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Thread: Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha

  1. #381
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    lol @ Mao having an ankle-fetish.

    Interestingly, so Section 3 wasn't going to develop something to kill all contractors with Yin (at least as their primary goal), but to prevent the meeting of Yin and Shion.

    This episode leads me to think the Syndicate is still squirming around quite lively underground, and it is they who want to use Izanami's powers to fulfil last season's anti-contractor ideology. I propose that they killed the captured girl too.

    Misaki and Hei's meeting wasn't very emotional, was it?
    I didn't expect Li to show any emotions, but you'd have thought Li-kun <3 > Youko, at least for a split second. Until that last moment, it's as if Misaki was never obsessed with Li at all.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #382
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Most of the stuff with Suou was kind of obvious from the revelation in the car after the credits, so while the explanation was nice, it didn't really have much impact.

    Seeing Mao's original body, and the fact that he was an ankle man, was something else, as was the fact that Suou's mother knew that the Gate was coming to Tokyo. That could mean a number of things. That the Syndicate knew already that it was coming and her husband told her, that she isn't quite everything she seems, or something else entirely that I can't even come up with another explanation for.

    Perhaps the most interesting thing to me was actually given the most mundane presentation. All of the dolls talk to each other, and do each other favors. It wasn't just July talking to the networked observation ghosts. The twins caught it too, and also agreed to hide Suou and July. So perhaps July decided to assist Suou and help in keeping Section 3 away from her, mostly because she is so nice to him. The same way that Yin gained affection for Hei. When a doll is treated properly, they come off a lot less mechanical. Abused ones or new ones don't really seem to care who they work for, they just do it. Ones that are treated nicely like to stay with a particular caretaker. We saw an earlier version of this last season with the yakuza reject who eloped with one.

    More of a side note, but it didn't look like Hei tortured Youko. More like he just drugged her heavily. But when Hazuki and Section 3 found her, she was brutally tortured. Was this censorship earlier, not showing how Hei actually persuaded her to give information (something I'm am positive Hei is capable of, especially for Yin) or did the blond woman take care of Youko after Hei left her dazed but mostly intact?

    edit @ bill's post:
    It's possible that the Syndicate did it (if Madam Oriele is working as a representative of the Syndicate and not herself). It just seemed odd to see Youko deeply distressed from her session with Hei, him leaving her, and her body being found that brutally assaulted in so short a time.

  3. #383
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Hei left her. Someone else brutally killed her.
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  4. #384
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Perhaps the most interesting thing to me was actually given the most mundane presentation. All of the dolls talk to each other, and do each other favors. It wasn't just July talking to the networked observation ghosts. The twins caught it too, and also agreed to hide Suou and July.
    I thought there were two ways to look at this:

    1) July asked the network to hide their presence. The twins asked the network to hide their own presence.

    Given the timing of the scenes though, and the wording, the more likely alternative seems to be

    2) July asked the network to hide their presence. (Keep it(our location) a secret. The twins then followed it up with "Keep us(as if the favour's on them) a secret."

    In fact, it's as if the twins were familiar with the doll network and asked them to do her a personal favour. From a slightly different angle, you could say it's as if the twins approved and authorised July's request, which should sign some light into the nature of Madame Oriele's information network.

    So far, all dolls have to use some form of medium to track. Has it been established what the twins' are yet?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    More of a side note, but it didn't look like Hei tortured Youko. More like he just drugged her heavily. But when Hazuki and Section 3 found her, she was brutally tortured. Was this censorship earlier, not showing how Hei actually persuaded her to give information (something I'm am positive Hei is capable of, especially for Yin) or did the blond woman take care of Youko after Hei left her dazed but mostly intact?

    edit @ bill's post:
    It's possible that the Syndicate did it (if Madam Oriele is working as a representative of the Syndicate and not herself). It just seemed odd to see Youko deeply distressed from her session with Hei, him leaving her, and her body being found that brutally assaulted in so short a time.
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    Hei left her. Someone else brutally killed her.
    I agree with shinta that it's the second case, but I find it weird that Madame Oriele would do such a thing. She's an informant, and plays both sides by using her information to manipulate them with facts and information. If anything, she gives me the impression she likes to keep her hands clean in this game.

    She did see Hei leave though, so she could have sold that info to another party I guess.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #385
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Hehe... lol at Hei just slapping Misaki away.

    I thought Mao got stuck inside a cat and couldn't return to his human body... not that his human body was destroyed. Why did he not ever take another human body then? Interesting to see he knew Suou's mother.

    And dang. They went out and say it. Suou did fall for him. Though... if she is a copy... is Shion manipulating her? Or was Shion uver-long-renumeration caused because he made a perfect copy?

    Didn't like Youko, but wow at the way to die... Hei is definitely innocent though.

  6. #386
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Hehe... lol at Hei just slapping Misaki away.

    I thought Mao got stuck inside a cat and couldn't return to his human body... not that his human body was destroyed. Why did he not ever take another human body then?
    His power involves transfering his mind to other animals, not humans. He is able to go cat -> mouse -> bird etc, but the only human he can transfer to is himself.

