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Thread: Claymore

  1. #801
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Freaking heck Flora's dead already and she didn't even have the chance to react. Rigardo simply ignoring and swating off the Claymore attacks while he took out the captains was darn impressive. Sucks for Flora though, I had her and Miria(Clare doesn't count since she's the main character) as the only two that could take on Awakened Beings.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  2. #802
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    can The Slashers repeat a miracle and take down Rigardo? I sorta figured they were going to kill off Undine, especially after her development last episode (and i hate to see Deneve sad...), but Flora and Jeane all in such a short time was really shocking to me. Flora was especially weak, Rigardo absolutely wrecked her.

    Boo hoo hoo, too much crying for my taste. Although I think this will bring Priscilla and Raki closer together, thus ensuring he lives for at least a while longer. She's totally regressed mentally... Ryl's post is quite revealing, as I didn't put nearly that much thought into her scenes... largely because I just wanted to get back to see how the Claymores were doing...

    Rigardo is absolute awesomeness, even if I am pissed he killed Undine (and will probably kill some of The Slashers...). They all need to start ganging up on him, right F'ing now. He's just picking apart the leaders too easily... Clare was the only one to try and help. Miria should have taken charge faster. Like I said before, I really feel that only Clare is going to survive, which is too bad because I really like Deneve and the other Slashers... hell, I was starting to not mind Jeane so much...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #803
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    I'm pretty sure only a Darth Vader no could express my feelings for what happened in this episode. To kill off three awesome Claymore like they were nothing(Veronika doesn't count).

    On the bright side at least Rigardo's roar was cool......but still Flora!!!

    R.I.P Captain America.

  4. #804
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    It seems the first claymores to die were forgotten. They died as quickly as those you are sad for... Maybe a little more violently.

    But I have to admitt I was quite shocked Flora didn't have the time to do anything when she's so fast with her sword, and quite a high rank. And she doesn't have the excuse she wasn't ready... In fact she died without even fighting...

    c u

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #805

    i loved this episode. and i'm okay with Rigardo killing everyone. that's what Simba shoulda done!

    next week, we'll see how strong Miria has become (although she'll probably die)

  6. #806
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    I'm hoping that some of the claymore that already had been involved in the plot and were partial awakens will be able to heal after being ripped asunder.. but then again it isn't very likely.. MAd props to Rigardo and being a sexy beast and a sexy beast

  7. #807
    Man that was just comments earlier were partially wrong since I'd forgotten how fast Rigardo owned those poor leaders. This whole ep covered a single chapter in the manga with the addition of the whiny Priscilla section to fill the rest of the time.

    The animation quality seemed to suffer quite a bit in the Priscilla scenes as her eating was just her head moving into the entrails with her mouth closing. Usually I don't notice poor animation but that just stares you right in the face. And on the subject of the Priscilla kinda felt like crap to me, Priscilla has been awakened for over 10 years and she still cries like that and acts like a human? If that's the case it makes it look like awakening is just a power boost + a desire to eat entrails. Which would make no sense since the I doubt the organization would be against feeding human entrails to an army of awakened ones if that's all it took to keep them acting like normal people. (Read the manga for a better explanation, specifically v09 c50)

  8. #808
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Why did Veronica have to die? She was hot with that pony-tail. And we didn't even see much of her!!

    But one thing I like about this anime is that everything isn't fairy-tale like where everyone survives and such.

    I wonder how they will stop Rigardo...

  9. #809
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    She was hot? I really have an issue calling any of the claymores in claymore form hot.. They are all blond gold/silver eyed.. plain faced folk >> Once they awaken though ::fireworks.::

  10. #810
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Damn, Rigardo is broken. However, since Clare can't die in this anime, he will perish or run away because Easly beckons him.

  11. #811
    I predict that miria will face off against rigardo, and both will be killed. Theres no way for rigardo AND a claymore to survive (that includes clare). So he must die before they're all killed. And the very last scene in the preview shows miria facing off against what seem to be rigardo's claws. Not to mention that little speech about how strong miria had gotten, and how she must have gone through alot since thier last meet-up, that happened when all the claymores first arrived.

