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Thread: Heroic Age

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by ?igma
    Thats great for you, exchange purepwnage for lackofanything
    As you said you gave up on the how might you know everything that's happened since then amounts to 'lackofanything'? I watch both this and Kekkaishi, and while Kekkaishi is awesome it's had more pointless episodes than Heroic Age, (I'm not taking into account that Kekkaishi has run longer if you want a reason to dispute).

  2. #62
    I think Kekkaishi spent atleast 3 episodes on Cake alone.

  3. #63
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    So did Karukinus actually die? it was hard to tell since it seemed like the arm that Age almost ripped off started to heal itself. And I really don't understand the whole contract aspect of the show. Just because it was written the other 3 races are basicially slaves to 1.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    As you said you gave up on the how might you know everything that's happened since then amounts to 'lackofanything'? I watch both this and Kekkaishi, and while Kekkaishi is awesome it's had more pointless episodes than Heroic Age, (I'm not taking into account that Kekkaishi has run longer if you want a reason to dispute).
    I gave up 1 episode before the last, I doubt alot changes during just 1 or 2 new episodes

    And cake, is..soooooo ftw

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeon
    So did Karukinus actually die? it was hard to tell since it seemed like the arm that Age almost ripped off started to heal itself. And I really don't understand the whole contract aspect of the show. Just because it was written the other 3 races are basicially slaves to 1.
    Yea, I was unsure too. I thought he died, because Age seemed to have delivered a death blow, and back at the Silver Tribe base or whatever, the Silver Tribe Nodos girl looked like on the verge of tears, and stuff. Though, if he's dead, he shouldn't have regenerated. Did he regenerate by himself, or did he get healed? >_>

  6. #66
    He might have died and then his body reverted back to its natural state as the Heroic spirit part faded away.

    I'm also pretty confused about this contract thing. Did each race recieve similar mandates to rise to the level of the Golden Tribe or perish under another? Also, they said earlier that the 5 Heroes were spread amoung the other races, but as far as we know that should only include Silver, Bronze, and Iron. Assuming the other four were the four gathered under that tree at least one of them should have been a bronze tribe, and thus a bug. I wonder how they made that one humanoid.

  7. #67
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Age and the Silver Tribe girl (Yuti?) are the only ones who the same race as the ones they serve. The Golden Tribe told all the races to "move" and only 4 responded. The Heroic Tribe fought amongst themselves, and destroyed a lot, leaving only 5 survivors. The Golden Tribe decreed that they would be put into hosts in the other Tribes of the galaxy, and would serve under contract until one of them dominated the universe and succeeded the Golden Tribe. Penance for the destruction they wrought.

    The Silver Tribe was the strongest of the remaining three (seeing just one of them can be a threat to a battleship) and quickly brought the Bronze Tribe under their yoke, and then the rest of the Tribes that didn't "move." This is how they gained control of the other 3 Nodos. Open threats (like Yuti always gives to Mehitaka) kept them all in line. The Iron Tribe lost their homeworld to the Silver Tribe in an invasion led by the Bronze Tribe and have been hunted by them ever since.

    The Golden Tribe gave the strongest of the Heroic Tribe to the weakest of the Tribes, the Iron. All of the Nodos are bound under contract to protect and aid the Tribe they are bound to until only one of the three major Tribes dominates the galaxy. Then that winning Tribe must grant the Nodos a wish. The Silver Tribe pressured the others to work for them.

    I imagine Yuti is the second strongest of all the Nodos (Bellcross being #1), but for some reason, the leader of the Silver Tribe, or at least her superior, will not let her leave whatever planet they are on.

  8. #68

  9. #69
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I didn't expect the other nobles to be so stupid, but I probably should have. Her one idiot brother only wants to use Age to increase his own prestige and become King of mankind, while her other idiot brother believes that Age can be fought alongside of, to increase his own prestige. Disgusting. At least Iolaus felt bad about being unable to help Age. I definitely enjoyed how Age refused to go to the party even if Deianeira went.

    Even more interesting was Yuti's reaction to Karkinus. She's overcoming the racism of her own Tribe to worry about her own comrades. It's understandable being a reject from her own race, unable to be with them as a Nodos, and unable to fight alongside the other Nodos unless ordered. She obviously doesn't get the same consideration to have her own concerns wiped from her memory. Too bad she'll have to die along with the others, I was starting to like them.

    Deianeira: T_T

  10. #70
    Haha, yeah I like when they had that T_T at the end of someone's line, I forget whose. Age's decision to seperate from Deianeira was kinda surpising to me. But then again that's probably the best decision to carry out his contract, and prevent her from being in danger. It looks like shes stuck on home stay.

