not exactly spells..Yorito is a made existent..i guess Aono's the one been erasing memories of the others..or..Yorito can actually do that too. LOL..weird theories of mine.
not exactly spells..Yorito is a made existent..i guess Aono's the one been erasing memories of the others..or..Yorito can actually do that too. LOL..weird theories of mine.
<3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.
Fanservice wasn't really something that describes this series in my mind, but nonetheless Doremi-Sola released an episode #14 that is described as being fanservice. I'll leave it for everybody's own best discretion to decide what to do with it.
Episode 14 - Doremi-Sola
Eh, fanservice? Like pantsu shots? Because there's no cleavage really to fanservice?
This spooky composite shot of Matsuri is pretty much the extent of fanservice this ova offers. I suppose it's mostly more than the series itself did, so relatively speaking it's okay. But only relatively.
It was really awkward when they were trying to pull of humour in this. Especially since the original series had tried throwing funny moments here and there, but failed hardcore. Series doesn't bring back pleasant memories, that's for sure.
Ureshii Released DVD Special 1 and 2 aka episodes 14/15 today Found them via animesuki earlier this evening "december 30th 2007". Both are in mkv format.