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Thread: Mail Server Problems

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    Mail Server Problems

    Attention all computer gurus out there, I'm in need of your help.

    Here's the situation: I need to send an e-mail to a teacher of mine that has a timestamp (date and time) from last week. I did some research on this topic and it seems that no email service that I am aware of will allow you to do such as the timestamp allocation is done on their mail server. However, I also found out that it is possible to set up a mail server on your own computer and manipulate the date and time to make it seem as though the email was sent in the past. I have been tinkering with Argosoft Mail Server and Microsoft Outlook/Mozilla Thunderbird and I can't seem to get it to work. If anyone has any experience with this process or just mail servers in general, please let me know as soon as possible. Also, I wouldn't mind borrowing someone else's mail server to send this single email, I'd appreciate it a lot.

    I need to send this e-mail the latest Tuesday night, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    EDIT: Never mind, I took another route and that worked.
    Last edited by stos289; Wed, 03-21-2007 at 07:55 PM.

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