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Thread: Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha

  1. #141
    I hear a producer ran off with DTB's script. Anyways, the story was incoherent and confusing since the beginning anyways, I mean episode 24 just proves it. It's like a rush to cram everything that was supposed to have been gradual in the series in the last 2-3 episodes.

  2. #142
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Omg toddler Amber? o.o That looks...cute somehow Anyway I still like the show and its a pity that its going to end soon.

    EDIT: Ok who the hell neg repped me and called me a pedo for saying it looks cute? Grow up please.
    Last edited by NeoCybercoin; Tue, 09-25-2007 at 12:15 PM.

  3. #143
    Rushed? the pace is kinda fast yea, but its not rushed. the last two eps were great for me. most questions have been answered (except the BK201 one... which should happen next week), and everything is going towards an end.
    some people have interesting remunerations... Amber is basically immortal if she doesn't use her powers too much while the teleporting girl only has to kiss someone. the guy in ep.1 that had to break his fingers had it rough!

  4. #144
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    A lot of people seem to dislike this form of storytelling. This is similar to how madlax, .hack, and other "slow" animes develop. There are a lot of seemingly useless episodes that simply develop the characters and add to the mystery, and everything gets resolved in the last few episodes. Its not bad, as long as they answer all of the questions (at least the relevant ones), and really makes the climax feel like a climax, with numberous revelations and twists. A lot of people seem to dislike this type though.
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  5. #145
    Episode 25, probably the final one, by BSS:

  6. #146
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I liked how it ended, but it really feels "lacking" or incomplete, probably because we dont see how Hei and In ended up after everything (at least in less mysterious terms). Amber's fate really made me depressed, especially since she is like C2-2. But I think they concluded it really well, answering all the important stuff that was left hanging before, and even gave a dramatic scene for the climax between Hei and C2-2. I just wish there is a season 2 with C2-2 making a comeback. I think of In as only a little sister to Hei, though the implication in the show seems like she may become more, especially since her love rival is gone (literally).
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  7. #147
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Is there a batch torrent?

  8. #148
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was a fine series. I have no complaints whatsoever. The main plot was kind of small for 25 episodes, however, the show never felt empty or like it was running anything inconsequential. And certainly there was no lack of action!

    A kickass main character as well. It's always nice to watch series where the main character isn't an underdog yet there's still enough suspence. I hope this starting anime season will bring more series like this.

    Amber was a bit too much like C.C., making it harder to take her seriously, but it's not like that would have made her a poor character, though. Ah... And I can't forget Yin (and those related to her). It always gives me an extra warm feeling to have Finnish characters in anime!

  9. #149
    I can't believe I just realized it..... Just like how "Mao" is Chinese for cat, "Hei" is Chinese for black. I just started watching ep 23, so I don't really know if the title, Darker Than Black, means anything in terms of BK201's character.

  10. #150
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Fine ending for a great series. The pace was good for me (or maybe its because I liked series like .hack).
    The only thing I didn't understood is how Mao suddenly dissappeared from the cat...

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    The only thing I didn't understood is how Mao suddenly dissappeared from the cat...
    He didn't. Back in one of the earlier episodes he explained that he lost his body and was now stuck in the body of the cat. He went on to say that as a result of the animals smaller brain capacity the organization had to patch his mind into their sever system in order to keep his human level of intelligence in tact. Since at the end they cut him out while he was hacking through files he simply degraded to the intelligence of a cat over time.

  12. #152
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash
    He didn't. Back in one of the earlier episodes he explained that he lost his body and was now stuck in the body of the cat. He went on to say that as a result of the animals smaller brain capacity the organization had to patch his mind into their sever system in order to keep his human level of intelligence in tact. Since at the end they cut him out while he was hacking through files he simply degraded to the intelligence of a cat over time.
    That's the most reasonable explanation I've heard so far. Another theory I heard also mentions that it could be something to do with his wincing when he got cut from the server. But I though the intelligence degrading would have been more gradual. It seems like, for some reason, that Mao knew when it would happen. But it makes perfect sense never the less, especially considering he said: It's been fun with you guys. I actually prefer wet food to Kibble, so if a similar looking cat comes know what to feed him.

    I also liked how Yin gets a form when she sends her spectre. Really shows how she's "evolved" and isn't just some basic life form, but something unique.

    Overall, loved this ending. Answers most mysteries, and the ones that aren't keep this series elusive, as it's always been. Though a little saddening, much better than Claymore, ending-wise at least.

