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Thread: Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha

  1. #281
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    This anime does love its mysteries doesn't it? We pretty much solved every question asked from the first series, only to have the second season dump twice as much question marks.

    Well... i wasn't completely right about the power transference but the end result was the same with Hei now powerless and Shion gaining contractor abilities. Hopefully the situation won't last too long.

    And fans of both Hei and Yin seem to have something of a dilemma on their hands

  2. #282
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Nah, I'm pretty sure Hei won't ever kill Yin. All this is just to hype up the mystery of Yin's disappearance.
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  3. #283
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Unless she's already dead and her body is being used by the syndicate for some evil plot

    Dum Dun Duuuum!!!

    Well bad theories aside, the scene with her crying and that previous statement does make me think that our precious Yin is no longer with us.

  4. #284
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    dang. this episode was crazy ridiculous. I think the point where i stopped looking at it seriously was when the dude rammed the train into them. yeah i think that's when i just started laughing at how ridiculous this entire episode was.. i wouldn't even know where to begin to complain about it...

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  5. #285
    Why complain? I thought the episode was great besides my obvious dislike of Hei's current disposition.

  6. #286
    Does anyone know if a group is dropping their subs into something like megaupload? I leave for Afghanistan in 5 days and BT goes out the window as an option to download with.

  7. #287
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    well, Animetake offers MU DDL links for pretty much all of the currently airing anime.

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  8. #288
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I can't torrent at my place either, so I've been going DDL from

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  9. #289
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Drunker than a Drunkard:

    Episode 4 - BSS

  10. #290
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Is the single for the OP out yet?

  11. #291
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    According to Nipponsei it will be out 4th of November.

    Half of me feels pity for Suou for having a drunkard Hei as a mentor, the other half recognizes it's actually exactly the kind of teaching she needs. There's no doubt Hei can teach a lot of really useful technical skills to a no-skill like Suou and furthermore when the sensei isn't all polite and friendly her adaptation to the ruthless world of contractors is much more rapid and thorough. It won't make her any happier but it may have a significant impact on her life expectency.

    Still, the other half of me regrets not seeing a more wholesome and mutually supportive relationship between them.

  12. #292
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    You have to love it when a lesbian's remuneration is to kiss guys

    And i get what you're saying Kraco, but that doesn't change the fact that drunk Hei is one hell of an unlikable cunt. I can already imagine that he'll slowly revert to his old self as he opens his heart out to Suou as they begin to know each other better but it's gonna be quite annoying to put up with him until then

  13. #293
    Maybe I missed it, but what's Suo's remuneration?

  14. #294
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    You mean Suou? It's to make paper cranes

  15. #295
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    this show is ridiculous. this is childish garbage, and I'm not joking when i say it. this show doesn't do anything other than severely irritate me. how do you people find this to be entertainment?

    the only good thing about this series is Hei. as I said with season one, Hei is the only good thing about the show. in fact, I like him more in this one. yeah he lost his abilities and he isn't all black reaper so much, but they took a popular character, and turned him into a drunken child beater, and I think thats awesome. I love the new Hei, because he's such a morally and socially bankrupt shell of his former self.

    but of course with that said, I owe some credit to Suou. Her time with Hei and Hei himself were what got me through this episode.

    of course, every other character I hated. I hated every other character and scene that wasn't exclusively hei and suou. the mall rats? that was ridiculous and irritating. the transvestite greeting Hei when they first got to the town? that was annoying and I truly wish it was pointless, but I know they're gonna bring him and his son into the series as more prominent characters, and that pisses me off. I hope Hei stays exactly how he is.

    I laughed off the 3rd episode as ridiculous. but I just honestly could not laugh this one off. it was just too horrible.

    if the show wasn't only 12 episodes, I would drop it here. but since it is 12, I'll stick it out i think.

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  16. #296
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    According to Nipponsei it will be out 4th of November.

    Half of me feels pity for Suou for having a drunkard Hei as a mentor, the other half recognizes it's actually exactly the kind of teaching she needs. There's no doubt Hei can teach a lot of really useful technical skills to a no-skill like Suou and furthermore when the sensei isn't all polite and friendly her adaptation to the ruthless world of contractors is much more rapid and thorough. It won't make her any happier but it may have a significant impact on her life expectency.

