Wed, 07-18-2007, 09:49 PM
Just because of what Ryll said about Nia being the new support of Simon's life, Im starting to get the desire to see her dead just to see Simon suffering and in despair.
Dont get me wrong, Nia is one of my favorite characters, but wouldnt it be really interesting to see how Simon breaks down, never to get up again?
Wed, 07-18-2007, 10:11 PM
That won't ever happen exactly that way though, since we've seen him and his crew in space fighting whatever force the Helix King was referring to. Nia may stay behind, or leave him. They've already killed off one beloved character, Kamina. Another would belittle his death I think.
Wed, 07-18-2007, 10:26 PM
Yeah, I know. I dont really want Nia to die. Right now, she and Simon (with her leading by 15 points) are my favorite characters in the show. Just had the urge to see Simon suffering again. Its always nice to see people in despair. Belittling Kamina's death is only a bonus for me.
Nia leaving him is quite unlikely, but that would be an interesting point in itself. Or maybe Simon just thinking that she died, only to show up later, or something to that effect.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 07:56 AM
BSS has released an .ass file for episode 17 that works with the majority of the raws.
About the episode:
The time jump was very interesting indeed. Kiyal (the blond sister) gives birth pushing the population over 1 million, Kinon (brown hair) grew longer hair and allied with Rossiu, who has grew a bigger stick up his ass, Nia got her pretty long hair back, Simon...still badass, Darry is a better pilot than Gimmy, the old man was actually a beastman all along, and Yoko...went off somewhere.
I'm deeply concerned for Nia though. She got possessed by whatever the new things are. I have a sinking feeling right now, that Simon won't be able to save her. I hope for now it just means that she has an evil dark side while possessed, but it doesn't look good now.
Rossiu and Simon will probably fight soon, as Rossiu attempts to take power with his loyalist bunch of assholes (and Kinon, who I hope can be turned around).
Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 07-23-2007 at 08:12 AM.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 08:01 AM
Is it allowed to talk about the episode even with just the .ass? The fansub isn't out right?
Mon, 07-23-2007, 08:13 AM
I'll allow it for now. Don't see why it would be any different than what goes on currently.
Here's the .ass of 17:
Here's the raw:
Mon, 07-23-2007, 09:18 AM
Ooh, the new intro is pretty amazing. What happened to Yoko =(? I was looking forward to a Love Triangle, but I guess that was completely demolished. Anyways, it's really interesting to see it's been 7 years, and everyone's older with their relationships, etc. The new mecha's/ganmen look pretty sweet. I love this series a lot.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 09:57 AM
I'm not a fan of BSS's encoding. The raw is much larger, but it just looks better. Like Munsu, I really don't see why it's an issue. A subtitle file is still a fansub. You can easily edit the file too, which is a plus when it comes to BSS.
Back to the episode:
I'm surprised to see the second verse of the song instead of a new song for the OP. After Kamina died, Yoko wasn't much more than a side character. The most significant thing she did was shoot Nia's hair and accepted her. It's a little sad she wasn't of much use outside the Kamina Arc.
I wonder how long Rossiu has been like this though. Since the fall of the Helix King? His organization within the government is huge, and comprised exclusively of people that were not prominent with the Gurren-Dan (excepting Kinon). He certainly seems to want to take control instead of Simon, and keep him only as a symbol. A return to his perfectly regulated underground society. Nice to see Simon thinks more like Kamina, even if it got a lot of people killed. What was Rossiu going to do, let it kill half the population with its laser?
More confusing to me at least was Rossiu's line "You don't understand at all," right after Simon accused him of wanting to turn the world into a large version of his old town.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 10:41 AM
Im just asking..
I don't like the copy version of gurren lagan... Guns are not in vibe with this anime
Last edited by oyabun; Mon, 07-23-2007 at 10:53 AM.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 05:22 PM
could anyone tell me how to use the .ass file? i am a total retard when it comes to all this.
i downloaded both the raw and .ass file so just need to know what to do next heh. Sorry to bug yall with my question.
Mon, 07-23-2007, 05:29 PM
Change the raw to the name of the .ass file. If the .ass file name is say, Tengen1.ass and the raw is named [Raw]Tengen1.avi, rename the raw to Tengen1.avi
Mon, 07-23-2007, 05:30 PM
I love time skips. This episode was awesome. I was waiting to see some internal conflict amongst the humans and this episode delivered just that.
Things have gotten a lot more serious, just the way I like it 
Judging from the intro as well as what happened in this episode, it seems like we might also be dealing with some sort of evil Nia alter ego. This is great, given the goody goody princess character can only go so far.
Once you have downloaded both RAW and the .ass file, make sure to rename them to the same name. Put them in the same folder and just play the RAW. If you have CCCP installed on your computer, it should work perfectly
Mon, 07-23-2007, 05:50 PM
Tue, 07-24-2007, 04:04 AM
Yoko love triangle going poof... WHYYYY!!!!
I was so looking forward to Yoko throwing herself at Simon and getting completely owned by Nia.
Well, I guess I can always think of it as Yoko giving up because she stood no chance anyway.
Tue, 07-24-2007, 10:44 AM
Wed, 07-25-2007, 05:22 AM
Ahh, about time, I couldn't get the raw+sub to work properly.
Was a great episode, lots of new material for a new arch.
Sat, 07-28-2007, 08:43 AM
No one else noticed that Rossu was trying to resurect the spiral king? Looks like he wants to revive him to get some answers. The new bad guys look pretty advanced, wonder if the gang has much hope if only Simon can kill them. Doesnt look good for the 1 million monkeys.
Sat, 07-28-2007, 12:06 PM
I actually didnt notice, since I was too busy admiring the new GL world after the time skip, and wanting to kick Rossu in the face everytime he shows up... and talks.
Im not sure if Simon actually "defeated" the enemy. It seems that the goal of the new enemy is to eliminate as many monkeys as possible, which it achieved to a certain extent with its body broken into pieces and self destructing.
Sat, 07-28-2007, 02:51 PM
anyone else thinks Viral would do better in Rossiu's place?
and i guess the ppl that wanted Nia to die (in a way) got their wish.
Sat, 07-28-2007, 05:12 PM
ANBU Captain
What if Nia was never actually meant to be dumped, but instead purposely tossed in the hands of the Gurren, as a fail-safe ?
To me it's no coincidence that she responds to the new invaders in such a way.
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