  13. #153
    I thought it was just due to the fact that they were approaching closer and closer to the gate, and it was too volatile for some Contractors to keep sane/keep their abilities. Havoc had a similiar incident when she got close to the gate. Though, I don't know why it didn't affect Hei, maybe it's cause he's so different and he's "Darker than Black" or whatever.

  14. #154
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    They didn't explain how come Pai/Xin's power resided inside Hei how he was both human and contractor did they?

  15. #155
    Don't remember the explanation, but I'm pretty sure they did. It had to do with Pai's power, it can do a shitload of other things than just electricity.

  16. #156
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    Don't remember the explanation, but I'm pretty sure they did. It had to do with Pai's power, it can do a shitload of other things than just electricity.
    Pai's power was transformation, manipulation of particles at a quantum level. Pai used the power to make an field of matter making Heaven's Gate unapproachable, while Hei used to to alter the composition of Saturn Ring particles rendering them ineffective. Moving electrons, hence control of electricity, is the most basic application of her power in that sense. Amber said that Pai "died a little everytime he killed or did something he didn't want to in order to be with her(Pai)." Huang also said that this mess is the result of Hei, a human, wanting to become, and acting like a contracter. Everytime Hei killed, he became a bit more of a contracter, and Pai's existence died a little, and over time, Hei became a contracter (while remaining human), and Pai was absorbed into him. Sounds farfetched, but it's the best I can comprehend. Think of it like Mao's soul transfer.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    I thought it was just due to the fact that they were approaching closer and closer to the gate, and it was too volatile for some Contractors to keep sane/keep their abilities. Havoc had a similiar incident when she got close to the gate. Though, I don't know why it didn't affect Hei, maybe it's cause he's so different and he's "Darker than Black" or whatever.
    That one makes sense too. It probably didn't affect Hei because he's a human with contracter powers, so not a pure contracter. But then, Yin didn't look like she was in pain when she was projecting her spectre either, so maybe there's another answer.

  17. #157
    Finally got around to finishing this. Not much to say that wasn't already said, but I really liked this show even though it didn't have that OMG WOW! factor that a lot of other shows had. DtB was somehow both relaxed and active at the same time which I found very refreshing.

    I'm glad they closed most of the questions about what was going on (I had always wondered why Hei's fighting style relied so little on his power) , but there were still some things they didn't clarify, like why Hei's sister didn't do what he did in South America, how the tape recorder got into Kirihara's pocket, did Hei really not have a renumeration since he wasn't actually a contractor, etc... None of that was all that important but it would have been nice to know more details.

  18. #158
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    like why Hei's sister didn't do what he did in South America?
    Probably because she knew they wanted to destroy Heaven's Gate, but didn't know in what way, or where the device is. If it they were short on time, then making a giant area of impenetrable matter would have been the quickest. It works too. The way Hei did it, they only have to build another machine, or 50 next time the sunspots align correctly again. Pai's was foolproof, but took a couple of thousand lives with her. Hei wanted to show he valued coexistence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    how the tape recorder got into Kirihara's pocket?.
    Probably a little habit you pick up being a sharp minded police squad leader.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Did Hei really not have a renumeration since he wasn't actually a contractor?
    Seems like the case. The way how they said Pai slowly died when Hei acted more and more like a contracter doesn't really make too much sense. If we leave that fact unquestioned, then somehow Pai being inside of Hei grants him her power without changer himself into a contracter, as he made no contract. If she is inside Hei, then one can think of her as permanently sleeping, and hence forever paying her renumeration. If she's sleeping however, then is she dead? That's the confusing part for me. The other query I have, is whether what you see when you make contact with the meteor shard is another dimension or an illusion. I'm more for the dimension one, but I've given up looking too deep into it. It was a good series, it left a good impression. Rumours have it an OVA's coming out.

  19. #159
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    We never did find out what Pei's renumeration was, did we? But it could be similar to the case of Mao, where something happens that the price is so high that it effectively pays the renumeration forever. That could be the price with Pei, that leaves Hei able to use her power without consequence whenever he wants.

  20. #160
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Pai's renumeration is sleep. In one of the final three episodes, you see Hei killing a contracter by choking/slicing him with his signature knife&wire. He gets worried about Pai, and ends up finding her standing with bodies all around her. He then catches her in him arms as she sleeps. Amber comes later and says they're always like that, like lovers actually, so there's reason to believe that it's not from sheer exhaustion.

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