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Thread: Heroic Age

  1. #141
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    YourMom - Heroic Age - Episode 21 -xvid

    Your Mom- Heroic Age - Episode 21 - mkv

    the xvid file seems to be fucked up. at least, i couldn't get it to work...the mkv is fine though.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Wed, 08-29-2007 at 03:39 PM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #142
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, that was...unexpected. It was always clear that Purome Ou and Lekti were the only voices of reason in the Silver Tribe and allies, but for her and Deianeira to come to an understanding so quickly and bring so many of the Silver Tribe into agreement in so short a conversation is simply put, a miracle.

    When Paeto Ou showed up to blast the Argonaut to atoms, the last thing I'd have expected occurred.

    So will we see Deianeira, Purome Ou, and the Argonaut versus Romu Ro and Paeto Ou for the remainder of the series and the search for Elysion?

  3. #143
    I didn't quite get the last little part. Why are they looking for Elysion?

  4. #144
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's the Golden Tribe's Homeworld. The starway to it closed when Golden Tribe left, and despite the Silver Tribe knowing vaguely where it is, they've never gone there because they never cared about history or had attachments to worlds like the Iron Tribe does. Since that's just the way they are, they never considered anything of importance could be there.

    Now Purome Ou and Deianeira came to the conclusion that since the Iron Tribe has always had attachments to certain Stars (despite some assholes destroying them), there may be something on Elysion that could give both Tribes the Golden Tribe's power.

  5. #145

  6. #146
    First half is boring but second half Nodos fight in mental chaos.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  7. #147
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    RASENGAN!!! Thats when I thought when Bellcross attacked. And damn I still think its kickass. Eventhough the first part was just talking.

  8. #148
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It appears to me that Yuti is more powerful than Age in terms of actual battle capabilities (with her black hole attack, blades, and sheer speed), but Age just doesnt seem to die (because his name is in the title for the show, Heroic "Age"). I mean, in the first time leap, he got absorbed in the black hole that was supposed to destroy anything, and he got out in mental chaos, WTF? I cant really come up with a decent explanation for it except for him being the protagonist. If Yuti's skill isnt all-destroying (which Age seems to have proven) then she is nowhere near Belcross' power (the hero exclusive power of never dying even when your supposed to)

    This means that Age is sure to have survived that huge blast that is supposed to annihilate everything there.
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  9. #149
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, Deianeira called Bellcross out of his state of mental chaos the last time, so it's not like he just did it on his own.

    As for his not dying, he does have 12 Labors in his contract, like another hero from a different series that never seemed to die...
    (rudimentary greek mythology knowledge may be required to understand reference)

  10. #150
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Makes sense to me, but I prefer the straightforward and logical (though not as impressive) explanation of him being the hero over the mythological one.
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  11. #151
    I don't think a lot of the physical rules that govern the abilities of the Nodos fully apply when applied to the other Nodos. Karukinas's mist is supposed to kill everything, but it doesn't kill other Nodos, just annoys them. (I think) Mehitaka's lasers are supposed to blast through everything, but again, other Nodos seem merely annoyed by them. Age also seems to be able to perceive time-hopping Lekti somehow. With all these exceptions I don't find it that hard to imagine that Yuti's void power isn't guaranteed to absolutely work on Age either, since he's also of the Heroic Tribe (maybe their power is all derived from a general ignoring of physical laws).

  12. #152
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    True, its just that, if it doesnt apply, Yuti seems to lose all her supposed power or advantage over the others, including mehitaka and the rest. I guess if that is the case, in terms of practical power vs. Nodos, Age really is supreme, with his raw power and sheer ability to break all logic.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  13. #153
    Heroic Age - 23 - [Your-Mom] MKV
    Heroic Age - 23 - [Your-Mom] AVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Your-Mom Torrent Comment
    This show will suck if that Golden Tribe power turns out to be HAPPINESS or something.
    How True.

  14. #154
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Im thinking that it isnt really a power at all, since any sort of "real" power would only result in more conflict. It will probably be a means to resolve the conflict, along with a note saying "kiss and make up".

    I was hoping since the beginning that the gold tribe were malicious little shits that try to control "less developed" tribes for their entertainment. Seems that is quite impossible by now.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #155
    It was mentioned early on that Gold Tribe's "power" is to be able to create planets (stars?).

    Well the meaning behind contracts was reviled as hints to future but why are some of them contradicting?
    And each Nodos tied to and element:
    Lekti- time
    Meshtaka- light
    Kerkerus- life
    Age- existence

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  16. #156
    Felt pretty bad for Yuti, burdened with her feelings, and Rome Ro not letting her transfer them to Purome.

    I liked this episode. The Nodos name translations were completely different this episode, save Bellcross's and Cerberus.

  17. #157
    EDIT: Apparently vBulletin lets you hit back and post again several hours later by nice.

    Anyway, I don't like when translations change in the middle of a series, hopefully it's just that the official names came out instead of a new translator making up best fits of their own. That said, 'Not Purome' Ou (not really worth remembering his name) is a tool and I hope Age just kills him before he can run away like the coward he is.

  18. #158
    Did anyone have a better chance at understanding what Age and Lekti were talking about inside that hourglass powered by Alementas? Where Age was takling about the power of four or whatever, and how Bellcross has no spirit, and he needs the help of others so he can obtain a spirit? I was so confused.

  19. #159
    I took it to mean that the Heroic Tribe members don't have 'spirits' which is probably a loose translation for something like a conscience or understanding of right and wrong or interpersonal emotions. So Age and the other Nodos are sharing their lives with the Heroic Tribers to let them know what it means to feel.

    This theory makes the Golden Tribes dealings with the Silver Tribe a bit odd though since the Silver Tribe don't use their feelings, though they at least they have them.

  20. #160
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I would have translated "kokoro" as heart, maybe then it would have made more sense.
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