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Thread: Heroic Age

  1. #161
    Heroic Age - 01 - [Shinsen-MishiCorp]
    Heroic Age - 02 - [Shinsen-MishiCorp]
    Heroic Age - 03 - [Shinsen-MishiCorp]
    Heroic Age - 04 - [Shinsen-MishiCorp]
    Heroic Age - 05 - [Shinsen-MishiCorp]
    Heroic Age - 06 - [Shinsen-MishiCorp]

    I know a lot of people hate Shinsen...but I would hope they'd at least do a more professional job than Your-Mom. Though Your-Mom deserves some credit since Heroic Age is usually watchable unlike several of their other shows.

    EDIT: The karaoke is blatantly and clearly mistimed in ep4, so my argument doesn't hold as much weight anymore, but the visual quality seems better than Your-Mom at least.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 09-17-2007 at 07:52 AM.

  2. #162
    nwe heroic age by yer mom

    Heroic age 24 Mkv

    Heroic Age 24 Avi

    ARGGGGG FIN GD CLIFF HANGERS with every anime I am watching why why why why... ok got that off my chest, I feel better now
    Last edited by AbstractTheorem; Thu, 09-20-2007 at 01:08 AM.

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  3. #163
    Haha i loved when Your-Mom added the giant :3 to Deaneira.

  4. #164
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    American Empire
    Quote Originally Posted by AbstractTheorem
    ARGGGGG FIN GD CLIFF HANGERS with every anime I am watching why why why why... ok got that off my chest, I feel better now
    That would be the exact reason I've been waiting, and I'll marathon the rest of the series. I didn't want to wait for anymore parts of the fight without conclusion.

  5. #165
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Heroic Age ep 25- XviD

    Heroic Age ep 25- h264

    There ya go. Now go and watch = )

  6. #166
    That was so weird and confusing on so many levels.

  7. #167
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    I totally agree. The SSJ Bellcross was kinda alright though XD

  8. #168
    Lol the whole time he was wrestling with the golden ball I kept thinking it would be awesome if he just ate it.

    Anyway this episode had a decent little bit of mind battery. What's all this about true powers? I understood Karukinus's regeneration for everyone. Was Mehitaka's was the giant mirror? And if it was, how did he make the Golden Tribe's shields bend to his will and become that thing? Then there's Lekti...I didn't fully understand what she was talking about for most of the ep but the gist I got was that she could predict the future/ possible futures and she knew that Age/Belcross were important to the survival of everything. But what about Age and Yuti? Did anyone get what they're 'true' powers were supposed to be?

  9. #169
    All i got was like Age was the Key and Yuti was the door. Age is the catalyst for Elysion's will or something? I have no idea, I was scratching my head for most of that episode which is something I didn't think I'd be doing in Heroic Age no less.

  10. #170
    I think Lekti pulled age through all the different outcomes to the golden ball thingie.. I think.... lol .. honestly the whole episode was an explosion of confusion.. so I guess that is what I decided happened

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  11. #171
    Is this series 26 episodes long? or will it go on much longer? Looking for something new to watch

  12. #172
    Heroic Age - 26 FINAL - [Your-Mom]

    A nice episode which now that I think about it contained absolutely no action but still held my undivided attention for the full span. A nice wrap up which while not exactly unpredictable and not completely closed, was still quite satisfying for the most part. All in all this was a nice series and I'm glad someone stuck it out to the end to bring it to us.

  13. #173
    I liked the ending, it was really sweet. Which the mood was amplified by the song.

  14. #174
    Nice ending to a somewhat unusual series. Your-Mom did a decent job given the type of language spoken in this series.

  15. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by AbstractTheorem
    I think Lekti pulled age through all the different outcomes to the golden ball thingie.. I think.... lol .. honestly the whole episode was an explosion of confusion.. so I guess that is what I decided happened
    i don't think so. the first time, lekti tried to use her power to kill age/bellcross by trying every possible way to kill him. Now she used her power to amplify the goldentribes power (help bellcross to obtain it) so she didn't tried all possible paths, but spent all her power in only one path.

    i also thought about the real powers of the nodos, 4 of them was mentioned, but yutis/cerebus' power not.
    if age bellcross is existence (what makes sence cause he used that lifedraining beam, which pulled that bronce tribe guys out of existence),
    lekti/erymanthos is time,
    mehitaka/artemia is light and
    karkinos/lernaea is life

    what power that opposes the powers displayed by yuti is left?
    i think it is creation. (nothingness <> creation) ... makes sense for me

  16. #176
    Wasn't it explicitly stated when Yuti first put them in that little ball of nothingness? Her power was nothingness hence the red tornado's that sent things into the void. Age's power was existence, which I believe is why nothing could kill him.

  17. #177
    what i meant is the real power of the nodos .... since karkinos/lernaea's power was not death (as you could have thought after the first battles: some ugly fog that kills all life it touches)

  18. #178
    I thought the explanation of that was they could use their powers to influence their areas of expertise in either a positive or negative way. Lernaea could take life or give it and never died. Having power over something implies you could manipulate it as you saw fit.

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