    There was another guy back in S1 who had the ability to transfer to humans. it looked like he had to go back to himself each time though. (and hence was stuck in the current one).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #387
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    whoa, good episode.

    2 eps left.. i wonder how they're gonna wrap this up.

    lol, that cop chick has been following him because she loves him for so long, and when they finally meet he knocks her to the ground. lol. also, what a useless cop. she has a gun on him, yet he just runs up and hits her. xD

    and first collarbones, now ankles? this shows got some weird fetishes going around.. <.<

    user posted image

  8. #388
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Great episode

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    So, Suou is a copy and Shion's ability is to create copies. Explains easily how Hei killed their old man yet the man is still actually alive and well. Quite an ability.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Misaki and Hei's meeting wasn't very emotional, was it?
    I was however quite hilarious, even though i couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her. Unfortunately she isn't a loli so her chances with him are 0

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    There was another guy back in S1 who had the ability to transfer to humans. it looked like he had to go back to himself each time though. (and hence was stuck in the current one).
    I don't think he HAD to, he just returned to the original body he stole because it was convenient for him

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Didn't like Youko, but wow at the way to die... Hei is definitely innocent though.
    She was hot and into Yuri so her death saddened me greatly

    Still if she had to go that was one hell of a way to go. I wonder if blondie with the big boobies was the one who did her in.

  9. #389
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Great episode

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    So, Suou is a copy and Shion's ability is to create copies. Explains easily how Hei killed their old man yet the man is still actually alive and well. Quite an ability.
    Indeed, but being a paraplegic as payment is also quite the renumeration

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Misaki and Hei's meeting wasn't very emotional, was it?
    It was however quite hilarious, even though i couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her. Unfortunately she isn't a loli so her chances with him are 0

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    There was another guy back in S1 who had the ability to transfer to humans. it looked like he had to go back to himself each time though. (and hence was stuck in the current one).
    I don't think he HAD to, he just returned to the original body he stole because it was convenient for him

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Didn't like Youko, but wow at the way to die... Hei is definitely innocent though.
    She was hot and into Yuri so her death saddened me greatly

    Still if she had to go that was one hell of a way to go. I wonder if blondie with the big boobies was the one who did her in.

  10. #390

  11. #391
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    This show seems set in making a lolicon out of me, i noticed Suou's short shorts even before the hentai mentioned them. Kids shouldn't be allowed to use those!!

    Anyway i found this episode somewhat lackluster and the preview didn't get me all that excited about the finale either. Maybe i just had my sights set too high seeing how amazing the first season was but this second one never got past "alright" in my book

    I fear this whole thing might have been one giant movie trailer "Eden of the East" style for either the prequel OVAs set to premiere soon or maybe an hypothetical movie sequel

  12. #392
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    This show seems set in making a lolicon out of me, i noticed Suou's short shorts even before the hentai mentioned them. Kids shouldn't be allowed to use those!!
    Sure they should be. I noticed them too. It was great.

    Rock-fellow checking her out for the entire season while thinking he was a guy was hilarious. Notice that he said he'll take care of her until hair starts to grow.

    That, fellow gotwooters, is a pedophile.

    The cliffhanger scene did an alright job. I can't remember the last time Hei had a surprised look on his face like that (though he usually wears a mask on missions).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #393
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I felt somewhat cheated when the rock contractor turned out to be alive

    How the hell did that happen? A superficial bullet wound to the middle of the forehead??

  14. #394
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    I felt somewhat cheated when the rock contractor turned out to be alive

    How the hell did that happen? A superficial bullet wound to the middle of the forehead??
    Her bullet did take out the piece of rock near his eye without damaging the eye itself. There was even a slit (hence weakness?) there because of the eyeslit.

    If you were then to assume that structural integrity of the surrounding area was adversely effected by the eyepiece damage, then it would be fair to say that a shot to the head would do more than simply take the armour off.

    The degree of structural integrity compromise would reflect thd amount of damage he took.

    I believe this is the first time Suou's remuneration wasn't a crane, but a star.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 12-18-2009 at 11:13 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #395
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Sure they should be. I noticed them too. It was great. .
    I kinda missed the rest of the scene od noticing the shorts as well...

    Anyway... killing Suou's father just like that felt a little meh

  16. #396
    Who cares about all that crap? Main thing is Hei vs the contractor!

  17. #397
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It was careless of Hei to get surprised by blade girl's opening attack, but then again, I can't blame him since the last time they met she was unfocused and he was able to take her out easily. I guess this will be a fight with both of them at their peak physically. It is too bad Hei does not have his powers.
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  18. #398

  19. #399
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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  20. #400
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The finale turned out to be another "what the hell was that all about" one. I'm not even going to begin pointing out what holes need to be filled, since you couldn't get through this episode without tripping all over them anyway.

    Unlike the first series, this had an overarching story the entire time, but ended up being quite...lackluster, so to speak. The significance of the whole Izanami meets Izanagi thing ended up being really ambiguous, while the Shion side of things seemed to just be the creation of a new Earth for Suou.

    Overall it wasn't bad (action and production quality were quite good), but it wasn't the Darker than Black sequel I was hoping for.

    The OVAs however...bring them on.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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