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Thread: Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha

  1. #361
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Kiko complaining about gag characters.

    How meta.

    Dang... was Suou somehow... brought back because of Shion's power or some deux ex machina? Is that why her mother left them? Because Shion did something?

    Did I mention Misaki on the hate thread?

    Interesting that Suou also thought of Hiei when she was asked who she wanted to see. At this point Im okay wheter Hiei recovers Yin/Izanami and stays with her... or ends up somehow with Suou... but please... please... no Misaki...

  2. #362
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Did I mention Misaki on the hate thread?

    Interesting that Suou also thought of Hiei when she was asked who she wanted to see.
    I thought she was cycling through people she might have wanted to see, and settled with Hei, but she could be going through people she wants to see period.

    Good for Misaki though. Her first look at Hei after all these years is the clean-shaven guy she always remembered. I can not see her ending up with Hei at all. It's just a one-sided thing, and she never really did anything for him (and nor does Hei look at her as female). At least Suou was the one to pull Hei out of his drunken stupor.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #363
    I think I whooped involuntarily when Hei showed up and the music started playing and the awesome way in which he took down his opponents!

  4. #364
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    At least Suou was the one to pull Hei out of his drunken stupor.
    I wonder if the reason Hei kicked Hazuki's ass so quickly here is because he's no longer a drunk. He totally stomped her here, and before they were just evenly matched. Perhaps Hazuki being distracted was secondary, Hei was just back on his game.
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Did I mention Misaki on the hate thread?

    Interesting that Suou also thought of Hiei when she was asked who she wanted to see. At this point Im okay wheter Hiei recovers Yin/Izanami and stays with her... or ends up somehow with Suou... but please... please... no Misaki...
    I don't think I asked before in the other thread, but I can't see any reason why you hate Misaki so much. I'm somewhat fond of her character, not so much the relationship (Hei x Amber ftw), though I do find her obsession-turned-love interesting. Do you mind being a bit more specific on why you hate her?

  5. #365
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    That was some Black Shinigami awesomeness right there, powerless or not Hei still has it

    So Suou died... could it be that the Suou of now is the meteor core itself given human form when it killed the real one 8 years ago?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I don't think I asked before in the other thread, but I can't see any reason why you hate Misaki so much. I'm somewhat fond of her character, not so much the relationship (Hei x Amber ftw), though I do find her obsession-turned-love interesting. Do you mind being a bit more specific on why you hate her?
    Smart women scare him

  6. #366
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Maybe, just maybe, Suou is Amber. That might explain the sudden love for Hei, and jealously over Yin.

    One can hope...

  7. #367
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Maybe, just maybe, Suou is Amber. That might explain the sudden love for Hei, and jealously over Yin.

    One can hope...
    But she hated him at first, how would you explain that? And Amber never acted like she was jealous of Yin before, but then again Yin wasn't all lovey dovey with her yet at that point

  8. #368
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Perhaps the "Suou" personality was completely dominant? She also believed that he had killed her father, still does. I think the bigger question would be why she suddenly loved Hei after he killed her father, killed a family friend (April) right in front of her, and all the times he treated her like crap. It's not Stockholm Syndrome, it's something else, I'm just not sure what. Maybe even a plothole.

    There's plenty of reason for Amber to dislike Yin. Yin was able to rescue Hei when he refused Amber's offer.

    I don't seriously entertain this idea, but I really like Amber.

  9. #369
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    It's not Stockholm Syndrome, it's something else, I'm just not sure what.
    Hei is handsome and strong, plus girls like bad boys.

    EDIT: And did no one notice the flying cars? I knew it wasn't an animation error despite all the stir it caused when it was mistaken for one.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sat, 12-05-2009 at 06:34 AM.
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  10. #370
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    EDIT: And did no one notice the flying cars? I knew it wasn't an animation error despite all the stir it caused when it was mistaken for one.
    No, do you have a timestamp?

    I liked Amber, but it was a bit difficult for me to really dig her because...she just kept getting younger and younger. My favourite image of her was during the Heaven's War. Hei's lack of attraction to her also hindered things from heating up like it did when [SPOILER*] Hei took the initiative and grabbed Yin. That was a turn-on, even if Yin looked uninterested.[END SPOILER]

    * Spoiler from upcoming DtB OVA preview

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #371
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    she just kept getting younger and younger.
    That is one of her best points.

    I no longer have the episode, but it is definitely there.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  12. #372
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    No, do you have a timestamp?
    Episode 1, 9:05.

  13. #373
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I don't think I asked before in the other thread, but I can't see any reason why you hate Misaki so much. I'm somewhat fond of her character, not so much the relationship (Hei x Amber ftw), though I do find her obsession-turned-love interesting. Do you mind being a bit more specific on why you hate her?
    For one... I don't like her character design.
    And then she completely obsessed with Hei. Don't know what she will do when she gets her hands on him, but shes so blind to not see she's causing him trouble by keeping Yin and all that. She must be one of those 'dolls' don't matter person.

    Weak explanation? Maybe. I just don't like her. She hasn't given me enough reasons to have a stronger dislike than Index or Marina Ismail... heck, she may never get that level. But she's there on the top 20 at least.

  14. #374
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    As much as I'm not a fan of Kiko, I'll take her any day over that transvestite and his ignorant son. Ugh. Really, the writers of this show just need to stop with the comedy bits and focus on what this series excels at: asking hard questions, weaving mysteries, and badass fight scenes. I felt that in the first series a certain amount of humour was needed to break the tension, or else the series would have been too dark and too grim. But they confined it to a small number of episodes and didn't let it really affect the main storyline. In season 2 it just feels careless and slapstick, and I think it really detracts from the story as a whole. I feel like the core of the story is here that we want to see, but the peripheral events and side characters are not very well thought-out at all.

