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Thread: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann

  1. #181
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    I just assumed that the Spiral King didn't use Nia as a "daughter" but as his communication/liason with the Great Dimensional Government. It would definitely explain why he throws them away when they start asking about who they are.

  2. #182
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Id agree with that assertion. Creating that many "daughters" would be pointless otherwise.

    Still, Id have to question the efficiency of actually giving a personality to a mere communicaton tool.
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  3. #183

  4. #184
    whoa @ that episode. the mood is completely different than before (a bit like when Kamina dies)

    spoilers below

    I guess Nia becomes the enemy now. my guess is Rossiu will too for a short while. also, it seems that there are other Spirals in the universe uh...could get interesting.

  5. #185
    Well I guess this was inevitable with the way Rossiu was acting before. He seems to be focused more on politics then the giant aliens that keep showing up and destroying things. He needs to just tell the people to shut the hell up and appreciate the borrowed time they are all living on.

    The people are somewhat justifiably mad since they have come to rely on the government for support. It's been 7 years since most of them came out from their holes but it's most likely the people who never encountered Ganmen while underground that take their security for granted and are the rioting. Unfortunately this is probably the majority of the people in the city.

    I can't imagine how Rossiu thinks he's going to end up in a better position if he makes Simon take the fall and puts him in jail. WIthout GL the next time the badguys show up they'll just destroy everything with their chain lasers and that will be that for Humanity, who can he not see that?

  6. #186
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Im not sure, but I think he is going to let Simon go in the next episode, at least thats what the preview seems to show.

    I do agree that its idiotic to lock up your only fighting force. If they need a fall guy, why not himself (Rosshu) or some other prick under him?

    I loved how they depicted the disgusting nature of human beings. They really were like monkeys, not even realizing the foolishness of their actions. Unfortunately, that is true even in reality. Im glad GL is trying to handle more gritty and real situations, instead of the uber idealistic feel it had before.
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  7. #187
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Good episode, mostly setup for future stuff (both Viral and Simon are going to jail...) and some pretty easily inferrable exposition from Nia and the extremely goofy decapitated head of Lord Genome. Here's hoping for a prequel OVA with him piloting Rasengan against the anti-Spirals sometime!

  8. #188
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Simon is going in and out of jail as fast as... well, his drill?
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  9. #189

  10. #190
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    [BSS-Anon] Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann - 19
    [BSS-Anon] Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann - 19 [1280x720][x264].mkv
    There's also a standalone sub file.

    Episode Content:

    Wow, Rossiu is the biggest asshole in this whole series. It's one thing to make a power grab by blaming everything on Simon. It's another thing entirely to take advantage of Kinon's devotion by strapping a huge amount of bombs to her and making her a hostage to reign in Simon. "What Rossiu has gone through"??!?! We all know exactly what he's gone through. He lost his mother to stupid asshole laws he's enforcing right now. His ass was saved by Kamina, Yoko, and Simon. He sat while Simon did all the work from the cockpit. He secretly plotted to control the world from the moment of Dai-Gurren's victory over the Helix King. He's gone through nothing. Simon and Kamina have taken a beating for him, giving their all to make it safe for everyone. This is how he repays their actions? They should have left him to die alone on the surface, but I'm glad they are better people than he is.

    You felt a little despair of your own seeing Kittan miss him. I was convinced he would connect. What an asshole. Kiyoh and Kiyal are going to be pissed when they find out what he did, even if it is Kinon's choice.

    As a side note, the mushroom cloud was badass. So was Lon creeping Gimmy out.

    My speculations
    I think it should be obvious that loyalists will side with The Asshole, while Simon's rescuers will include Viral, Yoko, Gimmy, Darry, Lon, and probably Kiyal (the one who didn't give birth) and a few others. Then Simon and crew will steal the Lagann back and steal the Arc ship right from under Rossiu, blow up the moon, and continue the war.

    EDIT: Two things I totally forgot.

    1) Kinon getting bounced around by the acceleration of the Gurren-Lagann. Totally unnecessary, a bit distracting, and totally awesome.

    2) More importantly, ninja-Nia is still wearing the ring.

    Simon may have come to the conclusion she's no longer who he knew, but she's in there. Whether it is to make him more tortured, or a small part of sweet Nia still exists, we don't know.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 08-06-2007 at 01:53 PM.

  11. #191
    I hate dumb bitches like Kinon, that follow jackasses that say one-liners that he intends to have oodles and oodles of meaning but are totally retarded.

