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Thread: Bakuretsu Tenshi: Infinity

  1. #1

    Bakuretsu Tenshi: Infinity

    Well the OVA has finally come out. Hopefull it'll be subbed by AonE since they did the tv series. For you guys that don't know, this is an OVA for a tv series called Bakuretsu Tenshi, which you may also know as Burst Angel.

    Here's summary of the tv series. I still don't know what the OVA is about.

    In a crime-ridden future Japan, Kyohei Tachibana is a peaceful student at a culinary school, dreaming of going to France for advanced study as a patissier (pastry chef). To afford the trip, he accepts a part-time job as private cook to a strange group of women - Sei, Meg, Jo and Amy. To Kyohei's astonishment, they turn out to be a band of violent mercenaries, and he finds himself in the line of fire.
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 03-26-2007 at 07:58 PM.

  2. #2
    it looks like it gonna be good

  3. #3
    the TV series didn't perform well. In fact the plot was very disjointed...personally i won't bank much hope on this OVA either.

  4. #4
    Yeah, I agree. I thought the tv series could've been much better... still it has some good moments and some very good action scenes. If I remember correctly, the last couple of episodes were very good at least.

  5. #5
    Is it me or did the red-haired chick's tits get way smaller, well atleast from the cover art and character description pictures.

  6. #6
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    it better not be just about that grey haired chick again... was joe here name-o?
    it really began to suck when every single episode revolved about her shooting up an armored robot with a 9mm gun while jumping between two planes with an A-bomb threathing to destroy the universe...

    it was something like that... too much joe, not enough of the rest...

  7. #7
    I thought the shoujo-ai relationship in baku-ten sucked and was pretty pointless. Seemed just like a fanservice plot device.

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