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Thread: Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha

  1. #21
    Watched the first episode tonight and it was certainly quite interesting. Look like a promising series.

    I'm sticking to Mishicorp's 720p releases. They look fantastic.

  2. #22
    Episode 2 by Mishicorp

    Edit: Good episode, with an unexpected twist.
    Last edited by animus; Sun, 04-15-2007 at 07:31 PM.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Major ep2 spoiler below:

    Indeed. I never guessed the girl would be a doll impersonating a dead person. I thought she was in to stay, considering she knew something. It would have also made sense for her to stick around and provide information, if the plot had so dictated. However, this of course makes things darker (like the series name requires) and more interesting.

  4. #24
    We know Li is a contractor, but hopefully we find out what his power is and the terms of his contract. Maybe it's to eat excessive amounts of food like demonstrated in the restaurant?

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    We know Li is a contractor, but hopefully we find out what his power is and the terms of his contract. Maybe it's to eat excessive amounts of food like demonstrated in the restaurant?
    That's what I was thinking when I first saw that scene. But then he was flipping pages in a book before the fight happened. Also, that was pretty convenient to have his trenchcoat in his pants pocket.

    DtB looks great so far!

  6. #26
    Ah yea, that might be the condition. The book was empty too and he was just flipping through it. That seems easy compared to the guy that has to stack little rocks in the shape of a square or the guy that eats flowers heh.

  7. #27

  8. #28
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    Just finished watching the released episodes. On the topic of Hei or Li or whatever his name is. I think his power might be to deliver some kind of electric current or something. He seemed like he was attacking by attaching a wire to them and then they started convulsing. Also when he killed that Jean guy he simply put his foot in the water and in the next scene Jean was dead. As to the terms of his contract, the only thing I can see being a plausable condition was the flipping of the book. Anyways, this seems like a fairly interesting series and I'm going to stick with it to see how everything plays out.

  9. #29
    I thought it might've been electricity too, but it looked like just a wired taser or something, I could be wrong.

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by High Wind
    As to the terms of his contract, the only thing I can see being a plausable condition was the flipping of the book.
    Wasn't that book what they got out of the safe? I think he just checked the goods at that point, after getting rid of the woman (or so he thought). If you had to check if a notebook is the correct one, and when you open it you'd only see empty pages, it would be the natural reaction to flip quickly through all of it to see if it's altogether void of content.

  11. #31
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    I just rewatched that part and I agree with you. So the terms for his contract are still fairly mysterious, I hope its something really quirky. Hopefully not as out of place as eating dandelions though.

  12. #32
    First episode by Ani-Jiyuu:

    I think this is the version I'm going to be keeping for now, in case anyone wants to check them out.

  13. #33
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    I don't think flipping the book is Hei's "terms for contract". I thought the book was the "goods" everyone was trying to get their hands on? He flipped through to double confirm that and found it empty. I guess that was when he realised something was wrong...?

    Anyway, seems like the terms for contract is something the contractor has to do -after- he exercised his powers. I wonder what will happen if he doesn't do according to the terms? What's the penalty? Like that French guy, he never did manage to finish arranging those pebbles. Does that mean he is unable to use his powers anymore, and hence was finished off easily by Hei?

    Nice animation and nice music... another series to add to my watchlist.

  14. #34
    The other question would be is does the payment for the contract vary depending on the contract undertaken, or does each contractor have their own unique payment regardless of the contract they undertake.

  15. #35
    I believe the latter, contractor has their own unique payment regardless. I'm also wonder if these contracts that they undertake, are they choosable what ability they get to use? I wouldn't want to be like Louis, pick telekenesis and have to break my fingers every time I use my powers. Ouch.

  16. #36
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Anime-Keep have released the first episode

  17. #37
    Episode 3 - Shinsen

    Edit: Looks like Li's power really might be electricity. Still not too sure if his massive appetite is the contract's condition or not.
    Last edited by animus; Mon, 04-23-2007 at 08:19 AM.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by yallo
    I don't think flipping the book is Hei's "terms for contract". I thought the book was the "goods" everyone was trying to get their hands on? He flipped through to double confirm that and found it empty. I guess that was when he realised something was wrong...?

    Anyway, seems like the terms for contract is something the contractor has to do -after- he exercised his powers. I wonder what will happen if he doesn't do according to the terms? What's the penalty? Like that French guy, he never did manage to finish arranging those pebbles. Does that mean he is unable to use his powers anymore, and hence was finished off easily by Hei?

    Nice animation and nice music... another series to add to my watchlist.

    he had many books with him. those contracts are cool. this and the flower eating ones are the easiest (if the guy only has to eat one flower). the pebbles is also easy, but i personally hate that. breaking fingers...

  19. #39
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I think Li's terms of contract is that he has to eat alot. Why else would he eat that much? Well anime people DO eat alot at times.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    I think Li's terms of contract is that he has to eat alot. Why else would he eat that much? Well anime people DO eat alot at times.
    He had to eat right after using his contract to light up the amusement park, so I'd say eating it is. This series is kind of interesting. I like how charming and kind Li can seem. Also talking cat reminded me of Yoruichi, very similar voice...

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