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Thread: Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha

  1. #41

  2. #42
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Darker Than Black - Episode 4 - MishiCorp

    I know some people here prefer these guys, myself included

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #43
    Argh, why can't they release the HD version along with it?!

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    One thing I really like about this series is how the main character always looks like he's so filled with sympathy for the misery of others:

    Especially his eyes. They are practically screaming: "Look how much I care!"

  5. #45
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Ouch the sheer brutality of this show shocked me. I never expected them to show Mai burning up her friend and friend's father while she was forced to witness it all in shock and terror. Ouch ouch ouch. And all those hundreds (i'm assuming) of burnt people in the building, crispy like bacon eeww. The producers sure don't think twice about killing someone off in this show.

    I wonder if she's going to join Hei & co. as part of the gang? Don't see her appearing in the preview. Still have no idea what is the purpose behind this gang though, is there a greater organization behind the 3 ppl + 1 cat grouping? Or more accurately, 1 contractor 1 doll 1 cat and 1 human (since he hasn't shown any powers as of yet).

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by yallo
    Ouch the sheer brutality of this show shocked me. I never expected them to show Mai burning up her friend and friend's father while she was forced to witness it all in shock and terror. Ouch ouch ouch. And all those hundreds (i'm assuming) of burnt people in the building, crispy like bacon eeww. The producers sure don't think twice about killing someone off in this show.

    I wonder if she's going to join Hei & co. as part of the gang? Don't see her appearing in the preview. Still have no idea what is the purpose behind this gang though, is there a greater organization behind the 3 ppl + 1 cat grouping? Or more accurately, 1 contractor 1 doll 1 cat and 1 human (since he hasn't shown any powers as of yet).
    I don't think that old guy's going to turn up to be a contractor. He's voiced his hate for them on many occassions, towards Li no less.

  7. #47
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Excellent episode. Somehow I find myself liking Mai's character. I hope she returns in the next episodes, by joining with Lee.
    I mean... she doesn't have somewhere to go now. Her father died, and she killed her own friend by accident.

  8. #48
    Yeah, this really took a turn towards more of a horror theme. That was pretty harsh, her accidentally burning her friend and her friend's father alive. Also those cops getting sliced up, yikes. Well, I didn't expect something called Darker than Black to be cheerful...

    And do I understand correctly that contractors have no emotions? And dolls have no personality and no emotions. And I still have no idea what is up with the cat.

  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mae
    And do I understand correctly that contractors have no emotions?
    I was also trying to remember if they had said something like that at some point, but on the other hand when you watch the show, it doesn't look that way. Rather, it seems like they are pushed or decided to withdraw from the society and thus become sociopaths. After all, they have shown plenty of emotions during the show. Naturally one could argue they are acted emotions, but from an outsider's point of view, emulated emotions and real emotions are one and the same, so it doesn't really matter.

    Besides, with no real working AIs, I don't think humanity can yet even imagine what an intelligence totally without emotions would be like. So, it would take a genius to write such a character and unfortunately probably also a genius to understand such a character, so it would be wasted on 99.9999% of the audience...

  10. #50

  11. #51
    So, our hero shows up for about 15 seconds, huh? Actually I didn't mind as the British guy made up for it. Nice episode, and I hope they don't kill him off too quickly...

  12. #52

  13. #53

  14. #54
    Oh man Havoc was hot.


  15. #55
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah, I would have wanted her to become part of the cast more than anyone else so far, at least far more so than the three weirdos (referring to the british guys group).
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  16. #56

  17. #57
    Not sure if anyone mentioned this already, but "mao" means "cat" in Chinese. Nice touch there.

  18. #58

  19. #59
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    KitKat's Avatar
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    I just finished episode 8 and I'm liking this series a lot. Ep 8 seemed to have a bit of a different atmosphere (I laughed so hard at Mao thinking he'd won when he grabbed the coat as a bird, and then flew right into the wall) than the previous ones, although it kindof weirded me out a bit too. And now it seems that contractors can have the same powers, with apparently the same limitations. I wonder if the completions of the contract are the same for each specific power, or if they vary from person to person. I'm looking forward to episode 9!

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    I just finished episode 8 and I'm liking this series a lot. Ep 8 seemed to have a bit of a different atmosphere (I laughed so hard at Mao thinking he'd won when he grabbed the coat as a bird, and then flew right into the wall) than the previous ones, although it kindof weirded me out a bit too. And now it seems that contractors can have the same powers, with apparently the same limitations. I wonder if the completions of the contract are the same for each specific power, or if they vary from person to person. I'm looking forward to episode 9!
    Well if you were talking about the guy that sniffed the sock and Mao, their powers are different, sort of. Mao's power is only limited to animals, and I assume that the sock-sniffer was only limited to humans. However, it seemed both their remuneration or whatever was the same though, that is losing their original bodies.

    edit: Just watched episode 9, and I love it how Hei always gets his way into all these little menial jobs, like book keeper, bustboy, etc.
    Last edited by animus; Wed, 06-06-2007 at 02:08 PM.

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