  11. #71
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Who else cries in the series constantly, Mehitaka.

    Maybe Age knows something else about what's going to happen to the first fleet to attack the Silver Tribe. If Age sees her as the true leader of the Iron Tribe, one who will lead them when his work is all done, then it's better to keep her safe.

  12. #72
    Wow I should have expected the humans to be retards but for some reason I thought that DNA (this is so much easier than remembering her real name) was a princess on the fringe but that the rest of humanity would be governed by her dad who was King.

    Without a strong single leader it's no wonder that the human nobles prance around and make big speeches without actually thinking anything through long term. Mene...M is just a power hungry douch who will likely lead that fleet to ruin in his attempts to become King just for the sake ofthe title. Hopefully he'll die early so we won't be subjected to his crap for more than an ep or two.

  13. #73
    Kinda disappointed Karukinus didn't die. Gonna mean that these fights are going to drag on a bit longer.

  14. #74
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Honestly I don't mind more kickass battles between 2 Nodoss.

  15. #75
    what i would REALLY like to see... is the war that decimated the Hero tribe. I mean... that must have been ridiculous.

    seriously though, the other Nodos piss me off. at least Age enjoys what he's doing, they are just running around looking sad.

  16. #76
    Mehitaka: I don't want to fight anymore T_T.

  17. #77
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    I sucked it up and powered the available episodes. I like this series quite a bit, although it does feel overly familair (formulaic), especially with the characters. I like Mobead (same guy who voiced Ra-Kan in Zoids Genesis, a very fitting voice), Age's grown on me, and the princess isn't super annoying, which I find very agreeable. You can smell most of the plot events a mile away, and the character interaction is much of the same, each of them sticking to their allotted stereotypes. But, whatever, the story is still delivered in a pretty interesting way, good pacing (although sometimes horribly unrealistic and inconsistent). Helps that the soundtrack is decent, nothing great though.

    I'll admit it, the action is what keeps me engrossed in this show. The Nodos fights suck, like watching Power Rangers in modern animation. But the spaceship battles are pretty awesome. I especially liked the AzuAzu fleet's fight with Mehitaka and the Bronze. Those Cores are freakin' sweet! The Organ mechs and the battleships are beautifully done as well. I really prefer this 'massive space battle' to the 'epic heroic duel'.

    I am, however, slightly confused about the Nodos. There's 5: Age, Karukinas, Mehitaka, the pink haired one and Yuti, right? But then what exactly is the deal with the creepy woman pinky was talking to about the contract? I can tell Yuti is under the direct command of that Silver Tribe guy (their king?), but I couldn't figure out that lady's deal... Also, how come the Silver got 4 Nodos, and the Iron the single, strongest, but the Bronze got nothing? Third place really got screwed over... Did the Golden Tribe just assume they'd become the subordinates of the Silver?

    edit- sorry, must have missed Ryl's explanation post. But still, what became of those 'tribes' that Mehitaka and Karurkinus came from? And where the hell is the Bronze tribe's Nodos?

    Finally, the fansubbers. I still don't like Your-Mom. Despite being the only group currently working on this series, they don't care enough to go back, correct their errors, and release second, improved versions... I think that says quite abit... In early episodes they also wouldn't translate background conversations or other audible, "secondary" utterance, which I don't like. I'm not a big fan of their use of emoticons either. Once or twice is funny, but they're just beating the horse to death... I did laugh when they did the *pew pew* sound effect for the lasers being fired, that was good...
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Tue, 06-19-2007 at 03:37 PM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #78

  19. #79
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    a pretty good build-up episode. I like that Mobead and Nilval are essentially scheming a plan to undermine the Junos brothers... The older brother, the blonde, is a pretty good speaker and a good politician, but it's obvious his pride and ambition (not spilling any of your own blood? like the Silver are that weak...) will be the cause of early and massive problems for the fleet. Atlantis, the younger brother, is just a retard. It's like a spoiled Naruto in a royal family... 'I'll beat them up!' is his battle strategy...

    I actually think it's a good idea to rely heavily on Age so long as no enemy Nodos are in play. However, the humans are just sitting back, and once the enemy Nodos come, they'll struggle mightily just to hold off the Bronze... I see them losing the flagship early on.

    Your-Mom didn't pull much asshattery this episode, I was pleasantly surprised.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #80
    Haha they did a TS Note - PANTSU! for when Age said P-A-I-NT.

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