  12. #192
    ha... i personally really liked the mood of this ep. and no matter how much ppl may hate Rossiu, it was really cool the way he dodged Kittan's punch (also says that he knows what he did).

    to be technical... no matter how deep they dig, the moon falling on the Earth would kill them (well unless they get to the mantle but... then they would die from that). the moon would probably evaporate the crust where it lands, and liquefy the rest of it, i doubt bacteria would survive this.

  13. #193
    IMO Rossiu is a coward. that's why he avoided being hit and the reason why he made simon take the fall for what has happened. if he were a real man he wouls take his share of the responsibility and work through these issues. just my 2 cents.

  14. #194
    Wow..I don't think it's possible to hurl enough insults at Rossiu to express the depths of how despicable he is. I would swear to follow Suzaku forever if it meant I could strangle Rossiu to death.

    The only thing he can even remotely take credit for is the Lord Genome computer and thus ,vicariously, discovery of the ship. Everything else about him he has stolen outright or obtained without actually earning it. All the while he's making himself out to be some kind of destined hero/leader just because he's convinced of his own superiority. I seriously wish something would just blow up in his face before the end, but since Simon is such an awesome guy I suspect that even after all he's done when the shit hits the fan for Rossiu Simon will be there to save his undeserving ass again.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 08-07-2007 at 12:15 PM.

  15. #195
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Rossiu and Kinon are disgusting, I hope they both die. Lets hope theres a Viral-Lagaan in the future.

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  16. #196
    It's the perfect set-up for a new season. The greatest strength of the series at the beginning was the underdog position. They never had that anymore after the first 10 episodes and now he's basically back at square one. Which only benefits the greatness of this show

    Man Rossiu is one bastard..

  17. #197
    funny... the show makes you hate Rossiu and he makes completely stupid mistakes... but the people seem to love him. that's kinda telling

  18. #198
    Well he's giving the people the easy solution. Just like living underground was the easy solution to the Ganmen problem. If a powerful person offers a mob an easy solution they'll generally just take it without thinking. Rossiu is offering short term safety via running away, while Simon represents the idea of long term safety by facing the danger head on and eliminating it (which involves short term danger). Unfortunately mobs tend to be hill-climbers, only wanting to take paths where every step moves them towards their absolute goal, which in this case would be safety. Therefore they see Rossiu's plan, which only moves them away from danger, as perfect. While Simon, who's plan would lead to more danger is vilified.

  19. #199
    Well, I hope Kinon and Rossiu both die in a fire. And it's a funny thing, because when Rossiu was first introduced, I didn't like him. Somehow, deep down, I knew he was off.


    Though after all that anger building up, it was great to see Viral,as it made me laugh imagining him and Simon in the same jail cell. Stereotypical jail-humor ensues.

  20. #200
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Well he's giving the people the easy solution. Just like living underground was the easy solution to the Ganmen problem. If a powerful person offers a mob an easy solution they'll generally just take it without thinking. Rossiu is offering short term safety via running away, while Simon represents the idea of long term safety by facing the danger head on and eliminating it (which involves short term danger). Unfortunately mobs tend to be hill-climbers, only wanting to take paths where every step moves them towards their absolute goal, which in this case would be safety. Therefore they see Rossiu's plan, which only moves them away from danger, as perfect. While Simon, who's plan would lead to more danger is vilified.
    Haha, hill-climbing for the win! Dr. Amy would be so proud...

    But yeah, now that I'm caught up, seeing how Rossiu and Kinon have changed (well, Rossiu more, since Kinon was mainly scenery before--another great thing they've done with the show in terms of character development) is just so amazing to the point of being surreal.

    Although you kind of knew he was going to become like this. Sure, he could ride coattails with the best of them, and when it was out-in-the-wild, survival of the fittest Ganmen vs. Ganmen mentality, he was right there with Simon riding shotgun because there was no time or space to play at politics. But now that things have settled into an ordered civilization, he's gone right back into the way of thinking that he was immersed in at youth. That's why Simon's line about him looking like his old chief in the village was so powerful.

    Story-wise, though, I love him because he's so hate-able. Look at all the haterade already being poured on him--it's because he's such a well-written douchenozzle. I guess it's a side effect of wanting to be a writer myself, but I love-love-love a good villain/antagonist that makes you actually hate him rather than see him as an obstacle. Rossiu, in this regard, does not disappoint.

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