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Thread: Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

  1. #21
    Brother, not father

    The movie was ok, but suffered the lip-and-over-acting-syndrom. Everytime the camera went to Elizabteh, she did something with her lips that just wanted to make me boggle. Everything was over the top and in this case, that was a baaaaaaaad thing.

    I liked the link to Sparta/300 though, first moment in the movie I really laughed.

    "This is madness"

    "This is politics"

    Last edited by ?igma; Fri, 05-25-2007 at 04:03 PM.

  2. #22
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I agree with Genma, the movie didn't deliver like its predecessors. Some jokes were over used, especially the "good bussiness" one. Calypto just vanishing baffled me. I suppose they'll put that into the next one. I know it was for dramatics, but near the end of the major fight, when Beckett was walking and the whole ship was blowing up around him, he didn't get hit by a single piece of debris. That's ridiculous. Plus points for Keira Knightley being so hot though.
    Last edited by darkmetal505; Sat, 05-26-2007 at 08:42 PM.

  3. #23
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    You people are fucking crazy. This movie was fucking EPIC!

    It's like the only time besides LotR where the third film of a trilogy totally delivered, and in no way dissapointed.

  4. #24
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    I thought the movie was awesome. Though you'll have to watch the second episode again to really understand whats happening in the 3rd.

    Most of my friend who went for the 3rd, and the last time they saw the 2nd episode was last year, they were thoroughlly confused most of the time.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  5. #25
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Just back from the movie. Wasn't too bad, but a little too overboard especially with the Elizabeth character becoming "King". I liked the little parts of comedy mixed in, especially the indian pirate with the squeaky voice.
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  6. #26
    Well just the saw the movie a few hours ago.

    I agree with people it does have a feel good factor to it. I also think that Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom can't act without being cheesy, as evidenced in the part where they got 'married'. I though Captain Barbosa was really funny, yet in the same scene these two were lame.

    The multiple Johnny Depp scenes were used a bit too many times. The parts with Lord Beckett were also a bit lame, with him walking through flying debris and not being hit by anything as a prime example.

    There were a few times during the movie where I felt the story was being told too fast, leaving me a bit confused as to why we had changed from a certain scene to the next one on a few occasions.

    Other than that a decent movie. I think the first one was the best, still not decided which was better out of the last two. There is obviously potential for a fourth movie. As has been mentioned before, make sure you watch all the credits at the end.

  7. #27
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    dammit i didn't stay until the end of the credits! what happened?

  8. #28
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Other than that a decent movie. I think the first one was the best, still not decided which was better out of the last two.
    Neither, since, really, it's all just one big 5 hour kickass movie.

  9. #29
    just got back, and i must agree, it was a totally badass thrill ride of a movie. I was a little disappointed at the lack of comedy in this movie, as compared to the first, and even the second ones. But the plot was alot better and well developed and they did a really good job of explaining some potential plot holes, like how/why barbosa was brought back to life, and why jack couldn't be brought back the same way.

    One thing i dont understand though, if barbosa was one of the pirate lords, why was he jack's first mate during the original? or did he become a pirate lord during the 10 years he was captain of the black pearl.

    i loved how the movie ended, with barbosa stealing the ship again, and jack setting sail in his little boat . it really gave a sense of closure. And the fact that he stole the map, which leads to multiple things (not just davy jones' locker, and the fountain of youth) was hilarious, and a great way to keep the series going.

    btw, for those who didn't see it, after the credits there's a scene, set 10 years later, with elizabeth walking on a cliff with her 10 year old son (or was it her daughter?), and as the sun sets, theres a green captain turner, returning to shore.

    one last thing...for those who stayed for the final scene, was that kid the same one that was hung during the first minute of the movie? cuz i swear they looked exactly the same.

  10. #30
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoopider
    I thought the movie was awesome. Though you'll have to watch the second episode again to really understand whats happening in the 3rd.

    Most of my friend who went for the 3rd, and the last time they saw the 2nd episode was last year, they were thoroughlly confused most of the time.
    Yeah, I have to agree with you there. I made the mistake of doing the exact same thing and there were quite a few plot elements I found very confusing. I am going to watch the 2nd movie now to understand it better.
    But I thought the movie was pretty good, although some elements got redundant at time. It was well done and quite funny. The action was good and I liked the ending (Will setting off with the Flying Dutchman).
    However, I never really understood Lord Beckett's sudden change of heart at the end? Is there something I am missing? That made no sense to me whatsoever. Honestly, the amount of cannons his battleship had on each side, I don't understand why he couldnt have blown both the Pearl and Dutchman to smithreens if he had asked his men to fire at the right time. After being entirely cold hearted and devious in both this and the previous movie, he decides to not do anything at the very end. Was that him just being a coward, because I don't understand why he gave up.

