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Thread: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann

  1. #101
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Im pretty sure Yoko aimed for Nia's hair out of jealousy, the bitch.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  2. #102
    Not even halfway through the series and it's moving at a pretty amazing pace. I'd guess that they'll defeat the Rasen-Ou in like episode 16 or so, and possibly enter a new journey into space. Assuming that the flashforward we saw at the beginning of episode 1 wasn't so far ahead that it'd be after the ending. However, I don't think there would be a timejump as he looked a lot taller, and a lot cooler in that flashforward, though I wouldn't put it past them if they did have one.

  3. #103
    Episode 13 - YouSubs

    No idea if these subs are any good. Downloading to see. Still at 1 seed, and almost 300 peers.

    Edit: Subs weren't very good, but they weren't that bad either I guess. It just seemed pretty juvenile, due to their lack of grammar, like capitalization, bad tenses, etc.

    Episode 13 - anon
    Last edited by animus; Sun, 06-24-2007 at 04:21 PM.

  4. #104
    i'm not sure if i'm the only one but... I really liked that episode. Viral has always been one of my favourite characters, i kinda hope he joins the Gurren-dan. and apparently, for those of you who wanted a Yoko/Simon relationship... i guess such a thing might still happen.

  5. #105
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    If everyone else has that reaction to Nia's cooking, what's wrong with Simon that he thinks it great?

    It indeed appears that a new love triangle with Yoko in it may have started. I think Nia definitely has the upper hand in this one though. Not only does he love her cooking, he thought her haircut was cute right away. It does look a lot better in this episode than when Yoko had just finished hacking at it.

    Even though it was short, I haven't seen aerial mecha fights that well done since Macross. I was really getting into the Viral-Lagann fight. Sweeping angles and all sorts of nice effects.

  6. #106
    That episode was simply amazing. It's so fucking zany and off the chain with all the random uniting and stuff. I love it.

  7. #107
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Is it just me or was there an episode before this one that showed Simon liking really weird food?

    Im not sure how I feel about Yoko starting to like Simon. On one hand, that was the scenario I wanted from the first time I laid eyes on this series, on the other, I like Nia much more than Yoko as of now. I am also unsure whether Yoko suddenly switching from Kamina to Simon with one spin of a drill cheapens her character or not.

    What exactly did Yoko want to convey when she said "I liked Kamina."? Was it in past tense because he died? Or was it a roundabout way of saying "I dont like Kamina anymore and Im switching to you now"?

    Love triangles are welcome, I just hope they actually have some effect on the main story and not just some filler scenes. A good example of what I mean would be the love triangle between Simon, Yoko, and Kamina before, in which Simon's jealousy and confusion actually led to Kamina's death, and progress in the main storyline.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  8. #108
    The action in this show is still fresh and intersting, I love it. As well as the Gurren-Lagann's unparallelled ability to literally Deus Ex Machina itself out of sticky situations. But before the hijacking the use of the other flying Ganmen as Spider man uses buildings was brilliant and looked awesome.

    My subs (anon) used Loved instead of liked for the Yoko scene, and I took it to mean that she was trying to reconcile their feelings for Kamina which Viral had stirred up. I don't think the two of them had yet sat down and talked about it calmly since he died. As to potential romance I don't see Yoko shifting her relationship eye to Simon for a while, it would just be weird. It would make more sense for her to withdraw from that kind of thing and focus more on her sibling type relationship with Simon and the rest of the Brigade.

  9. #109
    Was I the only one who thought Yoko was going to have a Kamina death scene for a second there when they fell, and Simon held Yoko in his arms? I have a feeling she might die later in the series as well.

  10. #110
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The only one around here to die would be Simon, since Yoko's is the Kiss of Death. But since we saw him alive in the opening moments of the series (also notably with some Beastmen in his crew...), I'm hoping for Nia x Simon. He's the only one in the world who likes her cooking.

    You could even say she was...made for him.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 06-25-2007 at 07:56 AM.

  11. #111
    I just watched the preview and... is Nia Leaving?

  12. #112
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Gurren Lagann got licensed 0_o

  13. #113
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Episode 14's out and about. As usual, it's more crazy ass fight scenes and badassery from the Gurren-dan. I really wonder how the series is going to keep that manic energy in the second half, considering it appears from previews and from the end of this episode that the current arc is wrapping up pretty soon. I can't wait to see what the hell they cook up to defeat Teppelin and the Helix King.

  14. #114
    Ever since episode 14 I've decided I want to keep these episodes to watch for years to come. What format's better quality to keep? .mkv or .avi?

  15. #115
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    .mkv and .avi aren't what you need to be concerned with (unless you're planning to burn them to DVD video, in which case Black Order's .avi is probably better since .mkv is a hassle to get working there).

    The highest video quality is the 1280x720 x264 clockless raws released by various groups and the anonymous softsubs are generally pretty good translation-wise (the dialogue in Gurren Lagann isn't exactly poetry).

  16. #116
    I'm not planning on burning them onto a DVD. Just storing them. But since it's licensed I might buy the DVDs if I can find them?

  17. #117
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y
    Episode 14's out and about.
    Cant find it :-(

  18. #118
    Gurren-Lagann - 14 - [anon]

    Check Tokyotosho, the RAW's have been out for a while and the anonymous group releases their subtitle file pretty quickly after each ep comes out.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 07-02-2007 at 07:02 PM.

  19. #119

  20. #120
    Don't think so, they're just a lot slower compared to anon and others.

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