of Ulquiorra's broken mask, complete with horns and that layered, ridge-look down the side of the head

    We have seen, or will soon see, the abilities of Zaerapollo, Noitora, and Yammy as well as the eyepatch guy (whos name I don't remember). Where does everybody think they used to rank in the Menos hierarchy, along with the rest of the Espada?
    Last edited by big_ac; Tue, 03-27-2007 at 02:57 PM.

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