  11. #31
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Ok movie but the plot kinda sucked.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by ASSassIN
    One thing i dont understand though, if barbosa was one of the pirate lords, why was he jack's first mate during the original? or did he become a pirate lord during the 10 years he was captain of the black pearl.
    That was one of the things I couldn't understand, unless you don't exactly have to be a captain to get it, or he might've been a strong Captain before and then became first mate to Jack after or something.

  13. #33
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    he became a pirate lord after mutiny

  14. #34
    Good movie, but I found that they didn't always explain everything clearly and they assume that you are a "pirate" and you know what is going on. Also, the movie was too long.

    The first one was way better. But this movie was better than the second one.

    I hope they make a movie of just Jack Sparrow's adventure. That would be really fun.


  15. #35
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash!
    However, I never really understood Lord Beckett's sudden change of heart at the end? Is there something I am missing? That made no sense to me whatsoever. Honestly, the amount of cannons his battleship had on each side, I don't understand why he couldnt have blown both the Pearl and Dutchman to smithreens if he had asked his men to fire at the right time. After being entirely cold hearted and devious in both this and the previous movie, he decides to not do anything at the very end. Was that him just being a coward, because I don't understand why he gave up.
    the way i see it, the guy was a businessman. he always pulled the strings from the background, from the comfort of his office. he was also totally sure of his victory when he came aboard his battleship, which was probably why he came on board in the first place. he didn't have any experience with pirate battles, and probably wasn't truly prepared to see any actual fighting. so when it all went to hell for him, he a) froze because he had no idea what to do, and b) went into shock at not having won automatically.

    that's what i think anyway

  16. #36
    The movie was okay. It was worth the money, though I don't wanna see it again. I got so pissed about Calypso. Her freakin accent, I just wanted to hit her or make her suffer or atleast something because she was so fucking bad. And one thing. At the end? why was Lord Becketts boat at the front? Isn't that fucking retarded? He's the Commander of the whole fleet and he's in the front. Well it just sucks to much. 5/10. You can watch it once. I can't watch it again since I would probably kill myself if i couldn't shut it off.

  17. #37
    I kinda agree with Genma. It as painfully long and a lot of parts were unnecessary.

  18. #38
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyberg
    The movie was okay. It was worth the money, though I don't wanna see it again. I got so pissed about Calypso. Her freakin accent, I just wanted to hit her or make her suffer or atleast something because she was so fucking bad. And one thing. At the end? why was Lord Becketts boat at the front? Isn't that fucking retarded? He's the Commander of the whole fleet and he's in the front. Well it just sucks to much. 5/10. You can watch it once. I can't watch it again since I would probably kill myself if i couldn't shut it off.
    Yeah I understand what you are saying. Seems like the plot was driven in a direction to prevent the complete naval warfare scenario that I was actually hoping to see. All the Pirates decided to go to war against the East India Company but none of the other ships saw ANY action whatsoever. All that banding together to fight under Elizabeth's corny rallying speech (which reminded me of something from LOTR or Braveheart) was later shown to be pointless. The Black Pearl could have sailed alone, head on to meet the armada and things would have turned out the exact same way.
    Like you, I couldn't understand a single word Calypso was saying which made me miss out on a significant portion of the plot. Also, Lord's Beckett's demise was rather dissappointing. They built him up is being quite formidable (blackmailing Davy Jones and all) and through many of the scenes in the movie (the cabin scenes where he has maps laid out with advancing forces as plastic figurines), showed him as being somewhat of a military strategist or maybe even a commander, not just some ordinary business man. What kind of commander would commit 'suicide' like that with such a fabulous armada at his disposal. He always seemed like the kind of guy to play it safe, and therefore him ordering his battleship to lead the armada (at such a great distance too) was out of character.

  19. #39
    ya, it was odd that he didn't send out the other ships first...i can only assume it was cuz he was assured of his victory, and cuz he thought the flying dutchman was still on thier side.

    as for him freezing up, i think its cuz he wasn't a military man. He was a lord, which is basically a politician i believe....i dont know british history too well, but i dont think you had to be a naval officer to become a lord. If he had been an admiral, he would've fired, or told the other ships to attack.

  20. #40
    Just got back from this, I was entertained for the duration, which is all I ask of a movie. There were plenty of questions raised and threads left dangling, but there was enough cohesion to keep the movie together (owing in large part to the fact that the threads were not actually necessary; case in point...ALL THE OTHER PIRATES IN THE BRETHREN COURT). But the main plot worked well enough, pretty much everything important got resolved, and there's plenty of room for another if they so desire. All in all I was quite pleased.

    EDIT: Yes the marriage scene was cheesy, however it was worth it because of Barbarossa being hilarious throughout.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 05-27-2007 at 09:46 PM.

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