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Thread: Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha

  1. #301
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Only 12 episodes? Nooo

    Hei is cool. But I wanted to hit him for each time he hit Suou Even if it was for her own good.
    But there will be 4 OVAs afterwards


  2. #302
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    But there will be 4 OVAs afterwards

    According to dojin mangaka Guyohmaru's blog, Aniplex announced at a preview for the anime business people that four extra episodes of Darker than BLACK - Ryuusei no Gemini will be released as DVD/Blu-ray only episodes. The four episodes are the side stories bridging the gap between the first and the second series and will be included in the even number volumes of the DVD/Blu-ray Discs.
    That's good news and all, but I hope they don't neglect Yin's backstory in the main episodes just because they can make up for it with the DVD specials.

    Things are looking good so far, so I guess I shouldn't be so paranoid.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #303
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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  4. #304
    I really like their OP for DTB, I didn't like their other single for Bleach's Ending 17 as much or Gundam 00s.

  5. #305
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Stereopony - Tsukiakari no Michishirube - OP Single

    Last edited by Marik; Tue, 11-03-2009 at 02:21 PM.

  6. #306
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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  7. #307
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A good episode. Not a whole lot as such happened yet but pieces were moving to places to form a good setting for the next episode. I was also glad to notice some understanding was building between Suou and Hei, even if it was mainly caused by Hei noticing Suou is incomprehensible for him. Hei "happily" eating Suou's cooking was such a classic scene that I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it in a series like this where anything can happen.

    In any case it's good real action began.

  8. #308
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I didn't buy that explanation at all, it's fairly obvious that Suou isn't a proper contractor at all. How is it that nobody noticed yet that the rifle materializes off of her pendant?

    And powerless Hei kinda sucks, he couldn't even take down those 3 weaklings and even managed to get himself kidnapped

  9. #309
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    whoa, and yet again we get to sit through the naked loli transformation scene... do people really enjoy watching that over Hei's lightning? did the writers think it would help DVD sales to turn the focus of the series from a chinese mask wearing assassin into a loli with a naked contractor transformation?

    I definitely found this episode better than last weeks. maybe it's cause after last week I was used to it.. or actually I think it was the contractor fight. man, when Hei fought that water manipulator chick, that was awesome. Though the fight did draw attention to Hei's loss of powers, which was super lame to begin with. disappointed in the lack of child beating in this ep though :\

    I hope she killed that bird.. if she doesn't start killing things as a contractor I'm gonna be mad...
    Last edited by Pandadice; Fri, 11-06-2009 at 06:12 PM.

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  10. #310
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    A good episode. Not a whole lot as such happened yet but pieces were moving to places to form a good setting for the next episode. I was also glad to notice some understanding was building between Suou and Hei, even if it was mainly caused by Hei noticing Suou is incomprehensible for him. Hei "happily" eating Suou's cooking was such a classic scene that I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it in a series like this where anything can happen.

    In any case it's good real action began.
    Getting Hei to eat is a good start. Hopefully it's the first of things to come until old Hei is back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archie
    I didn't buy that explanation at all, it's fairly obvious that Suou isn't a proper contractor at all. How is it that nobody noticed yet that the rifle materializes off of her pendant?
    Probably because of the hundreds, if not thousands, of contractors that exist, along with their mostly unique powers, they just assume it's coming out of her "chest". WE see it as a nude transformation scene, but who knows what the other characters see. I doubt she actually floats in the air while doing it too.
    And powerless Hei kinda sucks, he couldn't even take down those 3 weaklings and even managed to get himself kidnapped
    Having truck drive off, along with how quickly they made the decision to, probably surprised Hei. Still, it's not too bad a situation. He did shut the door in the smoke so they don't actually know he's inside so continue to search out, giving him time to blow it up. What better opportunity to do so than for them to actually drive away thinking they got out of the mess safely while the boogie is onboard?

    If he's quick enough, heck, he could even get out before they notice. (don't ask me how he locked the door from the inside, why the doors didn't swing open when it drove off, or why the soldiers locked the door from the outside and not think anything would have gone in). Of course, the preview would suggest he gets transported to the port swarming with people for his ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    whoa, and yet again we get to sit through the naked loli transformation scene... do people really enjoy watching that over Hei's lightning? did the writers think it would help DVD sales to turn the focus of the series from a chinese mask wearing assassin into a loli with a naked contractor transformation?
    I'm not going to comment about rifle vs lightning. As for the transformation scene, I agree with whoever said this before: I can't think of a better way for a rifle to materialize. It's not that bad, really. Some times she even has the rifle out already, and at least she doen't have to do it every time she attacks. Maybe I'm just desensitized because of another series with excessive figurative attack/summoning sequences.

    I hope she killed that bird.. if she doesn't start killing things as a contractor I'm gonna be mad..
    I'm pretty sure she did. There's no reason to cry otherwise.

    I had a bad feeling that what Misaki saw in that chamber was....Yin.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #311
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Yeah it's not too bad but compared to the bamofo from season one I still find him quite lacking

  12. #312
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Misaki is so boring of a character. I prefer Yin and Suou any day.