    Still, the other half of me regrets not seeing a more wholesome and mutually supportive relationship between them.
    I'm 100% for this child-beating relationship, since we all know Hei's doing this for Suou's own good, whether that's his own intention or not. Nothing will come out of being all soft and papa-ly to Suou. She'll either have to learn to take care of herself, or die.

    Hei also knows Suou despises him, and plans to do nothing about it. If he starts acting all nice to her, it will only confuse her, as she'll no longer know what to do. Does she kill the man who killed her father and friend?

    I'm sure they'll end up seeing each other as co-workers and friends later on down the track, but it's much better letting Suou come to terms with this later when she has more of an idea of what's going on, rather than now or soon when she's still green, learning to hold her own in a world where death's drunk and beating you up just around the corner, and has no idea what's going on in the bigger picture.

    I really liked the humour and character development too. July's finger-smile looked exactly like Yin's. If there was any solid proof that Suou's not a full contractor, it would be her illogical choice to eat overdue food.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 10-30-2009 at 11:49 PM.

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  17. #297
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice

    if the show wasn't only 12 episodes, I would drop it here. but since it is 12, I'll stick it out i think.
    Only 12 episodes? Nooo

    Hei is cool. But I wanted to hit him for each time he hit Suou Even if it was for her own good.

  18. #298
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Well, as much as I'm predisposed to like everything about this show, I have to agree with Pandadice in that I'm starting to find the secondary characters extremely irritating. One thing I really liked about the first series was that they limited the 'silliness' to that one detective and his cosplaying sidekick. They managed to keep the rest of the show fairly serious in tone. With this season, I feel like they're just too all-over-the-place with smiling at a transvestite one minute and then having Hei hitting Suou the next.

    I also cringed when they had the Sailor Moon-esque transformation scene again when Suou used her power. Unless there is something drastically different about her from other contractors, why can't they just have her eyes glow and the gun appear like they would for any other normal contractor?

    I would have really liked to see more of this episode focusing on how Suou has changed since becoming a contractor, and more importantly, how much she's still the same. They touched on it briefly, but not enough for my liking, and in what seemed like a fairly contrived manner. I miss her spunky enthusiasm already. But yeah, Bill, I've been wondering too whether she's a full contractor, since they draw quite a bit of attention to that pendant her brother gave her, making me suspect that it somehow is connected to her new powers. Unlike Hei, she actually has a renumeration, but I it possible for her to revert to being a human and give up her contract if she, say, destroyed the pendant? Or perhaps the pendant has some sort of a shielding effect. We haven't yet heard mention of a new star appearing representing Suou.

    I'm also unclear on the timeframe of Suou's training. It seems like she's made an awful lot of progress in a short time, going from being a regular schoolgirl to being a fairly competent fighter.

    I'm of the opinion now that nothing is going to get through to Hei until he deals with whatever it is that is killing him inside, regarding Yin. Right now he's in a place where he just doesn't care about anything else, and Suou only registers very peripherally on his list of priorities. If the first season showed us a Hei that was more human than other contractors, this season is giving us a Hei that is losing his humanity. It's almost painful to watch.

  19. #299
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't know if saying Suou was a "regular schoolgirl" is completely right. Tanya and Suou's friends were regular schoolgirls before everything happened. Suou has been exposed to a lot since even before Shion became a contractor. She was already taught how to shoot when she was very young, and she practiced some of those skills with her camera work.

    Her physical conditioning isn't great, as Hei pointed out, she really is deficient in some of her muscle groups. Seeing a contractor doing belly dancing as exercise was kind of funny, especially with her sporting the contractor facial expression. That said, Suou was clearly very athletic from the "regular schoolgirl" standpoint, so she didn't have the entire way to go. Climbing trees and traincars is nothing to her.

    It's her endurance that doesn't match up. Hei can sprint flat out for a long time, and getting dragged along by the arm exhausts Suou. He taught her some basic dodging skills, though I will admit her now knowing a number of submission attacks was a bit much for so short a time.

  20. #300
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    I also cringed when they had the Sailor Moon-esque transformation scene again when Suou used her power. Unless there is something drastically different about her from other contractors, why can't they just have her eyes glow and the gun appear like they would for any other normal contractor?
    lol, I know what you mean. But I think they use it because her power is to have an 8' rifle come out of her chest.. i just dunno how you'd make that look natural without a transformation sequence xD

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