    I think in the end, 3 slashers will remain, with the majority of the minor claymores surviving. Now that the the top brass has been killed, the organization is severely weakened, with the only 'strong' warriors being the top 4.

  12. #812
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Man that was just comments earlier were partially wrong since I'd forgotten how fast Rigardo owned those poor leaders. This whole ep covered a single chapter in the manga with the addition of the whiny Priscilla section to fill the rest of the time.

    The animation quality seemed to suffer quite a bit in the Priscilla scenes as her eating was just her head moving into the entrails with her mouth closing. Usually I don't notice poor animation but that just stares you right in the face. And on the subject of the Priscilla kinda felt like crap to me, Priscilla has been awakened for over 10 years and she still cries like that and acts like a human? If that's the case it makes it look like awakening is just a power boost + a desire to eat entrails. Which would make no sense since the I doubt the organization would be against feeding human entrails to an army of awakened ones if that's all it took to keep them acting like normal people. (Read the manga for a better explanation, specifically v09 c50)
    Pure speculation:
    Do you think Priscilla could revert from her Awakened Being state?
    We've had Claymores able to revert just before the Awakening, Jeane being the one that had gone the furthest (and I liked her awakened form...).
    Would it be possible that she reverts, has she's far more powerful and she seems to hate her state so much?
    That would probably be to cheap an idea though, but still possible...

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  13. #813
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    I THINK .. bah caps.. I think once you have eaten guts you have eaten guts..

  14. #814
    Claire and all the other claymores have already awaken, the only difference is that they were able to keep their own persona's and not give into guts eating. I don't know if pricilla can regain her psyche...she's bat crazy.

    I'm actually happy they added some weight to Pricilla's character and made her a schizophrenic mess. One minute she's a Lady Killer, the next moment she's a fragile naked girl crying over spilt bowels.

  15. #815
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    Claire and all the other claymores have already awaken, the only difference is that they were able to keep their own persona's and not give into guts eating.
    Well the difference is these claymores didn't fully awaken, they were @ 90 or 95%
    maybe 99 for Jeanne, but never fully awaken.
    Jeanne set the border: Your body can be fully awaken, the border is your mind... once your mind crosses the border, you're fully awaken.

    Now I take Ophelia, prior to her death she separated what was left of her that wasn't yoma. Being crazy seemed to affect her fully awakened state and left room for a wish to be killed...
    That's interresting cause you mentionned Priscilla may be totally schyzophrenic, we could have the same type of event for Priscilla, we had with Ophelia.
    Will Raki play a role and help extract what's left of humanity from Priscilla?
    Do you see my point?

    c u

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #816
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but is Rigardo, the Silver-Eyed Lion King, one of the Dwellers of the Deep? If not, whose the third one exluding Easley and the Grudge girl that is boyfriends with Duff ^_^?

  17. #817
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ody
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but is Rigardo, the Silver-Eyed Lion King, one of the Dwellers of the Deep? If not, whose the third one exluding Easley and the Grudge girl that is boyfriends with Duff ^_^?
    As of yet, we only know that Dwellers of the Deep were #1 claymores.
    dont reveal info that hasn't been relvealed inthe anime yet he is not a Dweller of the Deep, Priscilla isn't for the same reason.
    I don't remember hearing the name of the third one, however we had a short glimpse of the awakened state.

    c u
    Last edited by Assassin; Thu, 08-23-2007 at 10:52 AM.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #818
    I don't think it was stated in the anime,do not quote spoilers before awakening. Anyways, if you hadn't noticed already, he's Easley's righthand man or 2nd in command.
    Last edited by Assassin; Thu, 08-23-2007 at 10:54 AM.

  19. #819
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The third one has different features than Rigardo, check episode 16. She (since there's only been one male generation), hasn't been mentioned otherwise. Her name remains a mystery for the anime watchers.

    Rigardo is ridiculously strong, but remember how effortlessly Riful stopped Galatea, Clare and Jeane, as well as how protected she is, you can't cut the body of something made out of ribbons. All Abyssal Ones should be of the same caliber she was.

  20. #820
    So, where's my Clare HAX?

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