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Thread: Heroic Age

  1. #1

    Heroic Age

    Here are two previews I uploaded to sendspace:

    Series is from the same character designer and animator from Fafner and Gundam SEED.

    Answering the call of the “Gold Race”, all the sentient races launch into space. The human race is the last to launch, and are thus known as the “Iron Race”.

    Much time has passed since then, and humanity is threatened with extinction at the hands of the more dominant “Silver Race”.

    In order to save her people, Queen Deianeira sets out on a journey to a galaxy far away, following the prophecies of the Gold Race handed down by the royal family. Then, she meets a boy named Eiji. Their encounter will change the fate of the universe...

  2. #2
    Heroic Age first episode by Bruised-Ichigo:

    I'm not watching this release, since I noticed that it was translated by SoulFang, and I don't trust him... Check it out if you want, it should be a nice series to watch, but I will wait for someone better to do it.

  3. #3
    AonE Staff Julianlivre's Avatar
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    I watched episode 01, it was very good acutally so I recomend ya'll to watch it if ur interested in this show!!!
    O_O is there something that I should say ?????

  4. #4
    I liked the first episode too...the mecha's and animation are both pretty good.

  5. #5
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Watched it and it was good.
    Though something is really starteing to annoy me as hell:

    The women-chauvinism.
    Be it Heroic Ages, or Claymore, or other series...what´s with this crappy pro-female attittude?
    In Heroic Ages, only women are allowd to approach the queen...the men are stupid mecha-pilots.
    In Claymore, only women can become cool soldiers.

    From men´s oppresion towards women´s oppresion, yeeha...
    No really, the whole 1st episode of Heroic Ages i though "Fuck those bitches...fuk the girl that forbids the one guy to approach the queen...fuck the queen not allowing the guy approach her...fuck the 2 psychic girls with her cool psychic powers...

  6. #6
    What's wrong with having strong female characters or female protagonists in Anime, a role that more often then not is dominated by males...... Personally, I find it a refreshing every now and then to see females portrayed as the heroic characters.........

    As for the issue of not being allowed to approach royalty. Under a monachal system I'd rather think it makes sense to not allow just anyone into the presence of royalty be they female or male, I'd imagine it's rather a class issue (Against) or trust issue rather then any sexual bias. Furthermore your post seems to indicate a rather alarming level of hostility towards any female figure in a position of power and as such you may wish to question "why" this upsets you........


  7. #7
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vash72
    Personally, I find it a refreshing every now and then to see females portrayed as the heroic characters.........
    "Every now and then" would be okay...

    As for the issue of not being allowed to approach royalty. Under a monachal system I'd rather think it makes sense to not allow just anyone into the presence of royalty be they female or male, I'd imagine it's rather a class issue (Against) or trust issue rather then any sexual bias.
    But they clearly said "only women are allowod to go there"

    Furthermore your post seems to indicate a rather alarming level of hostility towards any female figure in a position of power and as such you may wish to question "why" this upsets you........
    Well, seems that i chose to many similiar animes, but the sheer amount of "strong" women annoys me. As you say "every now and then" would be okay. But to me it seems as if so many anime-series feature strong women and rather stupid men. Gets boring...and annoying.

  8. #8
    Women are the more capable sex. At most times, they're more level-headed, keep their cool easier, don't have raging desires as much, can stand giving childbirth (ouch) and besides women are just so much more damn sexier than men are.

    Anyways, about the episode. I haven't watched it yet, but I read the description, and am currently downloading it, but it seems that the queens hostility towards men or probably the main character in this case will dissipate further along in the series.

  9. #9
    Well MFauli, I suppose we'll just have to choose to disagree ........ Maybe we watch different genres of anime in general and therefore naturally have different views on the matter. Personally, I haven’t seen an over-abundance of male leads being portrayed as stupider than female ones........

    Anyways, back to the Heroic Age, nice fluid animation and a plot with potential, will be interested to see where the writers go with it……..


  10. #10
    Nice animation, nice mechs, nice shounen hero power up (assuming that giant mech/monster/Witsuarunemitea) was the kid. I'll definately stay with this one to see where the plot goes.

    @MFauli strong female charachters aren't new and I don't really think they are taking over anime, though there do seem to have been a lot more strong female types in recent times, as opposed to marshmellowy mahou shoujo's. I don't really mind personally because it's not as much about sex as it is about gender. A person who acts like a pansy and cries all the time is 'girly' but a girl who wields a giant sword and gets rough and rowdy in fights is 'manly' It doesn't matter as much what's between their legs as what's between their ears.

    However this princess doesn't strike me as a strong female, more like a pampered and sheltered one, she probably can't be approached b/c she's 'so special and pure' or something, which would be a bit lame, but amybe she would lose her cool powers ifa man got to close, like in Mai-Otome.

  11. #11
    Well, I definately liked this one ^^

  12. #12
    Judging from the description I was skeptical. But I just watched it, and I must say it's quite amazing. Thrilling, and interesting. The Nodos or the mech looks like an Evangelion in a way, quite fucking badass.

  13. #13
    Sounds really interesting. Like Bud, I'm also waiting for a more reputable group to sub it.

  14. #14
    Rarghhh, raws for Episode 2 of Heroic Age and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan are out, and I'm seething for the subbed versions. Rarrrgh. More people need to pick these two series up, among many others. This season is packed with good series.

  15. #15
    Well, I've had a good morning today, a new Naruto and Claymore and two new series RomeoxJuliet and Bokurano. To me, they are all medium-highquality new series and with Heroic Age added to that, it seems It will be a good season

    Hoping to see it soon ^^

  16. #16
    I saw this... and all I can think was Star Craft and Utawarerumono...
    I'll have to see a couple more episodes to see where this goes.

  17. #17
    Yeah, I watched this before, has some potential see how it goes.

  18. #18
    Heroic Age Episode 2 - YourMom

    Have heard bad things about YourMom, but it's tolerable, and I did watch their Code Geass releases. Will give opinions when I've watched it.

    Edit: Hrm, no karaoke but a decent OP and song. Good episode interesting, and nice action.I found it odd that they translated his name into Age when I'm pretty sure I heard Eiji or some such. Answered a couple questions like, a man of unpure heart I guess, will cause the princess to faint and lose her senses. The summoning and the formation of the Nodos looks like a Guyver's Bio-boost,
    Last edited by animus; Sun, 04-15-2007 at 12:10 PM.

  19. #19
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    ugh... Your-Mom...

    I get super pissed when there's a show I watch, and these guys go in and speedsub it, leading me to avoid the thread until a decent group shows up. It fucks the discussion to hell and also personally peeves me.

    But to choose between SoulFang translation or Your-Mom... maybe I'm being too picky when choosing between crap and shit...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #20
    I'm glad YourMom picked it up, episode 2 aired on the 9th, and today's the 15th. And no other sub in sight. I only need the subs for a general idea. Bruised Ichigo isn't that bad. Besides SoulFang, there's another translator in the group with him so it's not that bad I guess.

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