    Anyhow, I'm glad this episode got us back on track with the main storyline. Finally, we have our old Hei back. Hei - powers = still awesome! It's not like they were his powers originally though. Maybe at the end of all of this we'll see his sister. Or maybe the anti-contractor weapon killed his sister, therefore removing his powers but leaving him still alive.

    It's interesting that they brought Amber back into the story. Looks like her influence still extends over the future, or possible future. I want to go back and listen to the prophecy again regarding Izanami and Izanagi. What is this creature that will come from the gate? It seems like this is the first thing in a while that might give us insight into the nature of the gates themselves and how they came to exist in the first place.

    I always forget that these episodes put the end of the ep right after the credits, and have to open up my video file again to find that last little tidbit. Glad I remembed to for this one though. Perahps Suou is a doll that was programmed with the memories of the real Suou that died, and kept alive by the Meteor Core. Almost anything is possible since their father developed the ME technology, and who knows what technological secrets he has hidden away.

  15. #375
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Don't know what she will do when she gets her hands on him, but shes so blind to not see she's causing him trouble by keeping Yin and all that. She must be one of those 'dolls' don't matter person.
    The rest I can't really argue with, but Misaki is with the police (or at least she was). Hei is an assassin. He kills people. She is, or was, going to arrest him. Over time she and Hei developed this weird relationship. As Li, he saved her a few times, got her confidence back up, etc. To her, he always had a way of showing up and looking completely out of place (usually because he was there for a syndicate mission). To Misaki, who is still a girl at heart, it must have looked like fate. She hates the BK-201 side of him and sees capturing him as a challenge, yet the Li side sends her heart all aflutter. After finding out they are one in the same, she became even more conflicted.

    I think the mystery of wondering what she will actually do if she ever catches him is half the fun of her character. She's so wonderfully confused about what she wants.

    As for Yin, that is not her doing at all. She has no hand in that, and allowing Yin to be rescued or escape would land her in prison (that they even had Yin was something she didn't even know about until she had already joined them). There is no reason you can fault her for anything with Yin. As I recall, she showed some concern for dolls in the prior season. Not much, but she does not view them as objects. She had numerous interactions with July too, let you forget.

    I guess we can say that the divide between your hatred of her and my enjoyment is personal preference.

  16. #376
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    You'd be better with the "I just don't like her" explanation Zell, that one feels weak and confusing

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    The rest I can't really argue with, but Misaki is with the police (or at least she was). Hei is an assassin. He kills people. She is, or was, going to arrest him. Over time she and Hei developed this weird relationship. As Li, he saved her a few times, got her confidence back up, etc. To her, he always had a way of showing up and looking completely out of place (usually because he was there for a syndicate mission). To Misaki, who is still a girl at heart, it must have looked like fate. She hates the BK-201 side of him and sees capturing him as a challenge, yet the Li side sends her heart all aflutter. After finding out they are one in the same, she became even more conflicted.

    I think the mystery of wondering what she will actually do if she ever catches him is half the fun of her character. She's so wonderfully confused about what she wants.
    I quote that second part for the truth

    Not sure if i agree with the first part. For all the time she was with Li we never saw her show any clear signs of romantic attraction for him, if anything she seemed in a way more attracted to the mysterious BK-201 persona

    I think what really close the deal for her was that last scene where she confirmed that they were both one and the same and that duality came to be what attracted her so much. Not to mention her social inexperience, at least when it came to these affairs of the heart, meaning that she didn't really know how to deal with all of that

    Anyway, i can't offer more than a weak 12th grade analysis on what i think is going on in her head, which is probably why i'm so damn eager to know just how she will react when they finally meet face to face once again.

  17. #377
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Not sure if i agree with the first part. For all the time she was with Li we never saw her show any clear signs of romantic attraction for him, if anything she seemed in a way more attracted to the mysterious BK-201 persona
    There was a moment or two from my point of view. I will admit I don't remember if the two of them ever went stargazing, but for some reason I remember them doing so. If that did happen, it would certainly fit the bill. I only clearly remember the part with Hei and the scientist inside the Gate. I'd have to watch it again for any Misaki stargazing after Hei inherited the guy's telescope (which Misaki now possesses).

    But what I do remember is a scene late in the series where they meet by a true coincidence for once, and have a fairly deep conversation on top of either an air conditioner or a bus stop or some tall object where their legs aren't touching the ground. It was that peaceful moment between two adversaries (with only one of them knowing it) that I took as Misaki developing feelings for the Li persona.

  18. #378
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    But what I do remember is a scene late in the series where they meet by a true coincidence for once, and have a fairly deep conversation on top of either an air conditioner or a bus stop or some tall object where their legs aren't touching the ground. It was that peaceful moment between two adversaries (with only one of them knowing it) that I took as Misaki developing feelings for the Li persona.
    But you have to remember that at that point she was already highly suspicious that Li and BK-201 were the same person, and although i admit there might have been some flirting going on i also think that she was at all times trying to confirm her suspicions.

    Like i said, i think the duality of good guy/dangerous criminal somehow just closed the deal for her

  19. #379
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #380
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    So, Suou is a copy and Shion's ability is to create copies. Explains easily how Hei killed their old man yet the man is still actually alive and well. Quite an ability. Next we need to learn why a copying man and contractor killing woman meeting would spell the end of the world.

    I wish Mao had said: "Stockholm syndrome" when Suou asked why she felt so bad when Hei didn't believe her...

    Misaki and Hei's meeting wasn't very emotional, was it?

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