  13. #313
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Misaki is so boring of a character. I prefer Yin and Suou any day.
    I'm not much of a Misaka fan myself, but now that most of her appearances are accompanied by the lesbian contractor, it's a different story. I'm hoping she'll make a move on her again.

    edit@below: my bad.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 11-07-2009 at 12:39 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #314
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I'm not much of a Misaka fan myself, but now that most of her appearances are accompanied by the lesbian contractor, it's a different story. I'm hoping she'll make a move on her again.
    Dude... please don't confuse the greatness of Misaka (Mikoto) with this Misaki...

  15. #315
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I had a bad feeling that what Misaki saw in that chamber was....Yin.
    My first thought was actually someone just as good. Amber. Did we ever see her star fall?


    I'm tired of hearing the whiners every episode say that Contractor Powered Hei was so much more entertaining than all the contractors shown thus far. This is the way they wrote it, you don't like it.

    Get over it.

    As far as I'm concerned, powerless Hei is just as badass. He just lacks that final effortless lethal punch. How many normal humans can face off with a contractor and not die? His electric powers were actually the most mundane thing about his combat. The acrobatics, the choke holds after mysteriously being able to get to the backside of his opponent allowing him to press them for information, his hand to hand combat skills, etc. Hei only used Pai's powers for killing. In what way has his overall badassness diminished in any way?

    He could knife those soldiers if he had wanted to. He could have thrown a grenade at their feet. He could have killed the Mother/Contractor. Why didn't he? Because killing them would have interfered with his objectives. He didn't kill her because that wasn't the goal. Letting Suou and July escape completely unseen was. All he needed to do was distract them long enough for the other two to escape. He did that, and took off himself. His second objective wasn't to kill the soldiers, it was to destroy the package, and if he couldn't, Suou was going to do it for him.

    Hei even admitted that Suou can out-snipe him. She's the final lethal punch this season. Hei had partners in South America that he had to rely on, he was pretty happy content about it. Hei has partners again, big deal.


    I've always liked Misaki. She has a nice body, a weird relationship with Hei, and looks great in clothes that aren't her standard business suit.

  16. #316
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I'm tired of hearing the whiners every episode say that Contractor Powered Hei was so much more entertaining than all the contractors shown thus far. This is the way they wrote it, you don't like it.

    Get over it.
    And i'm tired of you whining about... well, everything else

    I'll complain about what i feel complaining about ( in this case the differences between this and the last season that i'm not so happy with ), but please by all means feel free to ignore me, i know i do when someone starts bitching about too much image posting in one thread or some other idiocy like that.

  17. #317
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I see Ryllharu has already conveniently forgotten how badly Hei was faring right after losing his powers, at the train station. He's lucky he didn't get killed by the absolutely n00b contractor Tanya. Nobody's saying Hei needs his powers to fight against ordinary grunts. But things are different when fighting against other contractors. It's not like using electricity in his limited manner would be any uber skill compared to some we have seen. It was only so powerful because it was the also otherwise exceedingly potent Hei using it.

  18. #318
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I see Ryllharu has already conveniently forgotten how badly Hei was faring right after losing his powers, at the train station. He's lucky he didn't get killed by the absolutely n00b contractor Tanya. Nobody's saying Hei needs his powers to fight against ordinary grunts. But things are different when fighting against other contractors. It's not like using electricity in his limited manner would be any uber skill compared to some we have seen. It was only so powerful because it was the also otherwise exceedingly potent Hei using it.
    And it's not like he's the old black shinigami either. For one thing i don't think the old him was pissed drunk all the time and after all those years relying on his contractor powers his whole fighting method seems to have completely changed

    Just look at his fight with the water woman, he goes for the grab in the face ( completely worthless move for his powerless self ) instead of going for the throat as he apparently did when he relied in his cables.

  19. #319
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I see Ryllharu has already conveniently forgotten how badly Hei was faring right after losing his powers, at the train station. He's lucky he didn't get killed by the absolutely n00b contractor Tanya. Nobody's saying Hei needs his powers to fight against ordinary grunts. But things are different when fighting against other contractors. It's not like using electricity in his limited manner would be any uber skill compared to some we have seen. It was only so powerful because it was the also otherwise exceedingly potent Hei using it.
    Well, in Ryll's defence, Hei then was still confused at why his powers didn't work. As Archie mentioned, Hei's fighting style had also adapted to relying on his powers more and more, but it's not a stretch to say he can't get back to his Shinigami days (once he actually eats).

    His missing bulletproof coat is also one reason he's not quite as competent right now. It was actually less of a necessity in BK-201 days since electricity can be a ranged attack. Even if he still kicks ass right now, the missing coat makes approaching the enemy unharmed a lot harder, so I'm not blaming it all on losing his powers.

    Hei's still badass. I would actually compare him to Layfon (Chrome Shelled Regios).

    [spoiler comparison follows]

    While one locked away his potential willingly, the other simply had it taken from him. One refused to use his preferred weapon while the other lost his coat.

    [end spoiler]

    PS: before I forget, that random telephone out in the middle of nowhere was funny.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 11-07-2009 at 09:21 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #320
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Just look at his fight with the water woman, he goes for the grab in the face ( completely worthless move for his powerless self ) instead of going for the throat as he apparently did when he relied in his cables.
    Hei always grabbed people in the face. That's how he fried their brains with electricity.

    He killed people with the cables when it was at range, but when it was close combat, he grabbed them in the face.

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